conservative pussies!


Active Member
We don't need a civil war. We have the voting booth. If you really want to see what conservatives will do, just tune in to the 2010 elections next November.

The Republican Party is being purged of liberal/socialists/commies as we speak. A conservative rebirth is taking place in the Republican Party. Its a fact though that a LOT of Republicans haven't caught on to what's happening in their own party, even though the change is right under their noses, and even as those changes will cost them their congressional seats come 2010.
The moderates are being purged from your party.
You're going to be left with the Sarah Palins, Hannitys, Rush Limbaughs and other hardcore wingnuts.
I'm not saying that I don't endorse this because it makes it easier for dems to get elected, but congratulations on causing your party implode.


Well-Known Member
A fight between US citizens and its government is quite different than a war we are fighting over seas. "Towel heads," I knew you were racist but keep it out of the forum. The people fighting against US troops in the middle east are terrorists that don't like you, me, or America. If a "civil war" breaks out in the US, the people fighting against gov't will be fighting to retain our freedoms. The US is trying to expand freedoms for people in the middle east. Bottom line is you can't justify terrorists killing US troops, however, you can justify the US people trying to keep their freedom. Congrats Wordz, this is easily one of your top ten most stupid ass posts?


New Member
The moderates are being purged from your party.
You're going to be left with the Sarah Palins, Hannitys, Rush Limbaughs and other hardcore wingnuts.
I'm not saying that I don't endorse this because it makes it easier for dems to get elected, but congratulations on causing your party implode.
Well to be clear, the Republican Party is not my party ... and hasn't been for the past 25 years. There's a misconception that if one is a conservative, one must belong to the Republican Party. Not true at all.

The people being purged from the Republican Party aren't "moderate" about anything. The Republican who was forced out in district 23 in NY was further to the left than the Democrat candidate. Same thing with Arlen Spector. Good riddance, I say. What say you?

And by the way, if you are underestimating folks like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, you're making a huge mistake.


Well-Known Member
You know I like Bachmen.
Don't know to much about her.
But I know she isn't a bitch to Ron Paul
and even invited Ron to one of her town halls.
Palin is just not gonna fly IMO she has something of a negitive stigma about her.

I'm thinkin' Paul/Bachmen or Paul/Napolitono
Gary Johnson looks good (no name recognition though)
I also like Tom McClintock (against my better judgement I like this man)

But Republicans better be able to stand by their principles and explain them.
Thats how Reagen Won he was the great communicater. (unlike Paul who does fumble a bit)

The Republicans can't take anything for granted though people still rememeber Bush.
They do not want a repeat.

I can justify "Terrorists" killing our troops.
Its not our country
what would we do if China occupied the US
and wanted to impose their laws on us?

Its not our country and any government we prop up will be seen as a US puppet.
Nobody wants to live under the yoke of some other power no matter how benevelent.
Would you like it if Mexico Annexed California to Texas? Same thing. (At least in my mind)

Cloud City

New Member
Well to be clear, the Republican Party is not my party ... and hasn't been for the past 25 years. There's a misconception that if one is a conservative, one must belong to the Republican Party. Not true at all.

The people being purged from the Republican Party aren't "moderate" about anything. The Republican who was forced out in district 23 in NY was further to the left than the Democrat candidate. Same thing with Arlen Spector. Good riddance, I say. What say you?

And by the way, if you are underestimating folks like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, you're making a huge mistake.

I get the impression that you probably don't vote but if you do, who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?


New Member
I get the impression that you probably don't vote but if you do, who did you vote for in the last Presidential election?
My first vote for president went to John F. Kennedy ... and I have not missed a presidential election since.

This last election I bit the bullet and voted for McCain/Palin. Why? .. Because I have a knowledge of history and recognized right off the bat what Obama stands for. I needed no other proof than his speech in Berlin. Did you listen to the speech? Did you hear him say: "The individual will have to learn to sacrifice for the good of the community?" Did you see the 200,000 cheering Germans that hadn't a clue about their own history? Its quite apparent that the German youth have been dumbed down through their education system, just as you have through ours.


New Member
I also like Tom McClintock (against my better judgement I like this man)
Ilkhan ...

No need to have doubts about McClintock. He's a straight-arrow kind of guy. He's actually a libertarian in Republican clothing.

I've met Tom personally on several occasions and have worked on his campaigns in a small capacity. The guy should be governor of California. Tom sticks by his principles and he has a viable plan for balancing the state budget

Remember when he was running against Ahhhnold and McClintock refused to back out of the race in spite of the urging of his party? Like I said, Tom sticks by his principles. :)

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
I'd answer all your questions but I think I'll pull a Palin and charge you 100,000. for my 2cents. Which is what I think Ms. Palin is worth. (probably need change from my 2cents)


New Member
I'd answer all your questions but I think I'll pull a Palin and charge you 100,000. for my 2cents. Which is what I think Ms. Palin is worth. (probably need change from my 2cents)
How did you come by that two cents? Just wondering, cuz you make no cents. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You want on an honest discussion so you label this thread "conservative pussies", fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
palin... she was the one that 'sees russia from her backyard' if im not mistaken :lol:

another point id like to offer-
obama prolly couldnt tie his shoes if he didnt have someone telling him how to do it... what makes you think he is capable of making radical changes to the us govt? he cant even close guantanamo, nevermind healthcare! :lol: im not an anti-obama type, nor am i pro obama... but i think some people give him too much credit, the mans track record on capability is kinda wavering at this point, dont you think?

and as far as the republicans go... i think they have more than a few years of rebuilding there party ahead of them if they plan on retaining there credibility. between W and the the mcpalin campaign, they lost alot in the eyes of the world IMO. and the democrats are too busy sucking each others dicks (pork) and patting themselves on the back to stay focused on any single issue, and the ones that do get attention are torn apart by partisan politics while the country suffers and we print more money to pay debts from borrowing other countries printed money....... kinda funny but not funny, its like the plot to a bad video game! politicians are so out of touch with the reality of being a common american its almost impossible to say that they even represent there districts with integrity... when was the last time a Rep or Senator asked for YOUR opinion.... im willing to guess it was when you had your checkbook in hand at the donation rally :/


New Member
palin... she was the one that 'sees russia from her backyard' if im not mistaken

another point id like to offer-
obama prolly couldnt tie his shoes if he didnt have someone telling him how to do it... what makes you think he is capable of making radical changes to the us govt? he cant even close guantanamo, nevermind healthcare! :lol: im not an anti-obama type, nor am i pro obama... but i think some people give him too much credit, the mans track record on capability is kinda wavering at this point, dont you think?
Actually, Palin said that you can see Russia from Alaska ... which is true.

The rest of your post is great. :lol:


Well-Known Member
to whoever gave me neg rep for the palin comment....
no kidding it was tina fey. my point was THAT is what most americans will remember about sara palin... tina fey.

now who's the idiot?


Well-Known Member
What can you never take back?...................a first impression and that's why Palin won't make it in 2012


New Member
to whoever gave me neg rep for the palin comment....
no kidding it was tina fey. my point was THAT is what most americans will remember about sara palin... tina fey.
now who's the idiot?
Someone actually gave you a neg rep for that comment? Damn ... there are some really sensitive people posting here. :lol:


New Member
What can you never take back?...................a first impression and that's why Palin won't make it in 2012
Personally, I don't think Palin will be running for anything in 2012, especially for president.

What I DO think, is that Palin will be a solid, positive influence on the conservative wing of the Republican Party for years to come. She's effective and has a HUGE following in Middle America. Just take a look at the influence she had in the election last Tuesday in district 23 in NY. The far left Republican candidate was tossed out on her collective ear and the Conservative Party candidate got 45% of the vote, even though he was an unknown and had only been in the race for a very short time. All because Palin and a few other true conservatives backed him.

This is why the Progressive, Hard Left fears Palin so much ... and why they, and even some in the Republican Party, tried so hard to destroy her.
to whoever gave me neg rep for the palin comment....
no kidding it was tina fey. my point was THAT is what most americans will remember about sara palin... tina fey.

now who's the idiot?
I got one too. I deserved mine though. I was PMS all the way a few weeks ago. Nailed a couple of trolls and was just in a foul mood. I was out of it.

But... how in the world can you get a flag for what you wrote???

I think you got sniped by a Jackass .
It would be nice to know how they moderate such things.
Anyhow- Cheers and welcome to the club!
Nice to have you here. Bong is on your right.