Cop sneaking aound my house


Active Member
Ok so just today I was in my garage cleaning out my snake cages when I hear this loud ass motorcycle speed off. It sounded like it was right in my yard. After that my neighbor calls me and says it was a motorcycle cop and that she witnessed him park in my grass, and go in between my house and my neighbors house but more on my side. My room is on the oposite side of this. She came out and said 'what are you doing' to him but before she could finish he jumped on his cycle and sped the fuck off. He was in uniform but left when was spotted, why the fuck did he do this? Are they trying to catch me doing something or what? I have been stopped by the cops twice this past week (all from different counties) so are they watching me? I'm not doing anything wrong exept smoking a little bit of herb in a non legal state.
Wake up buddy.......something is going on. Someone has fingered you for growing or selling or smoking or something else- an ex-girlfriend, a neighbor, a customer, an enemy. Do you have any prior convictions or arrests? I'd clean up and clean out for a bit.
I havn't grown for 3 to 4 years, havn't sold weed in like 5 months, I even mostly smoke inside but outside occasionaly. I have one prior arrest but that was when I was a minor. I really can't think of a reason besides the fact that i'm on here talking about this stuff all day so unless they're watching me on here idfk what it coud be. And I highly doubt that part. Maybe they just think i'm doing something but your right i'm just gonna keep a clean house for awhile and see what's goin on.

*Would hate to get raided in general but right before the holidays would suck ass!
i agree with SSHZ. pack it up and STOP DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL, they know whats going on. they are trying to catch you the legal way..about 3 yrs ago when i was doing this at a house i had, it was about 2am, i went outside on my back porch and there was a cop parked near my house, as soon as this cop saw me he pulled away and left immediatley, needless to say i stopped everything, and never heard anything more about it. but if i were you i would stop, pack it up and move it out, go somehwere else. at least an hour away from where you currently are, or more. good luck dude
Traffic cops on bikes don't investigate druggies. I believe they are a little more stealth than that. Paranoia will destroy ya
Yeah I mean i'm really not doing anything lol I just like to talk about drugs a lot on the web. No harm in that....still wonder why the fuck he was there and sped off when was spotted. Wish I could have seen him snooping myself to give him shit about being on my property.
Yeah I mean i'm really not doing anything lol I just like to talk about drugs a lot on the web. No harm in that....still wonder why the fuck he was there and sped off when was spotted. Wish I could have seen him snooping myself to give him shit about being on my property.

if you really beleive your safe and doing nothing wrong and got a real big set, go down to the police station and find the officer or officers on bikes patrolling your area and start asking questions, because in reality, technically what he did was trespass...thats the only way your going to really get an answer and even then, if they dont want to tell you, they arent going to. i would leave that place lol
if you really beleive your safe and doing nothing wrong and got a real big set, go down to the police station and find the officer or officers on bikes patrolling your area and start asking questions, because in reality, technically what he did was trespass...thats the only way your going to really get an answer and even then, if they dont want to tell you, they arent going to. i would leave that place lol

This is what I want to do! To bad my set isn't that big I think they might have to grow a little. I will deffinetly contemplate it but the only problem is I didn't witness him on my property only my neighbor did. Leaving is not an option I live at home with my parents.

I might just call the police station but like I said I didn't witness it so would that be a problem?
just becasue you didnt witness him doesnt mean you cant say you did. i dont blame you i wouldnt do it eitehr lol but if u do it make sure you say you saw him, or really they will just laugh you away
You can be clean as a whistle but if an old customer was arrested, he could have easily given you up as a previous seller. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck- it's a fucking duck! Too many coincidences, if u ask me. Better safe then sorry, especially with a prior! They could be going thru your trash, walking your house smelling for a grow, looking for a light leak or covered windows, listening for fans of ballast hum, an outside grow-----I could go on. Just the cop rushing off when spotted is enough to raise a BIG red flag. When do u ever see a cop hustle anywhere, except to the donut shop???????
Damnit I don't even know what to say if I call the station, I'm pissed and paranoid at the same time but even if I say a cop trespassed on my property and ask for the names of the motorcycle cops at the time what the hell could I do? They deffinitly won't do anything to the officer that did it so i'd just be putting more heat on myself. Should I call, stat my problem and ask why he did so? Also since this was 3 hours ago i'm hesitant to call. Thanks for the advice guys
First rule: dont talk to the police

Nothing good at all will come from you calling the PD...Clean up whatever you have to and play it safe.
My guess is someone got popped n drop your name....he was taking a wiff n see if he sees or smell anything.
I called with the answer of 'I don't know why he did that, could have just been searching for traffic' I replied traffic on the side of my house? Now I wish I hadn't called at all but o'well too late.
Detectives dont ride around like such and perform foot patrol as it sounds .. This was most likely done in your area in order to look for suspects that have fled the scene of a crime .. I think you have jumped the gun so to say and should just toke on some Indica for now ... Later on youll laugh at this time and event ..........Peace