covering up grow room from fiancee...

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The funny part is, he's still viewing this thread, and its taking him this long to come up with a comeback., don't tell me I'm picking on a kid from the short bus...
im at work trying to do actual stuff dumbass, i actually have a life outside of the pot world, clearly you do not.i dont need a comeback to stoop so low as you fools.

Just do us a favor and get off the boards. You're on a forum of smokers and growers, a large portion of which are medical users, talking shit about people who smoke and talking about how you're selling for profit. What's the matter shitty job and can't afford a place for you and you're future ex-wife?
haha no i make 42k a year and she makes 34k a year.

extra money to buy a corvette and other goodies.

im outta here, i came her for some advice, but i could of talked to my poop and gotten better advice from that rather then you loser potheads
haha no i make 42k a year and she makes 34k a year.

extra money to buy a corvette and other goodies.

im outta here, i came her for some advice, but i could of talked to my poop and gotten better advice from that rather then you loser potheads

I'm sure you do man. You came here for advice but I thought you were supposed to be an expert in hydroponics!
i am at hrydoponics, now im getting into illegal hydroponics, therefor i want to make a great stealth room (which i asked about). i have no experience in making stealth rooms and covering up smells and stuff.

once again you have failed to read and understand anything in the last 20 pages.
i am at hrydoponics, now im getting into illegal hydroponics, therefor i want to make a great stealth room (which i asked about). i have no experience in making stealth rooms and covering up smells and stuff.

once again you have failed to read and understand anything in the last 20 pages.

Yet still no response of the disrespect you show your fiance, and the fact that your riding on big brothers skirt. Who lets they're brother take a hit so they can make money? Your still missing the point, and thats why you will always be a sad, poor excuse for a human with that...
haha no i make 42k a year and she makes 34k a year.

extra money to buy a corvette and other goodies.

im outta here, i came her for some advice, but i could of talked to my poop and gotten better advice from that rather then you loser potheads
70k a year, and living with big brother...again, your not even a good liar, just a compulsive liar.

The funny thing is you know everything I said about you was true, thats why all you do is talk shit and avoid the issues. I'd call you a joke, but even a joke has really don't.
Actually, I could run circles around you, but we won't go there. Takes one to know one...i knew it, your not old enough to be here...your a 13 year old troll...
isnt it anti-bully month? freaking loser man.
Boy if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black! You need to take the blinders off my friend. You say your brother will take the fall? Everybody says that until they are sitting on the curb, handcuffed with 7 or 8 cops staring down at them. Then suddenly everybody starts crying for mommy and singing like a canary. Trust me bro, you WILL go down if your brother goes down. You are talking about all this money YOU will be making yet your brother is going to do all the work? Usually the person who does the majority of the work and assumes the majority of risk makes the majority of the money. That's how shit works in the real world, not in that fantasy land you must be living in. LMFAO!!!!!!!! Oh that is too funny bro! I've said it at least 3 times in this thread, carbon scrubbers don't remove all the smell, especially at harvest time. I also see that this thread has descended into the realm of troll and I suspect the whole thread is nothing but a pathetic troll thread. You have successfully avoided every single potential problem that someone has brought up. Growing isn't a fucking game bro. It's serious business and you are about to find out why everybody is trying to talk you out of this incredibly bad idea. I say go ahead and do it. I could give a shit if your girl leaves your sorry ass. I don't care if you get pinched and go to prison (oh that's right, your brother is going to go to prison in your place! rotflmao!!!!!!!). You've made up your mind and have ignored all the good advice people here have given you so I say have it bro! :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:



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Gary Coleman haven't you learned you lesson already your midget ass already got beat up by your woman and you want to try this??? Damn naw I'm just fucking with you.
Here's what you do...... Step 1. You and your bro throw in and rent a pod. Get it dropped in the back of your driveway. You tell your fiancé he's got the pod to put his shit in it to give you guys extra room in the house so he cleared our the extra room and basement. Next you drop a 50amp breaker into the breaker box. You run a separate line out of the basement in flex metal conduit buried in the yard to the pod. Now you got power in there. Next cut out a power vent in the roof of the pod. Make sure you keep the roof you cut out you'll have to bondo that back in place when your done with your grow. Start hanging lights and wiring ballasts. Cut a small hole in the back of pod. Set a 50 gal drum right by the back of pod cut a hole in drum and run PVC from drum into the pod. Now you have a water source. Hook the rest of your shit up and your growing. By the way the cops will need a separate warrant to check out the pod so fuck em.

Oh this made me laugh good attempt to help but I see many flaws, storage convient but don't you think she will notice the trips to the pod and wonder why if its storage you never take anything in or out as well as why so many trips are needed especially for the length of time they'll be in there? If that's not enough how and the hell are they going to get it setup like that without her noticing the digging for example...all I can say is wow...but on the plus side he is making progression atleast now he made mention of telling her its the bros decision perhaps our politics helped
haha. I haven't even finished college and I make almost twice what you do. Savings? It's called a loan douche, you shouldn't have an issue with it if you really make 73k a year, which you obviously don't.

I don't know about raven, but the reason I'm on here so much is because I only have to work 20 hours a week to make twice what you do.
Oh and you're talking about a stealth grow (even though you only need stealth from your future ex-wife because she has your balls in a jar), then you say you're growing 15oz per month... Theres nothing stealth about it, have fun trying to hide that smell, and the noise from your ventilation system.

You came here to learn about hydroponics (or illegal hydroponics you say, because you're the master of hydroponics, just not when its with pot) but you don't do any research, you just post a question asking us to tell you what to do. Read moron, there's tons of threads all over this board about stealth grows and odor control and the such. Give it up man.
haha. I haven't even finished college and I make almost twice what you do. Savings? It's called a loan douche, you shouldn't have an issue with it if you really make 73k a year, which you obviously don't.

I don't know about raven, but the reason I'm on here so much is because I only have to work 20 hours a week to make twice what you do.
I really think we are wasting our time on this kid. He has obviously made up his mind and doesn't want good advice from folks who have been doing this for years and know what it takes to grow a successful crop. Evidently a good job and young fiance aren't enough to keep him from going down this road so I seriously doubt a bunch of anonymous growers and stoners are going to have any influence.:-(
I really think we are wasting our time on this kid. He has obviously made up his mind and doesn't want good advice from folks who have been doing this for years and know what it takes to grow a successful crop. Evidently a good job and young fiance aren't enough to keep him from going down this road so I seriously doubt a bunch of anonymous growers and stoners are going to have any influence.:-(

I know, it's just fun :)

I'm still waiting for a mod to close this damn thread already.
Boy if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black! You need to take the blinders off my friend. You say your brother will take the fall? Everybody says that until they are sitting on the curb, handcuffed with 7 or 8 cops staring down at them. Then suddenly everybody starts crying for mommy and singing like a canary. Trust me bro, you WILL go down if your brother goes down. You are talking about all this money YOU will be making yet your brother is going to do all the work? Usually the person who does the majority of the work and assumes the majority of risk makes the majority of the money. That's how shit works in the real world, not in that fantasy land you must be living in. LMFAO!!!!!!!! Oh that is too funny bro! I've said it at least 3 times in this thread, carbon scrubbers don't remove all the smell, especially at harvest time. I also see that this thread has descended into the realm of troll and I suspect the whole thread is nothing but a pathetic troll thread. You have successfully avoided every single potential problem that someone has brought up. Growing isn't a fucking game bro. It's serious business and you are about to find out why everybody is trying to talk you out of this incredibly bad idea. I say go ahead and do it. I could give a shit if your girl leaves your sorry ass. I don't care if you get pinched and go to prison (oh that's right, your brother is going to go to prison in your place! rotflmao!!!!!!!). You've made up your mind and have ignored all the good advice people here have given you so I say have it bro! :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:


I couldn't agree more doc people will say they will never roll on a good friend or family member laughable he thinks his brother will let him off scott free most people can't handle the minipulation cops dish through interagation you have to be very skilled to keep from giving them any useable info which most just can't do have fun when the bro realizes he is in deep shit (if cops come into play) and he uses you to cut his deal... No matter how good the relationship you can't trust people trusting my sister is what got my brother sent to prison cops played her like a fiddle and they will do the same in this situation
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