cops detained friends for no reason.


Well-Known Member
If 3 police search'd them they obv. had a reason to and prob. had the law behind them

^^ otherwise, i dont know ^^


Well-Known Member
what would it have been? they were walking down the street. why would a cop pull you over and ask to search you and run your name? all im saying is that if cops can just pull you over and detain you for walking down the street trying to get home... in my opinion thats alot of power. they can fuck with people for no reason? thats what they do in police states and communist countries. tell me what fucking law the cops had on thier side for stopping 2 pedestrians for nothing. id like to know.


Well-Known Member
donnie wow... thats a hard one.... U realy think they know about he's growing ? hmm... maybe they left the blunts there on prupose... cuz they want to bust them with big amounts... ????
