covering up grow room from fiancee...

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hey that would be a good show they can air it before cops then we can see him on both shows

This topic would make for a nice reality show. Call it hubbys secret garden or sum shit. Id love to find out my girl had a secret garden!
Weeell as long as it was only gonna be a secret until harvest! lol shit i wanna smoke too!
Wow. Thats where setting up ground rules in the beginning of any relationship is key. Im not trying to sound assholey but it sounds like she may be in control of your balls. You might as well tell her cause shes going to find out eventually if you are living there. Besides whats the worst she can do? Leave you?
My girl, and my mom do not want me to grow, and they know I do. They accept it, specially my mom who is a pothead too.
In your situation I wouldn't grow until she knows you are going to. Then she can't say shit cause she is living there, and will be enjoying the cash. Once she see's the cash it's over. She will be on your side.
and if u think we are being harsh think how she will be when she finds out u lied or is sitting in jail u are free to do what u want but u r gambling with someones life that doesnt even know u would put her in a situation like this
i think u need to forget the grow for now and decide do i really care about this person
but i hope this isnt what marriage is about
u dont respect her,u are risking her life,u are lying to her i dont see one thing that shows any concern for her only how to trick her
well, i dont normally advise lying to people, especsilly when there engaged.
but heres the best idea.
find a closet.
grow in the closet. use cardboard to make an "old western bar door" inside the real door. this will block the light.
put a padlock on the door.
only go in the grow room if she is not home.
use an appliance timer for the lights. hook up all electronics to a power strip, and put the power strip onto the timer.
most closets dont have outlets, so run the power strip under the door, on the side with the hinges.
if she isnt in this room often, and dosnt go in this closet, you have a small 4x4 grow area, that is simple, yet foolproof.
i hope this was slightly helpful.
also, if the room which has the closet is slightly messy, put clothes over the wires and timer to make it less noticable.
if the room is dark, wrap the power strips wire in black electrical tape, making it harder to see in a dim or dark room.
just a heads up, i hope your a good liar. because if she asks why theres a wire going in there, you better come up with something quick.
maybe like, "oh we put a lightbulb in there to see when we need to get something out of there"
then say, "my brother caught me stealing his shirts when mine were dirty so he put a lock on the door"

like i said before, simple yet foolproof.
well, i dont normally advise lying to people, especsilly when there engaged.
but heres the best idea.
find a closet.
grow in the closet. use cardboard to make an "old western bar door" inside the real door. this will block the light.
put a padlock on the door.
only go in the grow room if she is not home.
use an appliance timer for the lights. hook up all electronics to a power strip, and put the power strip onto the timer.
most closets dont have outlets, so run the power strip under the door, on the side with the hinges.
if she isnt in this room often, and dosnt go in this closet, you have a small 4x4 grow area, that is simple, yet foolproof.
i hope this was slightly helpful.
Foolproof huh? What about the smell? What about harvesting, trimming and drying? The padlock on a closet in the house she lives in isn't going to be suspicious? I realize you are trying to help this kid out but this is a bad idea for so many reasons, not the least of which if the house gets raided, she is going to wake up at 4 a.m. with a boot in her throat and and a gun pointed at her head. Seriously, the best thing this guy can do is either be up front with her about it or ditch her and find a woman who is cool with him growing.;-)
Dude people are really giving you some grief. My girlfriend doesn't know I grow. She spent the night once and saw the light creeping out my closet and asked me about it. Yeah I lied, anyone wanna bitch me out? But my girl doesn't live with me so it's not such a big deal. She actually lives in another city. They are right when saying you'll be constantly lying though. Girls are nosy, you know that. It'll keep coming up.
""also, if the room which has the closet is slightly messy, put clothes over the wires and timer to make it less noticable"

WTF?? Are you trying to burn the guys house down! That is a major fire hazord!
Please think before you post...
didnt realize this thread was 5 pages long...
btw, im aggreeing with "asassinofyouth" this girl should accept your decisions, and if not, your not a compatible couple.
just sit her down and say my brother wants to grow, dont tell her he does now if he does and offered to cut me in if i help
but if u have no concern for this girl and its worth the money to risk everything why not just ask her to get a job at a strip club
and i only suggest that because you have no respect for her

and im still waiting for our female growers to see this thread and then it will get interesting quick lol
lmfao!!!!!! Yeah, when the chickies see your post they are gonna let ya have it! :cuss:
""also, if the room which has the closet is slightly messy, put clothes over the wires and timer to make it less noticable"

WTF?? Are you trying to burn the guys house down! That is a major fire hazord!
Please think before you post...

wow. didnt know people were this stupid nowadays. wires are insulated by rubber. and if you have any concept of transferring heat, you'll know an insulator blocks heat and electricity.
take your own advice. think before you post.
Dude people are really giving you some grief. My girlfriend doesn't know I grow. She spent the night once and saw the light creeping out my closet and asked me about it. Yeah I lied, anyone wanna bitch me out? But my girl doesn't live with me so it's not such a big deal. She actually lives in another city. They are right when saying you'll be constantly lying though. Girls are nosy, you know that. It'll keep coming up.

Youre talking about a girlfriend that doesnt live with you and hes talking about a fiance that he lives with. I just think its going to be more trouble than its worth trying to hide it when shes going to find out anyways. Especially if hes talking about growing 15 ounces.
Youre talking about a girlfriend that doesnt live with you and hes talking about a fiance that he lives with. I just think its going to be more trouble than its worth trying to hide it when shes going to find out anyways. Especially if hes talking about growing 15 ounces.
Exactly! She WILL find out if he tries to do this. He would have to be a kickass actor, she would have to be the only non-nosey female on the planet, the odor control would have to be top notch, and there would have to be no traffic coming and going. If he has all of these things going for him he might be able to pull it off for about a month.:weed:
wow. didnt know people were this stupid nowadays. wires are insulated by rubber. and if you have any concept of transferring heat, you'll know an insulator blocks heat and electricity.
take your own advice. think before you post.

I worked for a fire restoration company and I have seen a many houses burn down because of cloths trown on ext. cords.
Alright answer me this...What happens when the plug gets pulled out just slightly but not all the way??? And what happens is this happens under said old clothes.....its called a fire!!!
Know what happens when your house catches fire. Firemen come. You know who firemen are friends with??? Thats right cops. Sorry buddy but your idea is not foolproof!

Secondly most timers dont turn/work properly if there is something on it or covering it.

This doesnt change the fact that he will never be able to hide the smell or the fact that he will be going in there every chance he gets.
hey that would be a good show they can air it before cops then we can see him on both shows

When i can give rep again ur next cuz that was some funny shit. I jus know my EXs didnt smoke and tried to make me feal like shit everyday for smoking but i was honest and bought -broke down-rolld up -smoked in their face anyway but thats jus me. Now my fiancee and the love of my life smokes as much as me and helps me grow. u GOTTA find the one for u!
I worked for a fire restoration company and I have seen a many houses burn down because of cloths trown on ext. cords.
Alright answer me this...What happens when the plug gets pulled out just slightly but not all the way??? And what happens is this happens under said old clothes.....its called a fire!!!
Know what happens when your house catches fire. Firemen come. You know who firemen are friends with??? Thats right cops. Sorry buddy but your idea is not foolproof!

Secondly most timers dont turn/work properly if there is something on it or covering it.

This doesnt change the fact that he will never be able to hide the smell or the fact that he will be going in there every chance he gets.
I am a retired firefighter. It is definitely a fire hazard to pile clothes on top of an extension cord. You wouldn't have had to worry about me telling the cops about your grow, and yes I've fought more than one grow house fire, you would've had to worry about me taking a sample though. lol!:weed:
fuck these guys saying tell your fiancee, you know her the best and why would you risk it anyways.
you wont really have to lie or be a good actor because she will have no idea
especially if the basement is a workout area,or better yet make it a man cave, she wont be down there come on now
make a sick grow room man some anne frank shit
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