So much to reply to.
Anyone who says things like this, knows nothing about the vagina, how the kegels work, or elasticity of said a book, my friends.
j/j I would'nt. nasty, would be like fuckin a purse
Nice, but let me point out...just because someone has had multiple partners,doesn't mean she's been unfaithful, ever.She could have just been unnattached and into No strings sex.
depends, shed have to be done with that and be faithful even if i wasnt and shed have to be disease free and id definately have to have some love for her.
so what about a guy who's been with 25 chicks? Is that nasty, or is he "the man"?
Uh.We are not who we fuck.We are who we ARE.
no fuckin way dude, unless your butt ugly and unlikely to find love elsewherefind it elsewhere dude anymore than 6-7 and they're just a fuck m8 you will never respect someone that has spent most of they're life fuckin around. the fact that your even asking this question says it all
Double standards much?
he da man lol

Ditto.Why? Why do you accept these obvious discrepancies when dealing with the sexes?Can't you define your own ideals?Your own role?
no, you can't call yourself a 'man' for choppin only 25 chicks
When it comes to violence,yeah.But having sex isn't dirty.What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
The best prediction of future behaviour is past behaviour.
And you just accept this?Without question?
lol pussys!
i dont know where your hanging out yellowbridge but you need to raise the bar a bit dude. most of the women i've been with have had nowhere near 20. i'm not saying its right but it's how it is if a girl sleeps around she's considered a slut if a guy does it he's da man. thats justkinda programmed into us i think.
Right on.
If you like/love her, then it should be all good. To be honest I'm not interested in the past sexual encounters my lover had. I mean if she was a crack whore or running track or something, thats when it gets complicated.
Wrap it up fellas!
That's what it's all about.Public image.Being a sheep.We're stoners.We participate in an illegal activity.We come on this website,to find like minded individuals.We have obviously seen that being a pot head does not equal"evil".Why can't we think out of the box on this, no pun intended?
then you have no interest in your health, self esteem,public image etc?
you can pretend your not bothered but unless you got a low iq this shit will eat at you.
Oh, do we?I'm a woman towelie.I like to capture.I like the control.I say when.Not all girls, or guys, are alike.
men usually have to approach women.
so when a man "captures" a chick its a accomplishment
women like to be approached and captured so theyre not going to be like " ha, i lured 30 dudes over with my titties"
but the dude is gonna be like "ha, i got game, i just sweet talked her in to heading back to my place"
so theyre is a diffrence,but i'm really high and em not sure if i'm making any sense here, so i'll jut ramble on...
oh and i agree with you...
Maybe she just likes sex?Maybe she wanted to experience things?Maybe she has the right to be just like a man, aggressive and experienced, and unashamed?And as for statistics, man,who says that everyone will find "the one" after 25 people?With the BILLIONS of people in the world, really, what are the chances"the one" is even living in your hemisphere?
Well, no offense but thats a very simple minded answer.. it's nothing to dow ith her having more partner's than me.. more about the fact that she obviously has no self-control or she's just a horrible decision maker.. if you've fucked 25 people and havent found 1 to stay with by now... something is wrong with you.. imagine if you were a sports team.. you're 0-25.. what kinda record is that? Hell, even Detroit manages to win a game in 25 games.. you cant find one person to put up with your hsit out of 25? that's 25 people who have gotten the best of you.. and still don;t wanna be around you... so something is obviously wrong with you as a person...
Second, I doubt that bible toting and skirt wearing has anything to do with anything whenit comes to getting married.. mor eor less, what have you done with yourself? what about you, say's that you're for me.. I'm one that like sto think I make very smart decisions.. and marrying a girl who has fucked 25 guy's and none of them stayed around to get to know her, and if they did they got tha fuck out while they could.. is NOT a smart decision... again, like I said.. she's 0-25.. there's a difference between being 0-25 and 0-7...
Dude, really.You're smarter than this.It's called kegels.It's also genetics.Every vagina is different.
Thats funny ,, She is already banged out .. Its like throwing a hotdog down a hallway ....
In conclusion, I'd like to say, I have personally slept with 11 men.If I ever need to sleep with more,say, if the old man and I break up, if I feel so inclined, I will.MY PERSONAL DEFINITION OF A SLUT is someone who uses people, without regard to their feelings or safety.Folks who know they've been exposed to stds, but who don't use condoms, folks who fuck around on their partners behind their backs,who steal girlfriends and boyfriends from friends, who fuck someone and then laugh about it with their friends after they hang up from a phone conversation with them.Those who use sex as a weapon,a tool to humiliate, and castigate,and subvert.That's not about numbers, that's about behavior.Any one of you who has never done anything shady, cast the first stone.
Now, give me a hug.