Construction journal of large trailer garden. 12,000 watts.

Definatly along for the ride... this just looks amazing. Cant wait to see the progress. Awsome idea!!!
Sorry guys. I cut up my hand pretty bad about a week ago and it may be another week before I get back to any real progress :-(

I'll keep the thread updated, but for now all building materials are just sitting in the trailer waiting for my stupidity penalty on my hand to to come to an end.
Holy begeeessuuss! Another 1? Where do u live? I have a Little Tykes playhouse u can remodel for me:)jk. Subbed for this one!
I won't be able to work for the next day or two. Cut my hand up pretty bad, even considering stitches... stupid mistake cutting some material and WHAM!

Smoking mj and performing construction is not advised.. (just got my stitches taken out of my thumb a few days ago:lol:)

Looks fun, good luck!
hope the hand heals ok the only thing i can say about that set up is " O M G " lol about the dude asking for pics of the hand r o f l just be fore him some one else asked for update pics and you mention that your hands messed up and then they want to see that lol maybe its just me but it was hilarious. happy easter
we need to get watercooled some help... he's a cutter gone overboard... lol

stop slicing yourself dude... this build is too awesome for you to bleed out on us
Yea brother... are you ok?

Dammit...LOL. I hate this watercooled stuff. Parts are hard to find for my pump. See what you started...LOL

Hope all is good and can't wait to see when this is done. Man I would love to have a trailer.