Conspiracy Theories

Wow. Very well put.

NoGrow should know this himself as we have had a disagreement in the past. Only the once and I think I was more the cunt on that occasion... butting into shit that I didn't need to. It's okay to disagree with someone and remain friends. Even when things get a little heated, some time-out usually does wonders.

Although, there are always those that are short of a few essential brain cells.

Yeah we had a little disagreement but like I said then I don't mind alittle arguing/debating everyonce in a while. Actually I enjoy it.

I just didnt know. Plus there are a few boyfriend girlfriends who share a screen name and I didnt know if you were one of them.
Naw my girldfriend is anti weed but we get along great. she knows I smoke medically and she understands fine. she is bitching at me to post on what SKH just said about the women and brain cells thing. Please don't do that stuff man at least for the next ten minutes till she's asleep.:mrgreen:

I just run around barefoot and pregnant. My place is in the kitchen and growing weed is a man's job. I have no idea how to grow at all. Poor little helpless me.

aww damn.. O pisted too late(yes I left the typo for a looks funny.) Goddamn I got some weird shit in me. one minute angry the next giggle and giddy.. FUCKING BLACK TAR!
I love breakfast........TASTY......Nothing better then my girl waking me up telling me she cooked breakfast.....It doesnt happen to often, she works early so not much time. Anyways I am going to get up in a few hours and cook her and the kids some.
Now he is getting picky. Have to go to the store then. Mumble mumble damn store open this time of night mumble mumble.
Okay 7-11 doesn't have patties just links. I will get you a slurpee and we can pretend it's a sausage pattie.
o and sry if i type differently in any questions on words feel free to ask

What about the one underlined in this next quote.

we r all big boys now and dont need to be taddle tailing on anyone :-)

The next quote is where I correct you on an American word.

Tattle-tale (an american word)? quote]

I have never heard it called taddle-tail before. I believe the word doesn't exist. If it doesn't you must lose your turn...
Goddamn this thread has went horribley awry. I didn't mean for all this to happen. Next time I'll just keep my fucking mouth shut for christs sake:mrgreen:
Can we all just get along now?

Bloodshot....the conspiracies we were discussing were: 9/11, JFK, and Roswell.:eyesmoke:
I have a new blue pencil box. I'm not 100% positive that the manufacurer meant for it to be blue, but it appears so. All evidence points to there is no conspiracy involved.