Conspiracy Theories

Yeah, I love babygro. He tries to find the truth. Isn't this why we all argue?

I love a debate, but there isn't anything I dislike more than someone going off track. Fishin' did this first and I responded in kind. Then ernie who I've called a fruitcake in the past decides to join in too.

Yeah skunk, you're an asshole... always arguing all the time... why don't you just shut the fuck up... asshole...

Boo-fucking-hoo you pair of queers.
wow.. a noob arguing with a mod..great fish. Ernie, give up you won't win, You have your opinion he has his. NOW STFU he's a mod he deserves the last word you on the other hand are being an ignorant(not to mention annoying) little bitch.
Yup. Sounds about right to me. Of course people would much rather believe they kept aliens there.

how bout the conspiracy of never landing on the moon??? anyone think that we never landed there and it was all a fake???

Not me.....

ya my buddy brought that subject up the other day n showed me a vid on moon hoaxs and watch the one where the light falls down in the background, wuts up with that??? and there is also one that kinda shows a camera man in a as of a few days ago i am curious on if we ever really landed there???

I don't need to search anything. Conspiracy theories are always full of shit, and they are doctored or engineered to make you believe what the author(s) want.

k well then y the hell r u in this discussion if u know EVERYTHING then????

OK fish', who's the bitch? Read what you posted. I read that last post and automatically put a whiney voice to it in my head.
wow.. a noob arguing with a mod..great fish. Ernie, give up you won't win, You have your opinion he has his. NOW STFU he's a mod he deserves the last word you on the other hand are being an ignorant(not to mention annoying) little bitch.

LMAO....WOW.....Skunkishy has a fan base.....LOL
LMAO....WOW.....Skunkishy has a fan base.....LOL
why is it when I pick a side in this shit as to whom I see as someone I like I get shit like that huh? same thing happened when I said I'd rather take mogie's advice than anyone else in a certain thread. I support people whom I see as having more of an understanding of what they are talking about, and I take advice from them rather than a noob who talks like they are from fucking hicksville and can't type worth a fucking shit.
I am the president of the skunky fan club. I accept money order, credit cards and or course cash. Will take items of value in trade also. The t-shirts are awesome looking. We have 3 styles to choose from and 5 different colors in each style.

Shipping is extra (remember we talked about that).
why is it when I pick a side in this shit as to whom I see as someone I like I get shit like that huh? same thing happened when I said I'd rather take mogie's advice than anyone else in a certain thread. I support people whom I see as having more of an understanding of what they are talking about, and I take advice from them rather than a noob who talks like they are from fucking hicksville and can't type worth a fucking shit.

I didn't meen for it to be taken seriously. If so then I would have told you to get your head out of his ass or something. Anyways if you realise now that I was joking we can kiss ( wait are you a girl ) and make up now....
This is how I meant my post to be taken...As a joke.
sorry man, yours is the second I've had like this and it does get annoying. It wasn't meant towards only you. That and I just got some kinda weird black mexican schwag shit.. it's some bad bud never had a bud that's made me angry before. Sorry again.
I am the president of the skunky fan club. I accept money order, credit cards and or course cash. Will take items of value in trade also. The t-shirts are awesome looking. We have 3 styles to choose from and 5 different colors in each style.

Shipping is extra (remember we talked about that).

Big -O- Weiner on the screen.......Everytime you post.
lol I think I need to make a thread that says "I'M MALE" cause lots of people are thinking I'm a girl. Might be because my username doesn't have that masculine ring to it?
why is it when I pick a side in this shit as to whom I see as someone I like I get shit like that huh? same thing happened when I said I'd rather take mogie's advice than anyone else in a certain thread. I support people whom I see as having more of an understanding of what they are talking about, and I take advice from them rather than a noob who talks like they are from fucking hicksville and can't type worth a fucking shit.

Wow. Very well put.

NoGrow should know this himself as we have had a disagreement in the past. Only the once and I think I was more the cunt on that occasion... butting into shit that I didn't need to. It's okay to disagree with someone and remain friends. Even when things get a little heated, some time-out usually does wonders.

Although, there are always those that are short of a few essential brain cells.
Although, there are always those that are short of a few essential brain cells.

Yeap that would be me alright. Those brain cells went up in smoke.
lol I think I need to make a thread that says "I'M MALE" cause lots of people are thinking I'm a girl. Might be because my username doesn't have that masculine ring to it?

I just didnt know. Plus there are a few boyfriend girlfriends who share a screen name and I didnt know if you were one of them.