Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

I am happy to debate but the racism charge is an ugly thing to say and not true.

Ok I'm sorry, just because you kinda sort of took a side with Illegal smile when he was blatently and proudly taking a racist stand doesn't make you racist. Cecil Rhodes wasn't as bad a Hitler...
i don't give a fuck about the size of government. i don't think it should be bigger or smaller, i think it should be smarter. mark me down as a social liberal and a fiscal technocrat. they are, disproportionately. witness the prison population. what goes on with a woman's body is between her and her doctor, and no one else. anthropogenic climate change exists, and we should switch over to renewable, sustainable energy sources yesterday even if it did not exist. that way we can focus on the real elephant in the room, which is water. how do we produce enough crops to feed our ever growing population without water to grow those crops? it's a pretty malthusian problem that i hear almost no one talking about, ever. no, your strawboys do not a liberal make. but making strawboys like that all day long do feed into the title of this thread. i am my brother's keeper daily. i can't help it. i stop at red lights so i don't kill people, i tell someone if they tucked their shirt into their underwear, i share food with my neighbors all the time, offer them help when i see them doing something. what can i say? i think that the measure of society is how we treat our weakest and most vulnerable, and that no man is an island. the better we do as a whole, the better each of us do individually. "don't fuck with me and i won't fuck with you" is, i feel, not the best way to pass this most important of tests. you and i wouldn't be on the internet right now if not for collectivism. edit: you may disagree with me on the "no man is an island" thing, you may be more of the sartre type, i.e. "hell is other people". just remember, us humans are pack animals. i guarantee that if we got attacked tomorrow, we would put aside every single difference we had and bond together instantly to protect our country as a whole.
Bucky the Saint. Ha Ha Ha! Tell us more about what a wonderful person you are.
In other words, you're dumb. Read the article if you can. *EDIT* yes, the article is saying (gently but clearly) that progressives, liberals and atheists are smarter than their counterparts. (scientific studies cited)
A liberal quoting liberals about how stupid people that disagree with them are. And all the liberals have to post on the great intelligence of the OP and his sources. Pathetic.
the logical falacies here are near endless. There are no "factors associated with the liberal base" as you attempt to assert. Liberals tend to be more educated, in fact 2.5 grade levels, than conservatives but the correlation is unproven, do liberals become more educated or do the more educated tend to become liberal. Income is a function of education however I have yet to find any statistical demonstration of conservative vs liberal income. Criminal records? So do criminals become liberals or do liberals gravitate toward crime? - and "being black"? are you attempting to show that black people are less intelligent than whites?
Given the liberal leanings of most colleges, could it be that the more educated are exposed to more liberal indoctrination?
lame is a bunch of whiney pussy conservatives trying to write off peer-reviewed scientific studies proving how dumb they are.

Pseudoscience is funner.

All the light millennia out there and you don't believe in aliens? Humans are way less likely to have survived in the universe given our tendency for retardism.

I am open to it. I am also skeptical. I agree the probability that we are not alone in the universe is actually a certainty. I do not agree that little grey aliens abduct ugly women to get them pregnant. Just saying, I have never witnessed a UFO with my own eyes, nor have I ever even had discourse with someone who claims they have. Same for abductions and demonic possession and winning the lottery. Somebody is making shit up imo.
I am open to it. I am also skeptical. I agree the probability that we are not alone in the universe is actually a certainty. I do not agree that little grey aliens abduct ugly women to get them pregnant. Just saying, I have never witnessed a UFO with my own eyes, nor have I ever even had discourse with someone who claims they have. Same for abductions and demonic possession and winning the lottery. Somebody is making shit up imo.

Yes it is simply naive to believe in this vast universe we are the only life forms however that form may take. On an interesting side note, I happened upon a youtube about Mayan 2012 suggesting a 2nd sun was what may be coming. It was also suggested that maybe the planet our ancestors are from revolves around it. I haven't gotten to looking deeper but it did make a decent case citing the Haiti earthquake and others correlating to when it would have been opposite the earth and maybe I should just go find it lol but I'm wondering if anyone else has any idea what I'm rambling about? I believe information is my best weapon, I try to expose myself to as much as I can hoping I can dig through the BS plus it's more interesting than TV ;-)
Yes it is simply naive to believe in this vast universe we are the only life forms however that form may take. On an interesting side note, I happened upon a youtube about Mayan 2012 suggesting a 2nd sun was what may be coming. It was also suggested that maybe the planet our ancestors are from revolves around it. I haven't gotten to looking deeper but it did make a decent case citing the Haiti earthquake and others correlating to when it would have been opposite the earth and maybe I should just go find it lol but I'm wondering if anyone else has any idea what I'm rambling about? I believe information is my best weapon, I try to expose myself to as much as I can hoping I can dig through the BS plus it's more interesting than TV ;-)
fuck me i thought i'd heard it all a 2nd sun? dont you think we might have seen the fucking star on its way here haven't you seen that big yellow thing in the day? you not think we wouldnt have noticed a second one?