covering up grow room from fiancee...

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New Member
Hello, I am going to be growing a decently sized amount (15 ounces a month of bud) in a few months with my brother (he will be running the show). me and my fiancee are moving in with him in a month or so, and she cannot know we will be growing (she may want me to stop growing, may want to move out, etc)

whether she would care if we did grow, we think it's best she just doesnt find out about the growing. Neither of us smoke, so we are already well under the radar. but we do not want to risk anything.

we are thinking about putting it in the basement (where our workout gear is) and possibly putting it behind cement cinder blocks with a trap door as a bookshelf or something. then if she ever came looking for me, then i am just in the basement working out (hoping to not get caught in the actual room ever, or else we are obviously caught)

anyone been in a similar situation like this or heard of anything similar? Looking to get ideas on how to cover it up, without having to be constantly lying about it.
we are going to grow for our seller (our best friend) who is a huge time smoker. he just doesnt have the money to build his setup.

we like to grow plants of all sorts, so we thought this could be a fun (and profitable) project
Be upfront with her. If you are willing to start to deceive her or get caught lying while doing so, your relationship won't last long at all.
Its bad getting caught in lies

if you still dont feel comfortable telling her keep it simple
leave it in his room build a grow box lock it up if she goes in his room
you might wanna ask yourself wtf she was doing in there in the first
its his room unless she was invited in there if you dont have room there
build a storage in your back yard with a fake wall grow there or go with a
sea of green approach small plants small area harvest fast

honesty is the best policy remember that
First, ppl on this board love weed. Who are you again?

Second, even Batman could not keep Vickie Vail from finding the bat cave . . . give the girl some credit.

Conclusion, dont grow weeds, stay out of prison, dont alienate yourself from your future ex-wife.
not worried about prison, he can take the blame for the room and growing. i just look weird being caught there.

im just asking in general, how have people covered up their grow rooms, even if friends/family come over, how do you have it hidden??
i agree with what everyone else has already said..
in my opinion, its going to be very hard to hide that amount of plants from anyone who lives in the same place as you, let alone a fianee who is going to be wondering why your spending so much time in the basement and not coming up all sweaty and looking like arnold in conan .....
even with carbon filters and other odor control measures aren't going to take out every bit of stink that will be created by that amount of bud, and the fact that your not a smoker, you don't have the built in defense of.. oh, that smell honey? we were just smoking a bowl before you came downstairs....
You're out of your league buddy. As for keeping it a secret, make sure there is something in there for smell. Real talk though: you should talk to your fiancee about this, if not you are really dooming your relationship in the long run. After all it is just cannabis at the end of the day, it's not like you have a meth lab in the basement. Good luck in marriage though, cuz.
i like how you think there will be no signs or smells from the grow....

Honey why is our electric bill 225.00 and we were not home...
or what is that room for....
or what is all this cash from...

on and on
its my bros house and his operation, im just helping out.

we are putting in industrial carbon filters, so that should cover up most of the smell. we are only growing top of the line dank, and i think she is only familair with low grade classic crappy pot smell weed.

she will never see the electric bill, since its not her house, and the cash she wont know cuz i do my own banking.

the 'what is that room for' is what im concerned about. trying to come up with ways to conceal it somehow, everything else would be fine tho
its my bros house and his operation, im just helping out.

we are putting in industrial carbon filters, so that should cover up most of the smell. we are only growing top of the line dank, and i think she is only familair with low grade classic crappy pot smell weed.

she will never see the electric bill, since its not her house, and the cash she wont know cuz i do my own banking.

the 'what is that room for' is what im concerned about. trying to come up with ways to conceal it somehow, everything else would be fine tho

Honey what is that roar all the time. even with mufflers those fans make alot of noise. She will know or find out better to come out from the start and aviod the loss of trust or respect.

one other point in the event of a raid, robbery or other unforseen condition what happens to her...

Cops to her: Sure you lived here all this time and knew nothing, have fun in prision lady...
i would think she could take a drug test (never done drugs) and come up clean, or even a lie detector test (since she wouldnt know)
You must not love her very much you had better call it off or be honest with your self. do I want to live a lie???????????? good luck
its my bros house and his operation, im just helping out.

we are putting in industrial carbon filters, so that should cover up most of the smell. we are only growing top of the line dank, and i think she is only familair with low grade classic crappy pot smell weed.

she will never see the electric bill, since its not her house, and the cash she wont know cuz i do my own banking.

the 'what is that room for' is what im concerned about. trying to come up with ways to conceal it somehow, everything else would be fine tho

i have to say either tell her the truth or have ur brother tell her fuck u its my house "whateva whateva ido waht i want"
i have to say either tell her the truth or have ur brother tell her fuck u its my house "whateva whateva ido waht i want"

this could work, until i get caught being in the grow room, then she would probably want me to not be involved, unless out of the blue we find out she couldnt care less, but we are planning for the worst.
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