Copper Hydroxide?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys, but I am not interested in the alternative pots. I am just curious if anyone has ever smoked weed that was grown in copper hydroxide coated pots. I have found some for very cheap and if there is no safety concerns then there would be no reason to search for an alternative.
Here's a link to my experiment which Jorge Cervantes included in his Bible.

No, the paint doesn't sluff and the smoke is no different that any other. The copper ions do not translocate into the plant.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Roots kind of hate lots of copper to put it bluntly.. When they reach the walls they meet the copper, this causes them to retract and split .....
No no no! The copper ions causes the root tip to die, causing a redirection of auxins (apical dominance thingie) which induces lateral root output behind the terminated root tip.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben, my inspiration for getting copper hydroxide coated pots, how nice of you to post in this thread! That was stupid that the other guy tried to take credit for your grow. Sorry about that man. I am curious though, what was your total dry yield off of those 17 plants? Were they mostly sativa dominant? How much more bud did your plants in the coated pots produce with respect to the bud produced by the plant in the uncoated pot? Sorry for so many question, but you are the original one to do this with cannabis, at least as far as I know.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Howdy! My drafts are stolen all the time. Dishonorable intentions from shitheads goes with the territory I guess.

I got a good haul from that garden, something like 30 oz off of 8 females. They were mostly sativa dom. I did not run a control group, just wanted to see how cannabis would react after using it for other plant material for years.