Well-Known Member
Hahah im high an dsure Ill do it!Alright, so who's wise enough to make the scale on when people go from innocents to sluts to whores etc.? This I have got to see.....![]()

A girl in her innocence (age: 1-12): She hasnt been involved in any type of altercation that would rob her of her innocence. She still has a perception that everything in life is beautiful and perfect.
A girl who is developing into a lady and is losing her innocence (age:12-20): Typically she has been involved in a rough starting life. Possible divorce in family or death. Life begins to alter her perception of reality, and begins to become depressed. She begins to explore new ways to "cure" her depression, and to fill the void that is now gone. Rape is also a possibilty for her future actions.
A "developed figure" young lady surviving in the world (age:16-25): She has now realized how her attractive figure can attract men. Depending on what type of man she attracts,The wrong one could deepen her depression and begin to loosen her abilty to keep morals and respect for herself. Inreturn provides a path where she must attach herself to someone stronger than her. Often times being a man (or woman) who likes to dominate his (or her) mate. She is only a slut now but depending on how many broken relationships she's been through, relates to how much longer until she is a complete whore.
A woman begining to loose her figure, and has already lost most respect for her own body/self (age:28-45): Here is a woman who has let her self go. Hasnt found the right partner to help her future, and has given up hope in finding him/her. She appreciates physical attention because it reminds her of moments that she cherishes. Beaten down by society and past abusive relationships, she realizes she can never have what was once attainable. Destined to live out the remander of her days looking searching for that one lost soul that feels like her...Or for that sugar daddy that will buy her way back to freedom.
......Lol I should write a book