If you're on this thread slagging off others without having put up a 'confession' of your own, congratulations, you be trollin'
This isn't YouTube.
If they were real confessions, and not hyperbole from a fight back in 3rd grade.
If you're on this thread slagging off others without having put up a 'confession' of your own, congratulations, you be trollin'
This isn't YouTube.
I once robbed a guy for 5 pounds, because he pretty much forced me to. Afterwards, to save face he was going around telling people there was a $5,000 reward for whoever could lead him to me or tell him where I was. (wasn't hiding, whatevs) His big words got back to me, so I went directly to his house, knocked on the door, he was dumb enough to open it, at which time I convinced him that his best option was to pay me my reward and either move or keep his fucking big mouth shut in my city. Left with the cash, never saw him again.
If they were real confessions, and not hyperbole from a fight back in 3rd grade.
Sometimes, real late at night, I like to pee off my balcony. Don't judge me.
I used to do that when I lived in Minneapolis. Only, I peed out a window, and it was on the bums and crackheads at 3 in the morning, in Steven's Square. LoL. No shame there brotha'!
I make a really killer Cheese Cake. I made one a few years ago, for the boss lady's office. She knew it was not a "lite" or diet cheese cake (about 500 calories a piece, and we're talking wedge pieces, not human sized.) Took it in to her office for her, and all her co-workers just HAD to try some!!! But, only if it was "diet." So, I said it was. They ate the whole thing, and left her with like 3 pieces... Fuck your diet, fatty. That's what you get for being greedy and eating my boss lady's strawberry cheese cake!
i dine-n-dashed for the first time this weekend.
i did somethin many years ago that i regret but i'm afraid to talk about...sure wish i hadnt done it...
i dine-n-dashed for the first time this weekend.
Just so you know that will usually come out of your server's (minimum wage +) pocket when you do that.
Mrs GWN is a server & she will chase "walkers" down & grab em so she doesn't do all the work & then have to pay some douch's $100 bill on top of it.
When I was young around 10 I got off the bleachers at a baseball game and told a kid not to take my spot sitting at the top.
He did and I pushed him off it backwards when I came back. He landed neck first on a cooler and was knocked unconscious. It was maybe a 7 foot drop off the back.
It's illegal for an employer to pay less than minimum wage. The gas station my wife works at tried docking pay for drive offs and found out the hard way.Just so you know that will usually come out of your server's (minimum wage +) pocket when you do that.
Mrs GWN is a server & she will chase "walkers" down & grab em so she doesn't do all the work & then have to pay some douch's $100 bill on top of it.