Conspiracy Theories


Well-Known Member
the whole arguing bout shit...shut the fuck up and talk bout the main topic or dont say shit at all....if u wanna talk bout something else start a discussion in a new thread


New Member
the whole arguing bout shit...shut the fuck up and talk bout the main topic or dont say shit at all....if u wanna talk bout something else start a discussion in a new thread
Actually, you went off topic first and I followed suit. The same can be said for your bum fucker pal ernie.


New Member
how bout the conspiracy of never landing on the moon??? anyone think that we never landed there and it was all a fake???
Not me.....
ya my buddy brought that subject up the other day n showed me a vid on moon hoaxs and watch the one where the light falls down in the background, wuts up with that??? and there is also one that kinda shows a camera man in a as of a few days ago i am curious on if we ever really landed there???
I don't need to search anything. Conspiracy theories are always full of shit, and they are doctored or engineered to make you believe what the author(s) want.
k well then y the hell r u in this discussion if u know EVERYTHING then????
Boo-fucking-hoo moron.
Here's our conversation again. Who went off topic?


New Member
No, look I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were a female. So what do you say about picking your handbag back up and making friends?


New Member
No one is WHINING or flying antwhere. We're just calling you out for the asshole that you are:mrgreen:
I keep forgetting you guys only learned half the language. That's twice you've quoted me as saying something I didn't. Whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge, whinge.

I'm an asshole to you because you believe that people are being kidnapped by aliens, also that you cling onto every other us and them conspiracy just to make your life more worthwhile. I'm an asshole because I will not listen to your bullshit, and when you spout it I will tell you so. Bitch.


New Member
No one is WHINING or flying antwhere.
Ha ha ha ha. too fucking funny. You try and correct me you ignorant fuck, you better buy yourself a decent dictionary. Unless of course you don't mind looking stupid? Although, from your posts, I don't believe you need to answer that question.


Master of Mayhem
Ha ha ha ha. too fucking funny. You try and correct me you ignorant fuck, you better buy yourself a decent dictionary. Unless of course you don't mind looking stupid? Although, from your posts, I don't believe you need to answer that question.
Definition and spelling of "WHINING"

:finger: Whose the ignorant fuck now you piece of Euro trash shit?:finger: I think you have just answered your own question.

Edit: I just read the other posts before this one. It sure is funny to watch your reputation go down the toilet with every new childish post you make. You don't like me because I believe in aliens? At first you were interested in what I had to say, now you're bashing me? That's just are you. Your "street upbringing" is becoming more apparent every day. How the fuck did someone as ignorant as yourself come across a computer...much less this site? Stick to growing your weed and leave the intelligent conversation to intelligent people.:finger:


New Member
Edit: I just read the other posts before this one. It sure is funny to watch your reputation go down the toilet with every new childish post you make. You don't like me because I believe in aliens? At first you were interested in what I had to say, now you're bashing me? That's just are you. Your "street upbringing" is becoming more apparent every day. How the fuck did someone as ignorant as yourself come across a computer...much less this site? Stick to growing your weed and leave the intelligent conversation to intelligent people.:finger:
Actually, it was you that started bashing me. I merely retaliated.


New Member
how bout the conspiracy of never landing on the moon??? anyone think that we never landed there and it was all a fake???
Not me.....
ya my buddy brought that subject up the other day n showed me a vid on moon hoaxs and watch the one where the light falls down in the background, wuts up with that??? and there is also one that kinda shows a camera man in a as of a few days ago i am curious on if we ever really landed there???
I don't need to search anything. Conspiracy theories are always full of shit, and they are doctored or engineered to make you believe what the author(s) want.
k well then y the hell r u in this discussion if u know EVERYTHING then????
Boo-fucking-hoo moron.
First of all...What's up Skunk....long time no argue:mrgreen:
Now here we go

What exactly do you believe Skunk? The rhetoric that the mainstream media and the government pushes down our throats everyday? Thats exactly want they want you to do, buy into their bullshit so they can continue to manipulate everyone. Your doing exactly what they want you to do; conform to what they want us to believe is reality..... when in fact the reality is so far from your perception of the truth it is mind blowing. I know I'm probably not going to be able to get this through your head, but I just had to speak up. Every time someone says or even incinuates something outside what you think is the norm, you chime in with how ridiculous it is. Like kieahtoka said:

Is that so hard for you?
Then this next quote was not even directed at you:

He wasn't talking directly to you, but yet you come back with:

Why do you have to be such an ass all the time? If you don't believe in something either butt the fuck out, or just say this is crap and leave it at that.:eyesmoke:
Here's the conversation I was having with fish' and the last quote is where you start. You even begin with long time no argue. Just because I don't agree with you and have told you so you couldn't wait to jump on something i said.

Oh, and I've had more rep given to me for my posts in this thread than in any other.

I didn't say I didn't like you, I said that I'm an asshole to YOU (concerning your perception that I am an asshole). I don't think I'm an asshole, but you do because I laugh at you.