Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

He already owns the property doesn't he? Who has the right to decide how he will use it or what he will call it?

so how does it cause this racist business owner harm to call it a private club or a public business?

Who has the right to force others to serve them? (You've never answered this because you can't)

already answered in post 225, and copied verbatim in subsequent posts.

you still have not answered my question though

did denial of service to blacks cause harm in the form of barriers to entry, decreased competition, and higher prices?

please get back to me on that one, cupcake.
so let me see if i have this right.

your position is that you should have the right to exclude others based on skin color.

you admit that you hold this position and that this position is racist.

yet paradoxically, you yourself are not a racist, you just hold racist positions.

do i have that about right?

No you do not have that correct. A black person has the right to control his OWN property. Jack Herer called and said if he could come back to life he'd shit on your floor just to fuck with you.

If you had said, "I have the right to shit on my floor, but not the floor of others." You would have been closer to being right.

Also, let me see if I have your position correct.

It is okay to use force to make people serve you and it is okay to deny them the determination of the use of their property.
No you do not have that correct.

so tell me which premise is false:

premise 1: you should be able to deny service to others based on skin color
premise 2: denying service based on skin color is a racist position
premise 3: you hold that racist position
premise 4: you are not racist, despite holding a racist position

tell me where i am going wrong here.

It is okay to use force to make people serve you and it is okay to deny them the determination of the use of their property.

how am i denying a business owner the determination of the use of their property?

if they want to hold your racist position they can, and it doesn't do them any harm to call themselves a private club.
There needs to be more tittie pictures in this section to put a calming mood in the air.

Good point. I carry this picture of my lady in my wallet.

so tell me which premise is false:

premise 1: you should be able to deny service to others based on skin color
premise 2: denying service based on skin color is a racist position
premise 3: you hold that racist position
premise 4: you are not racist, despite holding a racist position

tell me where i am going wrong here.

how am i denying a business owner the determination of the use of their property?

if they want to hold your racist position they can, and it doesn't do them any harm to call themselves a private club.

Please deposit 35 more cents to continue this call.
so tell me which premise is false:

premise 1: you should be able to deny service to others based on skin color
premise 2: denying service based on skin color is a racist position
premise 3: you hold that racist position
premise 4: you are not racist, despite holding a racist position

tell me where i am going wrong here.

how am i denying a business owner the determination of the use of their property?

if they want to hold your racist position they can, and it doesn't do them any harm to call themselves a private club.

You should be able to determine the use of your body and your property, but not initiate force to determine the use of other peoples bodies or their property.

I win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay !!!!!! I win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You lose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should be able to determine the use of your body and your property, but not initiate force to determine the use of other peoples bodies or their property.

so who else, besides the racist business owner, may decide if the business is a private club or public business?
so admittedly, the position you hold is racist, you said so yourself.

so you are not racist, but you hold racist positions?

how does that work, robby?



Hey there's a lady at Wendy's that's looking for you, she says she'll accept your offer if you agree to do it in the bathroom and not the minivan. If you hurry, you can get there and clean the bathroom, before she "finds out" you, well, you know.
Hey there's a lady at Wendy's that's looking for you, she says she'll accept your offer if you agree to do it in the bathroom and not the minivan. If you hurry, you can get there and clean the bathroom, before she "finds out" you, well, you know.

I am kicking your non-intellectual ass. That is evident by your lack of response to some specific questions.

did denial of service to blacks for decades cause harm via less competition, higher prices, or outright barrier to entry?

so who else, besides the racist business owner, may decide if the business is a private club or public business?

The owner of the property is the determining person or else they are not the owner.

You need to take that coercive government cock out of your mouth and learn that property rights are not something that can be redefined as a "private club" or a "public business" They are simple. You own you, you don't own others. You can do anything you want with your property, but not with others property. I can think of no better way to ensure peace can you?
I am kicking your non-intellectual ass. That is evident by your lack of response to some specific questions.

did denial of service to blacks for decades cause harm via less competition, higher prices, or outright barrier to entry?


I think you just like to talk about my ass. I'm gonna go now.

So who can make others serve them ?
You can do anything you want with your property, but not with others property. I can think of no better way to ensure peace can you?

how peaceful did that work out to be in the south before civil rights?





tell me who is "initiating aggression" and who is using "offensive force" to enforce your vision of freedom and "rights", robby boy.
check post #225, robby boy.

the part talking about ass was a verbatim copy and paste from you, ironically.

dumb fuck.

No. I think I'll go to Wendy's and shit on the floor, toss some money to the fat MILF and tell her she is harming me because she is denying me a service.

Dear Unkkkle Buckkk,

I'm gonna ask for a cease fire, just for a little while okay. Even, I'm getting tired of the whole Wendys floor shitting thing. I trust you will understand. Feel free to build a strawman and hump its leg though okay?

Your friend,

Rob Roy
how peaceful did that work out to be in the south before civil rights?





tell me who is "initiating aggression" and who is using "offensive force" to enforce your vision of freedom and "rights", robby boy.

Very emotional pictures, but yet not a buttress to your argument meathead.

Because blacks were abused by coercive government types, does not mean they can in turn dictate the use of an indifferent persons private property does it? No, no it doesn't.

If a gerbil nips your balls and causes you pain, you shouldn't kick the cat should you?