conservative pussies!


Well-Known Member
So I always hear the conservatives talking about how they're gonna do something if the government tries to take away their rights and pretty soon we'll be in a civil war/ mad max society (yeah right). The way I see it the towel heads over in iraqistan are actually fighting back against the same oppressive government that all you conservatives are so against. The question I am posing is "How is your fighting against the government going to be more justified than the iraqistani peoples fight against u.s invading troops"?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to post here, but I already said I would not post in this section lol, and got another neg Rep from a mod or someone that would not even identify them self,,,must be someone that disagrees with me lol,,,,keep on keeping on.


New Member
We don't need a civil war. We have the voting booth. If you really want to see what conservatives will do, just tune in to the 2010 elections next November.

The Republican Party is being purged of liberal/socialists/commies as we speak. A conservative rebirth is taking place in the Republican Party. Its a fact though that a LOT of Republicans haven't caught on to what's happening in their own party, even though the change is right under their noses, and even as those changes will cost them their congressional seats come 2010.


Well-Known Member
We don't need a civil war. We have the voting booth. If you really want to see what conservatives will do, just tune in to the 2010 elections next November.

The Republican Party is being purged of liberal/socialists/commies as we speak. A conservative rebirth is taking place in the Republican Party. Its a fact though that a LOT of Republicans haven't caught on to what's happening in their own party, even though the change is right under their noses, and even as those changes will cost them their congressional seats come 2010.
Than everything will be alright? is That what you are saying?


Well-Known Member
We don't need a civil war. We have the voting booth. If you really want to see what conservatives will do, just tune in to the 2010 elections next November.

The Republican Party is being purged of liberal/socialists/commies as we speak. A conservative rebirth is taking place in the Republican Party. Its a fact though that a LOT of Republicans haven't caught on to what's happening in their own party, even though the change is right under their noses, and even as those changes will cost them their congressional seats come 2010.

well that's nice but too bad the economy is so shot. seeing that poorer people on average vote more liberally and the number of poor in this country is raising have fun holding onto your HOPE for a conservative comeback. I guess the greed of the people who make more money than average will come to bite them in the ass since they are the reason the economy is shot. when one makes a million dollars 20 people lose.


Well-Known Member
"How is your fighting against the government going to be more justified
than the iraqistani peoples fight against u.s invading troops"?

It will be just as justified.
No violence will take place until it becomes clear
the government is in clear violation of the constitution. (That day has come and gone)
No violence will tack place until all posible avenue of
redress of greivences has been tried and tried again. (We are here)

But if the US government
A. subjects the constitution to foreign laws
B. attempts to merge the US with Mexico and or Canada
C. attempts to create a supernational government above the US government.
D. attempts to confiscate firearms.

That would be justification in my mind.
You may lauph at what I'm saying
thats fine I'm not here to argue about it.


Well-Known Member
boy, did a find a question you conservatives won't answer cuz you know it makes ya'll hipocrates?


Well-Known Member
well first off there wont be a civil war. One day people will realise that the larger your government gets the less freedom you will have. Thats just fact and it may seem like the right road to take america down but it's a clear contradiction from what our fore fathers wanted and what our constitution provides us. I'll gladly move out of the country if im around that far down the road. i would rather live somewhere that is clearly labeled socialist instead of a false democracy...


Well-Known Member
well first off there wont be a civil war. One day people will realise that the larger your government gets the less freedom you will have. Thats just fact and it may seem like the right road to take america down but it's a clear contradiction from what our fore fathers wanted and what our constitution provides us. I'll gladly move out of the country if im around that far down the road. i would rather live somewhere that is clearly labeled socialist instead of a false democracy...
keep on skirting the question lets see how far off topic we can make this by page 3. I thought conservatives were all about stopping the spin?


Well-Known Member
wasnt the question what will we do after the so called civil war? Maybe next time you can clearly state an issue and you'll get the answer your looking for...
have a good evenin


Well-Known Member
wasnt the question what will we do after the so called civil war? Maybe next time you can clearly state an issue and you'll get the answer your looking for...
have a good evenin
nope you should read and then read it again some people understand written words the first time around some need to read it a couple times or have someone else explain it to them. I'd put most conservatives in the latter group of people.


Well-Known Member
What is the fucking question?
Q. Should conservatives support proping up dictatorships? A. No
Q. Do conservatives support dictatorships? A. Yes
Q. While complaining about creeping tyranny at home? A. Yes, (we should be complaining about tyranny at home)
Q. Are they being Hipocritical? A. Yes (we should give moral support to freedom everywhere)

Because the conservatives that support the war support the creeping tyranny.

This is me staying on topic I think.


Well-Known Member
What is the fucking question?
Q. Should conservatives support proping up dictatorships? A. No
Q. Do conservatives support dictatorships? A. Yes
Q. While complaining about creeping tyranny at home? A. Yes, (we should be complaining about tyranny at home)
Q. Are they being Hipocritical? A. Yes (we should give moral support to freedom everywhere)

Because the conservatives that support the war support the creeping tyranny.

This is me staying on topic I think.
i find this a fair response. :bigjoint: