Conservative's thoughts on the 45th President

Conservatives are severe hoarders and preppers also. I can see getting ahead on supplies and having something for home defense but jesus they go overboard. Get on youtube and search prepper videos. Its all conservatives telling you to buy diapers up in bulk so you can use them to leverage against desperate mothers after a collapse. They are the ones that caused the toilet paper shortage, most people only kept a week supply of toilet paper. They bought it up in bulk thinking they where going to be toilet paper war lords. "How can I get one over on my neighbor who is already in a bind?" is the question these "Patriots" are always asking. They always try to look like the party of patriots but its just selfish people scared of losing all the things they didn't earn. Its always an obese hillbilly with a huge beard wearing camo who thinks he is going to be able to fight off a horde. Usually talking about all the gold he has in case of a collapse.

Yeah he does set my aggression trigger right off lmao.

Everyone is going to fast food also, they think it is safe for some reason. McDonalds even put signs up saying you are guaranteed not to get carona here, as if they can promise that. The minimum wage workers (now called "heroes") don't give a fuck about others health and stopping the spread. If one of them knows they have it, they will continue to work and not report it or get tested. They need to make an income like everyone else they are not going to risk it.

yeah word had it toilet paper was made in china and rather than checking FOX, OAN and 4Chan were the bearers of truth. speaking of truth even though there's plenty clorox said wipes and stuff are going to be short until 2021..if you plan on downing some bleach, you may wish to stock up a bit.

the really funny part about the toilet paper hoarding, Costco wouldn't let them return the hoard and make them keep it..

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Not sure why everyone suggests that, then he just follows you around saying stupid shit you can't see lol. You know that. I am sure he would prefer it like that since his insults and arguments are lame as fuck.

How's your part of Michigan doing? Mine is flooded with out of state plates that haven't left all summer. Tons of trump lovers saying Corona is a myth or a fraud perpetrated by the left, but yet its real enough for them to keep them hiding in their vacation homes and wearing masks.

Trump is the same way, one minute calling it "the plague" and the next hes calling it a lie. It all depends on the crowd hes trying to manipulate at the time. Everyone that has been out of business since before the 2008 recession are now blaming their stores closing on the governor for shutting down during corona.

The hypocrisy goes on and on. Half the trump flags say "Save America" and the other half say "Keep America Great". What one is it you stupid fucking republicans, do we need saved or are we doing great? Did that idiot even make America great again in the first place? If so, why are we on the edge of collapse? If he made us so great then we would have been able to take on corona without starting a death spiral. They need to combine the rebel flag with the trump flag to save his supporters money, if you have one you have the other. Its hilarious, they don't want a rebellion from the left but will hang a symbol of rebellion in their front yard.
how is it an insult?

You literally asked for advice on how to fuck dogs. It’s just a fact
how is it an insult?

You literally asked for advice on how to fuck dogs. It’s just a fact
I believe you are remembering wrong, you where calling some one a dog fucker on their profile post (because you are a broken record and cannot come up with new material) and I called you an expert on it and asked if you where trying to give advice. You distorted you giving advice to another into me asking you for advice. Its obviously untrue and a projection of your obsession with bestiality. Probably from some horrific childhood encounter or fantasy resulting from parental neglect or abuse.

You took it as a large victory when it was very minor and have been running with it ever since. In hopes of gaining some kind of ground against me because I greatly damaged your ego. You will continue to be a broken record until the Vicodin finally pops some vessels in your head.
Conservatives are severe hoarders and preppers also. I can see getting ahead on supplies and having something for home defense but jesus they go overboard. Get on youtube and search prepper videos. Its all conservatives telling you to buy diapers up in bulk so you can use them to leverage against desperate mothers after a collapse. They are the ones that caused the toilet paper shortage, most people only kept a week supply of toilet paper. They bought it up in bulk thinking they where going to be toilet paper war lords. "How can I get one over on my neighbor who is already in a bind?" is the question these "Patriots" are always asking. They always try to look like the party of patriots but its just selfish people scared of losing all the things they didn't earn. Its always an obese hillbilly with a huge beard wearing camo who thinks he is going to be able to fight off a horde. Usually talking about all the gold he has in case of a collapse.

Yeah he does set my aggression trigger right off lmao.

Everyone is going to fast food also, they think it is safe for some reason. McDonalds even put signs up saying you are guaranteed not to get carona here, as if they can promise that. The minimum wage workers (now called "heroes") don't give a fuck about others health and stopping the spread. If one of them knows they have it, they will continue to work and not report it or get tested. They need to make an income like everyone else they are not going to risk it.
lol yeah he has that talent.

Pizza has been brought up a few times here lately and I start to think maybe... But then shut that shit right down, I don't think I have gotten any food handed to me since around January. We really don't know anything about this virus because Trump won't let people to the work needed to keep us informed and safe.

The workers in the stores seems to be a indicator (IMO) of people around them. You can only have so many people walk past you without a mask to know you are not safe.
I believe you are remembering wrong, you where calling some one a dog fucker on their profile post (because you are a broken record and cannot come up with new material) and I called you an expert on it and asked if you where trying to give advice. You distorted you giving advice to another into me asking you for advice. Its obviously untrue and a projection of your obsession with bestiality. Probably from some horrific childhood encounter or fantasy resulting from parental neglect or abuse.

You took it as a large victory when it was very minor and have been running with it ever since. In hopes of gaining some kind of ground against me because I greatly damaged your ego. You will continue to be a broken record until the Vicodin finally pops some vessels in your head.
no, thats not what happened

you asked for advice on how to suck dog dick.
Now that you bring up out of staters, that is definitely one thing I've noticed this year is that there's way more than normal out of staters here in Michigan. They're everywhere too.

I was up in Elk Rapids at Short's brewery two weeks ago and I'll bet 2 out of 5 cars weren't from Michigan

Also, I have a wager with you (I think or maybe it's someone else from Michigan)?
I work over that way once in a while. I'm new to the area and was surprised to see how conservative it is here. I think I've only seen one Biden sign besides in TC.
I work over that way once in a while. I'm new to the area and was surprised to see how conservative it is here. I think I've only seen one Biden sign besides in TC.
Its not worth having some crazy trash your house/car is why I won't advertise for Biden is how I look at it. I still see them which amazes me, and I do see less Trump signs in the suburbs around Detroit this election (outside of the crazy joyride Trump parades which are annoying as hell) which gives me some hope.
no, thats not what happened

you asked for advice on how to suck dog dick.
Your a master at this forum, how would we look that up? If I search UncleBuck and "dog fucker" it brings up way too many results to look thru. Remember when you called me pig fucker because you forgot your original insult was a dog? You even had a video of a pig and a dog mating you couldn't wait to share, probably still in your bookmark. Damn man I feel more sorry for you the more we talk. I will let you be.
Its not worth having some crazy trash your house/car is why I won't advertise for Biden is how I look at it. I still see them which amazes me, and I do see less Trump signs in the suburbs around Detroit this election (outside of the crazy joyride Trump parades which are annoying as hell) which gives me some hope.

no flag = a flag

no biden sign = a biden sign

it's what's hidden in plain sight..this is cold enemy warfare in your own country against your own countrymen.
no flag = a flag

no biden sign = a biden sign

it's what's hidden in plain sight..this is cold enemy warfare in your own country against your own countrymen.
I really really hate that the American flag too was politicized. I am not sure if you mean that flag or not, it just mede me think of that.
I really really hate that the American flag too was politicized. I am not sure if you mean that flag or not, it just mede me think of that.

it means what roger ailes started once long ago we're going to finish- our 2016 i was perplexed just thinking hillary was too polarizing (for men) 2020? i don't need to see a biden sign; to pull out my pom-poms because they've been turned into weapons of destruction.

it reminds me of Der Fuhrer wishing all ball teams to stand- i say do it 'Huffy' and then we'll turn our may NOT own a human being (and if it's not in the contract?)

it means what roger ailes started once long ago we're going to finish- our 2016 i was perplexed just thinking hillary was too polarizing (for men) 2020? i don't need to see a biden sign; to pull out my pom-poms because they've been turned into weapons of destruction.

it reminds me of Der Fuhrer wishing all ball teams to stand- i say do it 'Huffy' and then we'll turn our may NOT own a human being (and if it's not in the contract?)

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Hitler would love a situation like we have now. Looking like the pre-WW2 depression of Germany. Once the civilized lose their livings they will be so easy to control in mass, as long as you have some one to blame. You can get them to do some really evil shit after that.
Hitler would love a situation like we have now. Looking like the pre-WW2 depression of Germany. Once the civilized lose their livings they will be so easy to control in mass, as long as you have some one to blame. You can get them to do some really evil shit after that.

That's right but we know how that story ends.
Hitler would love a situation like we have now. Looking like the pre-WW2 depression of Germany. Once the civilized lose their livings they will be so easy to control in mass, as long as you have some one to blame. You can get them to do some really evil shit after that.
you are an accomplished intellectual thinker
That's right but we know how that story ends.
When hitler's war campaign started failing he had to choose between funding the war effort and funding the death camps. He chose the death camps and they kept them running full bore knowing it would cost the nazis the war and him his life.

If his goal was to cause as much death and human suffering in the least amount of time, he succeeded at what he wanted to do. So hopefully this next one ends a lot faster. I don't think trump could 1 up hitler unless he set off nukes. hitler went through much more trauma and it transformed him into an archetype of evil.

Psychiatrists that looked after hitler in WWI claimed a demon came to him while in days of hallucination and showed him how to kill people in mass, telling him about gas chambers. The hallucinations where from being trapped under the rubble of a building in WWI while a nerve agent, I think mustard gas, tortured him and drove him to insanity.

He was rescued from the building and brought to the psyche ward where he screamed and hallucinated for days. I forgot the book but they where speculating that the doctors kept him hallucinating because they were fascinated with his interaction with the demon, or they where just really sadistic, I can't remember.