So I had originally expected to be harvesting on April 26th. That was my call from the beginning.
It is the 22nd and I am chopping. The purps could have been harvestest a week ago! But I did not
want to prematurely chop them, since they had not received a flush yet.
As for the Diesels, they are absolutely mind blowing, I am more than excited to grow a full tent of these
bad ladies. Perfect 10's... Example
Wow, she just looks nasty. the cola's are the largest I've had. I really don't think the picture
does it justice.
The God's Gift, isn't exactly camera friendly, lets just say she is extremely thick and i will be looking
at roughly 1 1/2 oz off of her.
Soma's NYCD. This might be the strain I'm most excited about. Do I think this plant is legitimately a Soma NYCD? No. It does not have the signature Grapefruit smell. However, it has
a sincere flavor of Pineapple, very unique, at the end it almost begins to darken, akin to a tootsie
roll flavor. Very very hard pleasant. Here she is.
As I began chopping (Starting with the purps) I was surprised with the weight these nuggets had.
I do believe that this strain is losing it's vigor after having been cloned so many times,
I really can't explain why I'm not seeing the same production out of these plants as I did with my
original Purp. But I am still pleasantly surprised that it isn't as bad as I was expecting.
Mmm Mmmm
When I moved on to the Diesels. The smell became literally intoxicating. My whole apartment, and
i'm sure my neighbors' as well absolutely reeked. If I were to ever do a full cover write up and
professionally document my work with herb it would be entitled "The Reeking of the Diesels".....
There's nothing you can do about this strain when it's time to trim. People are gonna know you have
herb for miles around. They are nuts! And absolute eye candy.
Especially when you have 7 of them. I am expecting over 2 oz per Diesel plant, which is huge for
a sea of green style grow.
This is the last time these ladies will see the bright lights which come from above.
Samples will be had in roughly 8-10 days. I got the ladies drying in my hut because the smell is
so well contained, and the environment is quite easy to control, 68F, 50% RH, and completely dark.
Apparently we're supposed to start posting in our "blog" section, but until this thread is closed by someone
I'll be posting the rest of my progress here. Check back on updates of my mothers which currently
are looking great.
Today I fed them a light mix supplement
Coco A
Coco B
PPM 650, pH 5.7, Temp 67F
Pics of those little ladies will be coming later.