Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....

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I've tried to have a debate with him many times, as soon as he backs himself into a corner he comes up with all the shit you see here. So I've skipped the debate and gone straight to the troll - much like many members here treat you.

This kind of shit only happens with you. Talking about UB's wife is an example. Now trying to get personal with details of my life. Beennowhere does too but not as bad and almost every thread you post in more than a few times goes that direction.

The preemptive personal insults are your favorite tactics.
This kind of shit only happens with you. Talking about UB's wife is an example.

See my sig - I noticed you like a post were one member claimed my mother was a prostitute. He gets as good as he gives.

Now trying to get personal with details of my life. Beennowhere does too but not as bad and almost every thread you post in more than a few times goes that direction.

You just did that by claiming Australians are pedo drunks that beat their wives and now you have the audacity to say i'm getting personal when I turn something around on you?

The preemptive personal insults are your favorite tactics.

You've pre-emptively insulted me and now you're crying because I returned the favour? You shouldn't call people drunk wife beaters when you yourself are a divorced, recovering alcoholic.

There is also a proven link between alcoholism and negative cognitive ability, as physicians administering treatment programs are strongly advised to take this on board in their approaches.
This kind of shit only happens with you. Talking about UB's wife is an example. Now trying to get personal with details of my life. Beennowhere does too but not as bad and almost every thread you post in more than a few times goes that direction.

The preemptive personal insults are your favorite tactics.


Just the other day you and Buck and cheezyO were attacking my daughter because she is married to a black man..Do you remember what your comment was? It went something like N--er in the wood pile....That was attacking my family with racist tones..And you worry about Bucks wife? What are your favorite personal insult tactics?..

Just the other day you and Buck and cheezyO were attacking my daughter because she is married to a black man..Do you remember what your comment was? It went something like N--er in the wood pile....That was attacking my family with racist tones..And you worry about Bucks wife? What are your favorite personal insult tactics?..
Not attacking your daughter at all. We were attacking you because of your previous comments in regards to race and wanted you to know what racism feels like. Some of the posters on here you support would call your daughter a nigger lover. You think about that next time you like a racist post
Why not just let bygones be? Why feel like words attack? Why tell personal info and then get torqued when it come back?

I'm sorry for my part in turning threads into insulting matches. I'm not sure if I'm ready to apologize for being offensive regarding stuff like people's sense of national pride but the personal shit is uncool and I have taken part. I am generally offering an apology to anyone who I have offended in my taking part.

I'm sorry for my part in turning threads into insulting matches. I'm not sure if I'm ready to apologize for being offensive regarding stuff like people's sense of national pride but the personal shit is uncool and I have taken part. I am generally offering an apology to anyone who I have offended in my taking part.

I'll accept, though, really, I have never been that offended. Thanks. :)
Do you get into a pissing contest with everyone you perceive as politically to your left? I'm not even going to debate about cheesie's attributes but damn. I tried to get into a debate with him and his views and none of that kind of shit came up. Do all Australian military personnel act like high school girls? No wonder the US had to save you fucking pedos from Japan. You need to grow up.

well, um:

See, that is neither Nazi gay sex or baby, not offensive. The guy is only having trouble with the look on her face. :)
Nazis had a peculiar sense of what was considered gay. It was only considered gay to be a catcher. That is to say the effeminate homosexuals. It was not considered gay to be the masculine homosexual. It was also acceptable to receive from commanding officers or others above one's rung on the social hierarchy. Being "queer" could get one Gestapo'd.
Yes, a very physical cult. Servicing, in the Spartan sense, was very top down, and lots of circle jerking behavior was ritualized. In the struggle of the two bodyguard units, the SS superseded the SA, and that fairy flying in woods, the SA was up to, had a big part of their downfall.

We wonder, how was a little tiny, filthy, piece of aman, like Hitler could have had any appeal in the cult of Ayran Manhood. But, that is after our propaganda machine got done with him. A shit he was but, little he was not.

What we don't commonly realize is that Hitler was a very physically imposing man. He could benchpress 400# when he was writing Mein Kampf in prison. He was a real asskicker in Beer Hall riots, and a vet from WW1.


"Adolf liked to dictate for his masterpiece, Mein Kampf, while bench pressing. He would lift up to 400 lbs. while simultaneously discussing Aryan Theory and the Subjugation of the Slavs. It was really amazing. Adolf is the only man I know who has the strength of character to do something as demanding as that." Memoirs of Hermann Goering

On Steroids


'Roid Rage

Not attacking your daughter at all. We were attacking you because of your previous comments in regards to race and wanted you to know what racism feels like. Some of the posters on here you support would call your daughter a nigger lover. You think about that next time you like a racist post

CheezyO the clan man..

What comments did I make that were racist? you better post them up or it didn't happen..You and Buck just make up shit to push your super hero racist cartoon act....imo
CheezyO the clan man..

What comments did I make that were racist? you better post them up or it didn't happen..You and Buck just make up shit to push your super hero racist cartoon act....imo

apart from encouraging the harassment and intimidation of muslims and bemoaning the number of hispanics at the school your kids went to?
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