Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....

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apart from encouraging the harassment and intimidation of muslims and bemoaning the number of hispanics at the school your kids went to?

You are making up shit up what I said without all your racial spin crap...What good does it do to talk about real facts when you put a race bait spin on pretty much just about every fucking thing..
if you have a look at some of his posts in other areas on the board his replies consist of "OP is racist". That one trick pony is done, time to put him down.
You are making up shit up what I said without all your racial spin crap...What good does it do to talk about real facts when you put a race bait spin on pretty much just about every fucking thing..

we've been over this. i am not making anything up.

you rooted for, cheered on, and encouraged the harassment and intimidation of peaceful muslim americans and you yelled about how they don't need to be exercising their first amendment rights on days when you say they shouldn't.

don't even try to pretend like you weren't bemoaning the number of hispanics now at your kid's school.

your words, deal with them.
we've been over this. i am not making anything up.

you rooted for, cheered on, and encouraged the harassment and intimidation of peaceful muslim americans and you yelled about how they don't need to be exercising their first amendment rights on days when you say they shouldn't.

don't even try to pretend like you weren't bemoaning the number of hispanics now at your kid's school.

your words, deal with them.


Who do you think you are ? a super hero for minorities? You look like some little kid with race problems, and that makes it very hard to take you serious about pretty much everything...just so you know..

Who do you think you are ? a super hero for minorities?


do you really think minorities are so feckless that they are not capable of defending themselves?

that's pretty racist.

i am just a guy who enjoys making sport of old racist coots like you. deal with it.

Who do you think you are ? a super hero for minorities? You look like some little kid with race problems, and that makes it very hard to take you serious about pretty much everything...just so you know..

someone with a very sheltered upbringing, no life experience and a intellectually limited future.

do you really think minorities are so feckless that they are not capable of defending themselves?

that's pretty racist.

i am just a guy who enjoys making sport of old racist coots like you. deal with it.

You dont seem to think they can feed and clothe themselves much less anything else without the government.

If he is racist, what does that make you?
No but you seem to think that when you put on your cape and pretend to be a super hero..

listen mudshark daddy, i am here to make sport of racist, bigoted, and prejudiced folks like you. you're only digging your hole deeper when you make comments like the one above.
listen mudshark daddy, i am here to make sport of racist, bigoted, and prejudiced folks like you. you're only digging your hole deeper when you make comments like the one above.

lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao/// lol I love u bro don't ever change... ur a good beaver
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