Cosmic Events


Well-Known Member
I don't have the energy to argue with people who don't have any idea what they're talking about. Peace.
I see, you don't have the time to back up your unsupported claims with more bullshit? Yea, it's really hard to make up facts to fit with made up claims. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I.E. You dont have the facts to argue with people whom YOU believe don't know what they are talking about! peace
Nope. I just like that you're stupid and I'd rather you stay that way than correct you.

You have no facts. You just googled a huminoid which isn't even a human. It's a completely different species that some people think we came from.

Anyways. I'm not wasting any more time on you. bye.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I just like that you're stupid and I'd rather you stay that way than correct you.

You have no facts. You just googled a huminoid which isn't even a human. It's a completely different species that some people think we came from.

Anyways. I'm not wasting any more time on you. bye.
what are the "facts" in the world you reside in then?

im asking this as this is second time you decided not to comment and im guessing there will be at least a third


Active Member
Nope. I just like that you're stupid and I'd rather you stay that way than correct you.

You have no facts. You just googled a huminoid which isn't even a human. It's a completely different species that some people think we came from.

Anyways. I'm not wasting any more time on you. bye.
Oh you're funny, if you are old enough to get on the internet and you are this ignorant I dont think it is worth anyones time to debate you. You can help them all


Well-Known Member
Nope. I just like that you're stupid and I'd rather you stay that way than correct you.

You have no facts. You just googled a huminoid which isn't even a human. It's a completely different species that some people think we came from.

Anyways. I'm not wasting any more time on you. bye.
I have a degree that says I know what I'm talking about.What cards are U holding.


Well-Known Member
i agree gargantuanganja's had absolutely nothing to do with the price of fish ;)

but the OP's intent was so incredibly vague that this discussion could be about absolutely anything*
*one of my first impressions was the op has either experienced something really bad or committed something really really bad and was looking for some sort of atonement

but thats the cynical side of me coming out over such vagueness
i'm very vague. But yes i experienced something really bad. Then it turned into an enlightened religious experience. So much so that I hope to one day be a Preacher.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It's easy to think that science has come to take the place of God. But some philosophical problems remain as troubling as ever. Take the problem of free will. This problem's been around for a long time, since before Aristotle in 384 B.C. St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, these guys all worried about how we can be free... if God already knows in advance everything you're gonna do?

Nowadays we know that the world operates according to some fundamental physical laws, and these laws govern the behavior of every object in the world. Now, these laws, because they're so trustworthy, they enable incredible technological achievements. But look at yourself. We're just physical systems too. We're just complex arrangements of carbon molecules. We're mostly water, and our behavior isn't gonna be an exception to basic physical laws. So it starts to look like whether it's God setting things up in advance... and knowing everything you're gonna do... or whether it's these basic physical laws governing everything. There's not a lot of room left for freedom.

So now you might be tempted to just ignore the question, ignore the mystery of free will. Say, "Oh, well, it's just an historical anecdote. It's sophomoric. It's a question with no answer. Just forget about it." But the question keeps staring you right in the face. You think about individuality, for example, who you are. Who you are is mostly a matter of the free choices that you make. Or take responsibility. You can only be held responsible, you can only be found guilty or admired or respected... for things you did of your own free will.

The question keeps coming back, and we don't really have a solution to it.

It starts to look like all your decisions are really just a charade. Think about how it happens. There's some electrical activity in your brain. Your neurons fire. They send a signal down into your nervous system. It passes along down into your muscle fibers. They twitch. You might, say, reach out your arm. Looks like it's a free action on your part, but every one of those-- every part of that process... is actually governed by physical law: chemical laws, electrical laws and so on. So now it just looks like the Big Bang set up the initial conditions, and the whole rest of our history, the whole rest of human history and even before, is really just sort of the playing out of subatomic particles... according to these basic fundamental physical laws.

We think we’re special. We think we have some kind of special dignity, but that now comes under threat. I mean, that's really challenged by this picture.

So you might be saying,"Well, wait a minute. What about quantum mechanics? "I know enough contemporary physical theory to know it's not really like that. "It's really a probabilistic theory. There's room. It's loose. It's not deterministic." And that's gonna enable us to understand free will. But if you look at the details, it's not really gonna help... because what happens is you have some very small quantum particles, and their behavior is apparently a bit random. They swerve. Their behavior is absurd in the sense that it's unpredictable... and we can't understand it based on anything that came before. It just does something out of the blue, according to a probabilistic framework. But is that gonna help with freedom?

Should our freedom just be a matter of probabilities, just some random swerving in a chaotic system? That just seems like it's worse. I'd rather be a gear... in a big deterministic, physical machine... than just some random swerving.

So we can't just ignore the problem. We have to find room in our contemporary world view for persons, with all that that it entails; not just bodies, but persons. And that means trying to solve the problem of freedom, finding room for choice and responsibility... and trying to understand individuality.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have reason to believe we dont have free will?
We certainly make decisions, but the decision we make is the only decision we could make in those circumstances.

It certainly doesn't feel like anyone is pulling the strings...

When all of the same variables are punched into an equation the outcome is always the same, if you bought a bag of chips at the store and somehow time was rewound without you knowing you'd make the same selection, because all of the variables in the equation would remain the same; e.g. you're flavour preference, amount of money, your mood, craving, etc, etc...


Well-Known Member
the way it felt on salvia was that this existence we are in at this particular time, is being uncontrollably sucked forward by gravity and what not, and its normal so enjoy the ride

and from a culmination of life experiences prospective......matter is what is hold us back. without matter slowing down our forward progression, time would be folded into itself like a singularity and not exist ( yes thats possible, and that particular universe would still exist in a different form)

i do believe that everything that will happen, will happen, and its natural so just enjoy the ride. this realization arrived after not only a few trips with psychadelics but also after i became a less selfish person, as i used to believe I was so powerful I could determine my own destiny ( which is inherently connected to other peoples destiny in infinite ways )

a different way to think...if we are able to stop the next huge disaster from obliterating our planet and our species, we will....and if we aren't able to stop it, we wont. All due to factors we cannot control ( length of time evolving, inefficient society prohibiting defensive advancement, catastrophic event calendar, etc )

everything is probabilities, even the physical location of subatomic particles. history would show its probable we will be able to live the next few hours without earth shattering event, but there is a slight chance that we wont, and we have no way to control this. Using big ideas its easier to communicate that is all goes to the remedial daily tasks we are faced with.


Well-Known Member
... if you think about... all thoughts exist........ all imaginings come true... like that Movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes president... how unlikely was that?... but he is the Governor of California...... the first dude who thought about flying got told to shut up and stop being silly.... yet today we all fly... all over the world... the same with electricity... the same with rockets to the moon... beware Sci-fi movies... at some point all our imaginings begin to take physical form..... Love This World!..... (there is one law that rules us all - the law of attraction) :)