Conservatives are severe hoarders and preppers also. I can see getting ahead on supplies and having something for home defense but jesus they go overboard. Get on youtube and search prepper videos. Its all conservatives telling you to buy diapers up in bulk so you can use them to leverage against desperate mothers after a collapse. They are the ones that caused the toilet paper shortage, most people only kept a week supply of toilet paper. They bought it up in bulk thinking they where going to be toilet paper war lords. "How can I get one over on my neighbor who is already in a bind?" is the question these "Patriots" are always asking. They always try to look like the party of patriots but its just selfish people scared of losing all the things they didn't earn. Its always an obese hillbilly with a huge beard wearing camo who thinks he is going to be able to fight off a horde. Usually talking about all the gold he has in case of a collapse.
Yeah he does set my aggression trigger right off lmao.
Everyone is going to fast food also, they think it is safe for some reason. McDonalds even put signs up saying you are guaranteed not to get carona here, as if they can promise that. The minimum wage workers (now called "heroes") don't give a fuck about others health and stopping the spread. If one of them knows they have it, they will continue to work and not report it or get tested. They need to make an income like everyone else they are not going to risk it.
yeah word had it toilet paper was made in china and rather than checking FOX, OAN and 4Chan were the bearers of truth. speaking of truth even though there's plenty clorox said wipes and stuff are going to be short until 2021..if you plan on downing some bleach, you may wish to stock up a bit.
the really funny part about the toilet paper hoarding, Costco wouldn't let them return the hoard and make them keep it..
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