conservative pussies!

perhaps some clarification here Wordz. I am not sure where this Iraqistan is. If your point is to show ignorance of world geography, that's cool. done...If you meant to infer that the fighters in Iraq came from all over the Middle East, Bingo. Right again.
Conservatives believe in freedom, numbnuts. It is as simple as that. Smaller government and less intrusion in our lives. Terrorists, on the other hand, want to kill the infidel, and unless you are Muslim, Wordz, that's you, too. They want to control what you do and when, how you dress, and what you eat. Look up Sharia law sometime when you ain't too smoked.
Liberals, while not as bad as the Islamists that threatened everyone, believe in bigger government, social programs, higher taxes and less personal responsibility. Take from the wealthy and give to the poor. Sounds like socialism to me.
Conservatives believe in doing it for yourself, like growing your own smoke. Liberals believe in having it done for you, like going to the corner to buy a bag of shit for too much money. It costs you a lot more upfront and in the long run.

While I realize this is probably beyond most libs, please try to say something substantial when starting a thread. You know how to state a premise or a position to start a serious discussion, don't you guys or are personal attacks the only way to make some kind of point, whatever it was.
Of course it is a lot more fun to just let loose with some good old bashing. You know, like how liberals are all sniveling, whiny, limpwristed,panty-waist baglickers who wear pads on their knees and little silk hankies to clean up the inevitable mess, and dry everything off all nice and clean?
Oh hell yeah...that is more fun.


Well-Known Member
Well some conservative believe in freedom.
Most wouldn't know "freedom" if it jumped in their lap and called 'um momma.
The point about First impressions and Palin=spot on IMO.
Romney=presided over Mass. universal healthcare + just look at him he screams "politican"
Huckabee=Christian Conservative + he has some baggage from Ark, Huckster would be seen as a theocrat.
The Republicans need someone with Principle who can explain Freedom to both Liberal and Conservative.

The Peace Canidate will win 9-10 times.
We need someone with a firm grasp of Economics.
We need to cut government spending
We need to cut taxes to grow Jobs.
We need someone with the principle to veto unbalaced budgets.
We need to end the war on drugs.
We need to treat others around the world the way we would like to be treated.
I wonder who the Republican can get who would do all these things?


Well-Known Member
palin... she was the one that 'sees russia from her backyard' if im not mistaken :lol:

another point id like to offer-
obama prolly couldnt tie his shoes if he didnt have someone telling him how to do it... what makes you think he is capable of making radical changes to the us govt? he cant even close guantanamo, nevermind healthcare! :lol: im not an anti-obama type, nor am i pro obama... but i think some people give him too much credit, the mans track record on capability is kinda wavering at this point, dont you think?

and as far as the republicans go... i think they have more than a few years of rebuilding there party ahead of them if they plan on retaining there credibility. between W and the the mcpalin campaign, they lost alot in the eyes of the world IMO. and the democrats are too busy sucking each others dicks (pork) and patting themselves on the back to stay focused on any single issue, and the ones that do get attention are torn apart by partisan politics while the country suffers and we print more money to pay debts from borrowing other countries printed money....... kinda funny but not funny, its like the plot to a bad video game! politicians are so out of touch with the reality of being a common american its almost impossible to say that they even represent there districts with integrity... when was the last time a Rep or Senator asked for YOUR opinion.... im willing to guess it was when you had your checkbook in hand at the donation rally :/
you do bring up some very good points..