I agree with you on the most part But to add to it:
if your having sex with a girl whos been with 25+ guys and you cant already tell then its your own fault and you need to really learn how to play the game. Men think one way and women think the other, You need to learn how women think, but first you have to know how you think. If your a pussy then girls are gonna walk allover you, thats a no brainer. But you need to be walked over! You need to learn what it feels like to be someones bitch! You need to learn so you can prevent it, and use it for your own good.
ive seen so many guys get caught up with girls and you have to understand normal people just want to cure the loneliness*** inside of them. Sure you have some people who have sex to "feel" that little something that tells them they are alive. Its kinda like the reason i smoke weed really, But that doesnt make me a whore for enjoying a long euphoric high (form something so harmless to everyone but the user).
Women who sleep around with many partners are no more different then someone who has an alcohol addiction or w.e.... the point is you have to treat them how they want to be treated. they want to be treated like they are worth something to the world, All women (and men) think like this. but the point of view of worth to the Hoe is mostly physical with materialistic ideals. its not hard to figure out. However tempting it is to be with a Hoe, if your smart you will never love her. Nothing good can ever come of it. She is the way she is and just like this blunt roach im about to put out, well she is the same way. Thrown out to be picked up by someone less fortunate.
....I dont know why im ranting on about whatever i just wrote but damn im high and i just felt like typing. This is how i talk with my boys and im sorry if I offended any women/ladies out there