they look amazing bro, very green and happy as always. you should be a rep for the coco you use, because its definitely working out for you. thanks for the info, damn! now i feel better about my grow, im running a white widow crossed with northern lights. wow is it a leafy bitch! i cloned here before i bloomed her, so she defnitely a keeper, this ones moving right along nicely!
Thanks man, you give me great confidence!

If you think thats green, check the
pics with only my T5's on....
I am foliar feeding currently... Not sure if you have heard of this product, but I used
it in my first grow ever (not the last journal). Well, I used the music in my last
journal, but didnt supplement with the nutrients. It's called Sonic Bloom, and
basically there is a sound frequency which vibrates plants on a cellular level and
stimulates their metabolism. At the same time the stomata on the leaves open
much much wider, up to 300% wider than normal, and are able to take in more
nutrients, air, co2 etc. they are able to take in up to 700% more nutrients through
their leaves while this frequency is playing. With the music is a formulated all
nutrient solution derived from seaweed and amino acids, there are something like
87 naturally occurring amino acids, it is a very dank solution, quite diluted though,
I mix up about 15 mL of Sonic Bloom per gallon of foliar spray and allow the music
to serenade the plants for about a half hour before I spray them down......
Definitely check this product out, I've been using it for about 3 years and
throughout that time I have seen some random articles and and sources talk
about how great of a product it is, and I'm like "oh hey, I use that!" Allegedly,
the creator of Sonic Bloom grew a purple passion vine plant which on average
only grow 18 inches and lives for two years, he grew it for 20 years and it ended up
at over 1300 feet long!! The worlds largest indoor plant according to the guinness
book.... I'd trust that for sure.
Anyways enough with the advertising, here are the pics right after the Foliar spray.
I have my HIDs turned off so that the spray isn't phytotoxic and lowers the leaf
surface temperature, I leave the HIDs off until the leaves are totally dry, and
tomorrow I will rinse the leaves with a water spray... enjoy
I'm really surprised how bright it is with just my Flourescents on.....
Now thats greeen! I am currently correcting a magnesium deficiency on my
purps plants which has had them stunted for about a week now, It's pretty lame
but I could't tell the correct deficiency until just today....wackness.