Corn COB - Inevitable?

Doom and gloom? That combine harvested 20 rows of corn in a single pass!! Skip to 3:54
I wonder if they do something similar for wheat too....lots of dryland wheat farming north of me....still don't have any Hemp crops either as far as I am aware, even though that Palouse soil is a dream for it.....


Lamp 6000k-6500k Equal to 350w CFL Bulb
Look at you'll find the same for an eighth the price. Takes 1-1.5 months to receive but hey who cares.
China, never shopped online before? You can get it in a few days if you want to pay. This is why good things come to those who wait. Save yourself $50+ in shipping.
Buy things off line often but 1 too 1.5 month of waiting on delivery? I'd of already figured out something else for the same price and a barely a quarter of the time, but too each his own I guess
Ali doesn't usually take that long, unless you are in the middle of something or hard to reach due to infrastructure....yes,
recently, shit was extra slow here in the states, what with the West Coast port shutdown AND chinese new two weeks occuring at the same Exception, hopefully not the norm going forward....exports have fallen, at some point I would think they might curtail a bit and does anybody realizes how fucked the A-team would be? I can't find shit made local anymore, unless I DIY myself it seems