covering up grow room from fiancee...

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There is ZERO chance of her not finding out. You have to move gallons and gallons of water. Buy hundreds if not thousands worth of nutes, equipment, co2, and all the BS that it takes. I spend a minimum of 2 hours every day on my garden. Your an idiot to think you can lie to your soon to be wife. Divorce is in your future. Period.

WTF takes u 2 hours everyday? Are u just sitting there starring at them drooling? My bro will be doing 80% of in the room work. And he can be in there all he wants she wouldn't care what he does in his free time. I'd be in there maybe 10 mins a day checking on them. Still 10 mins of risk tho
WTF takes u 2 hours everyday? Are u just sitting there starring at them drooling? My bro will be doing 80% of in the room work. And he can be in there all he wants she wouldn't care what he does in his free time. I'd be in there maybe 10 mins a day checking on them. Still 10 mins of risk tho
The amount of bud you want to grow is gonna require 1 person at least an hour a day on average. On days where you are transplanting, or taking cuttings or something like it you are going to probably devote some extra time. Harvest is a big day too, that bud won't trim itself! lol! It's gonna stink like nobody's business when you are trimming and drying. You don't think you will be spending a lot of time in there but what happens when your buddy gets sick? What happens when he just needs to "Take a break" or something? Those plants won't water themselves my friend. It's a time commitment no matter how you slice it. It doesn't grow all by iself with no help whatsoever. YOU have to do lots of "chores" in order to have a successful garden, if you get lazy or just overlook some shit you will pay for it, I promise you. Don't keep your shit clean, you'll end up with bugs or mold or some other disease. I know I'm being a buzzkill but don't go into this with blinders on because you will be right back here in a few months singin' the blues because you're losing your crop to bud mold or some shit.:-( I wish you the best of luck whatever you decide. :eyesmoke:
WTF takes u 2 hours everyday? Are u just sitting there starring at them drooling? My bro will be doing 80% of in the room work. And he can be in there all he wants she wouldn't care what he does in his free time. I'd be in there maybe 10 mins a day checking on them. Still 10 mins of risk tho

Bro, if you even ask that question, you have no idea what running a big grow entails. Sorry to be a dick, but your obviously a newb. Stick to that forum where the rookies hangout.

I have to carry in 50 gallons a week for one res, 30 for another. I have to take PH readings in both, and stabolize them. I have to take EC readings, and keep that at the levels I need. I have to wheel up a 175 lb full tank of co2 every 6 days. That costs $22 a fil. My nutes are about $800 a that kind of cash??????

I have to keep all the lower branches trimmed, and cleaned up. I have to perform a drain, and refill of said resivoirs. I have a dehumidifier that has to be emptied 2 times a day. To do that, I have to get my ass out of bed at 6 am to empty, and make sure to be home at 8 to empty it again.

I have to spend hours taking clones, setting up and running the machine. I have to measure EC and Ph on that too. Than I have to transplant those to grow to put in pots when the last turn is done. Than I spend countless hours cutting down, trimming, hanging, drying, manicuring, jar curing, and packaging my product. I go to the hydro store at least once a week, sometimes twice.

It takes me 3 hours to wash 4 large bags of hydroton to use for the next turn. I also have to bag up, and secretly dispose of hundreds of pounds of used hydroton and roots.

Oh yea, I also have to stake up and secure all my plants so they don't break when they get big. I also have to stragetically trim away fan leaves, dispose of them, and keep a steril sealed room.

OH, IDIOT.....My fucking electric bill would make your rookie eyes bug the fuck out of your head...think wifey won't take notice of that?

What about have it all wired? Thought of who your electrician is going to be to wire up a serious grow? I'm lucky and have a friend, but you probably don't. Big money brother. And can't just drain 100's of gallons of water on the fucking floor....I had to plumb my space with a drain to the outside....think she won't see that.

You're clueless. Stick to a stupid little CFL grow in a little box. Keep the growing to the people who have a clue:wall:.

GRRRRRRRRRRR.....don't question people who have superior knowledge to you. It's very annoying.
well said
i spend 1-2 hours on mine

Bro, if you even ask that question, you have no idea what running a big grow entails. Sorry to be a dick, but your obviously a newb. Stick to that forum where the rookies hangout.

I have to carry in 50 gallons a week for one res, 30 for another. I have to take PH readings in both, and stabolize them. I have to take EC readings, and keep that at the levels I need. I have to wheel up a 175 lb full tank of co2 every 6 days. That costs $22 a fil. My nutes are about $800 a that kind of cash??????

I have to keep all the lower branches trimmed, and cleaned up. I have to perform a drain, and refill of said resivoirs. I have a dehumidifier that has to be emptied 2 times a day. To do that, I have to get my ass out of bed at 6 am to empty, and make sure to be home at 8 to empty it again.

I have to spend hours taking clones, setting up and running the machine. I have to measure EC and Ph on that too. Than I have to transplant those to grow to put in pots when the last turn is done. Than I spend countless hours cutting down, trimming, hanging, drying, manicuring, jar curing, and packaging my product. I go to the hydro store at least once a week, sometimes twice.

It takes me 3 hours to wash 4 large bags of hydroton to use for the next turn. I also have to bag up, and secretly dispose of hundreds of pounds of used hydroton and roots.

Oh yea, I also have to stake up and secure all my plants so they don't break when they get big. I also have to stragetically trim away fan leaves, dispose of them, and keep a steril sealed room.

OH, IDIOT.....My fucking electric bill would make your rookie eyes bug the fuck out of your head...think wifey won't take notice of that?

What about have it all wired? Thought of who your electrician is going to be to wire up a serious grow? I'm lucky and have a friend, but you probably don't. Big money brother. And can't just drain 100's of gallons of water on the fucking floor....I had to plumb my space with a drain to the outside....think she won't see that.

You're clueless. Stick to a stupid little CFL grow in a little box. Keep the growing to the people who have a clue:wall:.

GRRRRRRRRRRR.....don't question people who have superior knowledge to you. It's very annoying.
I say do it.

Lie to your fiance, sell your stash to the dealer and make millions.

Oh, it also has the added bonus of you losing your family and friends!

Go get em tiger!
not worried about prison, he can take the blame for the room and growing. i just look weird being caught there.

im just asking in general, how have people covered up their grow rooms, even if friends/family come over, how do you have it hidden??

You mean your brother can take the blame? Or your dealer friend? Or your fiancee? (I think you mean your brother cus your dealer friend doesn't live there). Some fucked up person you are.
Enough with the politics. I just want a stealthy room. She can't control what he does as it is his house. Perhaps I will greatly limit my role to reduce risk. If I get caught in the room then who cares he was just showing me what he is growing. As far as she knows I don't smoke it and i don't deal it ( which i actually dont) so nothing really bad.

Worst case scenario I suppose is she wants me to never get involved. Then the lying would have to begin. Doubting it gets to that point though.

She has stated there is nothing that bad he can do in order for her to be uncomfortable with moving in. Yeah she could of thought illegal activities we implied, but hey she never mentioned it so who knows.

1. Search stealth grows. That's how people hide it. Do some of your own damn research, it's obvious how little you have done from your postings.

2. Leave your girl.
A) You don't deserve for her to love you if you will risk her freedom with out her knowledge.
B) How well do you even know her? From what you have posted I doubt you know her that well. (goes back to doing your own research)
C) The fact you care little about your girls safety says to me your already cheating on her just save her the heartache and jail time.

3 You are quite obviously to ignorant and childish to handel the responsibilities of growing weed.

People like you help only to ruin the world through their stupid. Making everyone around them miserable by spreading lies, hate, and disease. Please do the world a favor do not reproduce. Thanks and I hope you found my advice helpful.
this comment did no help, don't respond to a person if you can't appreciate the post.
don't post in a forum if you can't take answers you don't like...especially being an outsider (you just told a forum full of potheads you don't smoke)

Here's what you've shown us -

1) You could give a shit about your girl
2) you could give a shit about your brother, because you have no problem throwing all that shit on him, yet I bet you wanted some of the money that came wjth it.
3) I'm trying to put this part politely, because I have a problem being to honest....Your a self-centered child pretending to be a man, who would shit on his brother and a women that cares for him as long as you don't take any risk. Your a coward. A straight fucking coward.
4) what takes 2 hours? doing shit right, checking on them, you want enough for near a pound than thats gonna take a few plants, and when it comes time for sexing and everything after, you want to check EVERY bud site to make sure you don't have any male parts, otherwise that lb that would have gotten you 3-4g will now get you 300-400, and be sold as bad ass schwag. The fact that you were shocked tells me you were looking for money with no effort.
You know what, fuck the list, your not worth it, why are you wasting space here again? Oh yea, you want help fucking your loved ones, not even man enough to do that on your own...

And did you have to drag gary's name through the mud like this, didn't the poor guy go through enough while he was breathing?!!
ARE YOU EVEN OLD ENOUGH TO BE HERE?!!! you know you have to be at least 18, right?!!
EDIT: something else just occurred to me...You would sell your brother out to keep you self out of prison, YOU FUCKING SNITCH. You really are the lowest form of life, aren't you? Seriously, they're is bacteria in dog shit that I think more of than I do you, what the fuck is wrong with you?!! Seriously, you don't see a problem with this?! Your proud of who you are?! you can look in the mirror and your okay with what you see?!! I'm not sure if I'm mad or heartbroken at the state of our society when we start producing little shits like god, I knew our govt hasn't been worth a shit, but I honestly tried to give our society a LITTLE more credit than that....I'm going to go smoke a bowl...a couple, hell, after this I think I need some hard liquor...
1. Search stealth grows. That's how people hide it. Do some of your own damn research, it's obvious how little you have done from your postings.

2. Leave your girl.
A) You don't deserve for her to love you if you will risk her freedom with out her knowledge.
B) How well do you even know her? From what you have posted I doubt you know her that well. (goes back to doing your own research)
C) The fact you care little about your girls safety says to me your already cheating on her just save her the heartache and jail time.

3 You are quite obviously to ignorant and childish to handel the responsibilities of growing weed.

People like you help only to ruin the world through their stupid. Making everyone around them miserable by spreading lies, hate, and disease. Please do the world a favor do not reproduce. Thanks and I hope you found my advice helpful.

rep + for you....dead on, just dead on...and a few others while I'm at it....
ya two hours is nothing, especially with the amount of plants and training you want to do. and trimming all the bud, it takes forever.

if you want to grow, just spend some extra money and buy a shed and grow in it. keep locks on it, cops do need a warrant if it is locked up. if it is unlocked THEN they can waltz in whenever. and get an uncuttable lock, just in case. get an electrician to run a good power source out to it. say its a workshop or something or art studio and your putting a kiln out there, they use a TON of energy. then grow in it. a good shed is about 2 grand btw. and with winter coming up, she wont want to go outside and look around the thing. also the pod is NOT a good idea. think about it, the are just plastic covering, and dont you think itd be a little weird you have a pod that is 80 degrees in the winter. Is everyone forgetting a major thing in stealth growing, your heat signature. all it would take is one copter with FLIR to pass by to see that pod light up like a xmas tree. a shed would atleast have a reason to be warm.

"oh officer, that is my heated workshop i do carpentry/art in." how are you going to explain to them that the Pod with a power vent hole on the top and a 55 gal drum to th eback with piping going into it.
ya two hours is nothing, especially with the amount of plants and training you want to do. and trimming all the bud, it takes forever.

if you want to grow, just spend some extra money and buy a shed and grow in it. keep locks on it, cops do need a warrant if it is locked up. if it is unlocked THEN they can waltz in whenever. and get an uncuttable lock, just in case. get an electrician to run a good power source out to it. say its a workshop or something or art studio and your putting a kiln out there, they use a TON of energy. then grow in it. a good shed is about 2 grand btw. and with winter coming up, she wont want to go outside and look around the thing. also the pod is NOT a good idea. think about it, the are just plastic covering, and dont you think itd be a little weird you have a pod that is 80 degrees in the winter. Is everyone forgetting a major thing in stealth growing, your heat signature. all it would take is one copter with FLIR to pass by to see that pod light up like a xmas tree. a shed would atleast have a reason to be warm.

"oh officer, that is my heated workshop i do carpentry/art in." how are you going to explain to them that the Pod with a power vent hole on the top and a 55 gal drum to th eback with piping going into it.

I wish I could give out more rep today. I never thought about telling an electrician your hooking up a kiln.
haha im an artist and was thinking of buying a shed to grow in. an di was thinking of what to tell him i need a LOT of elec for. and a KILN came to mind. my old art department had a single electric kiln my art teacher would run twice a week. with that thing alone she had 1000 dollar electric bill. some use 10 KWH and they run for 20-25 hours.
†LHFAO† you know your giving advice to a born snitch, right? Just sayin....if snitching out his brother isn't an issue, he'd turn on anyone..."well, these people helped, i can get info for you..." seriously, he's every narc's dream....all they'd have to do is put a little pressure and they could send him in as a mole like nothing...
thanks you are right thanks for correcting me i had to go get fucked up like u but must have got more fucked up lol
did that hoping i would see this in a different light but didnt work this is still a post that a OP wishes later they would have never made
and it didnt even take going past beer to the hard stuff to realize that

You mean his soon to be ex-wife? though I doubt they make it the alter with as seriously as he's taking it...
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