As others allready correctly pointed out your ph is normal,quit chasing it like you are,the rule of thumb setting of 5.8 is a meaningless number,for some plants its the optimul spot,for other plants a ph value of 5.4 would be optimul,and yet another strain ot plants might prefer a ph value of 6.7,much depends on the plants.
Try & remember that ph values of 5.5 to 6.5 are only an industry guideline,used as a rough starting point,most plants can easily handel ph values of 4.5 up to 7.5 for short periods without any damage,this is like one day or so,all nutrients have different prime absorbtion rates as well,for example one nutrient might be best utilized at a ph of 4.0 while another nutrient is in its optimum absorbtion range at 8.0,common sense tells us we cant let the ph get that far out of range beacuse it will fry the plants,but by letting the ph float around within acceptabel ranges the plants benifit from being able to absorb nutrients more efficiently.
Just let it ride for a few days without any adjustment,as long as it stays within 5.5 to 6.5 dont adjust,after a few days you will see the rate of climb slow down,at that point only pull it back in if it goes out of range & then only just enough to be at acceptable range,dont pull it all the way back down to 5.5.
I allow my gardens ph to go as low as 4.9 & as high as 7.1,as long as the ph is not moving any further in the wrong direction i dont fuck with it at all,after a few days the plants level the ph climb off & settle in where they prefer the ph to be at.
Right now my sour deisel plants want to be at 6.6 & thats where i leave them & their fat n happy,dont chase the ph.