Yeah it’s really hard to not personally like BidenI like the old loon. I would prefer Butegegegeg but I'm not sure he is electable for many of the older Dems.
Unless you are in a cult that considers a bitter screaming old man to be the messiah.Yeah it’s really hard to not personally like Biden
This morning on one of the Sunday yak shows, half were saying Sanders looked like a crazy old man with wild hair and bulging eyes. Half were saying he looked like a passionate advocate. lol Where you stand has a lot to do with what you see.Unless you are in a cult that considers a bitter screaming old man to be the messiah.
One half are living in reality. His voice was so horse he couldn’t yell properly. He has to take 3 days off his campaign talks because he completely lost his voice. Him and Biden look like pale half dead like zombies up there and being surrounded by hot young smart healthy men like Yang, Booker, Buttigieg and Beto . Biden and sanders they look so wrong for the times and the job.they just need to go away, quitely. If not someone should wrap a chain around their necks.This morning on one of the Sunday yak shows, half were saying Sanders looked like a crazy old man with wild hair and bulging eyes. Half were saying he looked like a passionate advocate. lol Where you stand has a lot to do with what you see.
Corn Pop was a very common sobriquet back in the late 1950s. My dad's best man at his wedding was a Corn Pop. He too was a pomade wearer. he was a Dapper Dan man.Story checks out as true.
Obituary for William “corn pop” Lewis, documentation in old newspapers about the gang he ran in, accounts from 10 years ago by others about the incident, and so on
I may have to vote for biden now
I have a cousin a few years younger than me, she still lives in jersey. Never mentions anything political on Facebook but was thrilled when she saw Biden runningCorn Pop was a very common sobriquet back in the late 1950s. My dad's best man at his wedding was a Corn Pop. He too was a pomade wearer. he was a Dapper Dan man.
As will I. I am not a fan of his but I respect the views of my other citizens enough to accept their choice. This is what it takes to have a strong democracy. When people devolve to the point of not accepting the choices of others and instead pursue their own narrow interests, democracy is threatened. Not a day goes by that I do not think of the lessons of the Weimar Republic. We are in a very similar situation today where a minority of voters takes advantage of the splits in the majority. The Republicans and their foreign allies have poisoned the well and seized on the selfishness of enough of the Trump opposition to have a legitimate chance of re-electing a person who is anathema to most of us and outright hostile to our overall democratic system.Sorry still liking Warren, but he will get my vote if he makes it out of the primary
Overall, I agree with you, but the analogy has problems. Biden doesn't just have to save the game by being elected, he has to govern for the next four years and do so well enough to get us past the threat of a Trumpist Republican Party that will be screaming out inflammatory tweets the whole time in a way that no past President ever has. This threat will not end after the election.Well, we just don't have a young, charismatic JFK, RFK or Obama on the roster right now.
They only come along once every 50 years if you're lucky. And that's if they don't get shot.
Joe is like the aging relief pitcher who's just going to have to come in and save the damn game.
You go with what you got that can win.
Lol! That’s him alright. Did you see when his dentures almost fell out . He better remember to get some better Polygrip or use more. If his dentures fall out in a debate with Trump it’s all over! It’s these kind of slip ups that the establishment might wanna reconsider supporting one of the younger ones. I take Yang or Buttigieg or Booker . I love Beto and even Castro and Elizabeth is totally awesome. Any of them can take on Trump better then Biden. Trumps going to rip him to shreds and Biden is going to melt. It breaks my heart to have to see this happen to the old guy.
I don't think Biden's heart is in this.
None of my affair but, whatever Joe's hands might do, his heart is in the right place, intentions are everything.Yeah it’s really hard to not personally like Biden
That won't matter that much because you'll have professional responsible government if the democrats pull off a hat trick and I'm betting they will, Donald isn't done yet and there's a ton of shit yet to come out, and Pelosi is timing the whole shit show and circus for just the right time, she is no rush yet.Biden had me looking cross eyes on his recommendation that I as a parent need to play my record player at night for my kidsWTF.
First off the question was about repairing the legacy of racism in this country. How the fuck a record playing is helping this ? and who the fuck is still playing a record player. OUT OF FUCKING TOUCH...but still better than Trump, I do hope Warren makes it out of the primary.