connoisseur genetics

@nick nasty ..solid info ..that's what I've wanted to kno for a while ..

They used the cut direct from soma ..
I was hoping OJD would make a limited amount of s1s from that cut but I doubt it ..I'm not sure if its unethical in the seed world or what the arrangement was but I just want like 10 s1s ..I'm sure a few people would ..I kno soma made fems but between the pricing and his breeding style Im never spending that on him ..

Soma is the same one that said nnaners are good an u should collect them and pollinate some of ur branches and have s1 seeds ..not like I don't grow selfed plants but I'm not giving u 150-200+ for ya hermie method ..I can do that myself ..and to be honest last time I heard something good about soma was when lavender hit the scene ..since then it seems like nothing ..

I also noticed every Spanish /Dutch company has a "diesel" and I'm positive 97% of them are based off the soma clone/seeds stock just watered down or selfed ..I did grow g13 labs diesel's nyc x g13 haze had the smell and fuel funk but tasted like shit ..only did one bean and till this day I wondering is there anything good there ..short flower time also around 60-65 days ..maybe I got lucky ..but as far as buying NYC diesel unless its made by people in the American weed culture who can compare it to other kushes and such then I don't want it ..
Yes, Best way I could describe it is it was like sucking on a grapefruit. Very sour-sweet tart fruit , very uplifting high, made your nose curl up when you smelled the bag.

Thanks for responding. I got a clone about two years ago....and was told it was the cup cut. Only diesel that won the cup was Soma's. Although it is similar looking to the ecsd....the smell and taste are somewhat different and much stronger! I always get asked when i will have more of this strain.....anyone who smells/smokes this is an instant lover. Almost like it's a drug and their addicted.....that's how bad people want it! Not a big hard to keep up. I can see why it won the cup!
Well that maybe but the whiff I get from my Hippy Private Stash brings back memories of the 2001 CCup and I know I had the Red Grapefruit cut then. It has an unforgettable taste and smell and is probably the best tasting weed I have ever had. We will see once she flowers but like I said this is the closest I have gotten to that smell...
They have fems but I don't think it's the clone s1s ..I think it's s1s of there version of sour d ..which is even stupider in my opinion ..sterile ? I kno jah has a handful of s1s and a few crosses he plans to make or made so it can't be that sterile ..using that sour cream male was a horrible move ..I think I also read someone else did the breeding on that like dna used some of its breeders to work that cross ..

Good looking on the straw dog ..I have one more question ..I've been hesitant on buying this one but I might just buy like 5 to test out ..the UK chem ? It's supposed to be orgn kid kush/chem x another og ? This one is never talked about I have yet to see a finished grow smoke report ..

Ukhem is pure fire bro I've used it to make a couple of crosses. Me and a few of my friends who ran it swear the ghost og cut was used to make it. And as far as Connie gear goes I liked the ukhem and the xheesedog was amazing but stay away from the sour hazy Jones. Unless of course u like hazey tasting weed.
^^ thanks for the tip ! I always wanted to run ukem ..I've only seen one report on it ..I love the cheesedog also ..

I didn't even kno soma had 2 different cuts ..funny thing I read that thread OJD made I didn't notice he said mandarin ..
Ukhem is pure fire bro I've used it to make a couple of crosses. Me and a few of my friends who ran it swear the ghost og cut was used to make it. And as far as Connie gear goes I liked the ukhem and the xheesedog was amazing but stay away from the sour hazy Jones. Unless of course u like hazey tasting weed.
What's wrong with hazy tasting bud???
One of my all time faves hands down..
Ukhem is pure fire bro I've used it to make a couple of crosses. Me and a few of my friends who ran it swear the ghost og cut was used to make it. And as far as Connie gear goes I liked the ukhem and the xheesedog was amazing but stay away from the sour hazy Jones. Unless of course u like hazey tasting weed.
i have to agree with you on the Sour Hazy Jones. i grew some out and all smelled the same and nothing like diesel. it took awhile in the jars for the smell and flavor to change, so to whoever is growing some out, i would suggest making this the last jar to touch in order for the terpenes to change and for more desirable weed. oh yeah, potency was nothing to brag about either.

another suggestion for you'll would be Chem Wreck Kush. it's a major underrated strain that has it all accept yield.
FUEL is there most underrated strain in my opinion. They used Casey in to many crosses but there Casey's are good(they got 2 cuts). There new OG chem line isnt the greatest in my opinion, the male that they used was big and smelly but weak potency in crosses. There most known strain SSSDH is great if your a sativa kinda person. There best at taking clone onlys and making killer crosses from them. The leader of CSG is ojd, he is one of the nicest breeders out there and easy to talk to and doesnt have a blown up ego.
FUEL is there most underrated strain in my opinion. They used Casey in to many crosses but there Casey's are good(they got 2 cuts). There new OG chem line isnt the greatest in my opinion, the male that they used was big and smelly but weak potency in crosses. There most known strain SSSDH is great if your a sativa kinda person. There best at taking clone onlys and making killer crosses from them. The leader of CSG is ojd, he is one of the nicest breeders out there and easy to talk to and doesnt have a blown up ego.
I'm running 4 of their Grateful Casey Fem Mix now, and I've been blown away with the quality and engagement from the guy running their IG account. Excited to dig into some of their lines after this run.
I'm running 4 of their Grateful Casey Fem Mix now, and I've been blown away with the quality and engagement from the guy running their IG account. Excited to dig into some of their lines after this run.
Over at icmag ojd is looking for testers in his sub forum now so you might want to go check them out and show some pictures of your grateful Casey's will help get your foot in the door.
Over at icmag ojd is looking for testers in his sub forum now so you might want to go check them out and show some pictures of your grateful Casey's will help get your foot in the door.
Thanks, if OJD is the same guy who runs their instagram then we've been in touch. He's been super helpful and responive to questions and given me some thoughts on which of the mix could be various crosses. One of the 4 has a very hazy look to it, and great bud development, he's encouraging me to let that run long and it'll be a potent one.

I've been so happy with this pack and his approach, I'm gonna buy a pack or two for the future. That said, I'll check out ICMag, I'm not registered there and it's always good to have another resource.