covering up grow room from fiancee...

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he didnt ask if it was a good idea or not
he already had a plan not to tell his fiancee and make a stealth one
he want opinions on how to make it flawless and actually not be discovered

Go back and read the first post. Carefully. And Slowly. So you can comprehend what is being said.

Ok, you back? Good.

"Looking to get ideas on how to cover it up, without having to be constantly lying about it."

That is a quote from the original post.

Most of this thread has been letting the OP know that there is NO way of covering it up WITHOUT lying constantly.

Do we have to continue?
he didnt ask if it was a good idea or not
he already had a plan not to tell his fiancee and make a stealth one
he want opinions on how to make it flawless and actually not be discovered

LMAO stranger danger! stranger danger! who r u talkin to mr. 15 posts? since ur a newb i guess u didnt know to use quotes.
yea we probably should continue
if he made it hidden and she didnt know about it...
wouldnt that make it so no lies have to be told
i think thats a pretty easy way to "cover it up" without lying wouldnt you?
yea we probably should continue
if he made it hidden and she didnt know about it...
wouldnt that make it so no lies have to be told
i think thats a pretty easy way to "cover it up" without lying wouldnt you?

"Hey babe, fiance...that I'm about to marry. You have no access to the basement, ok? We're equal partners in life, but I'm telling you that you can't go downstairs in your own house. You cool with that?"

That conversation is gonna go over wonderfully.
stop being so close minded before you speak next time
"Hey babe, fiance...that I'm about to marry. You have no access to the basement, ok? We're equal partners in life, but I'm telling you that you can't go downstairs in your own house. You cool with that?"

That conversation is gonna go over wonderfully.
Care to elaborate?

Because, giving someone horrible advice just to go against the grain, and potentially endangering their freedom in the process, could be looked at as being close-minded. Especially with the wealth of information right in front of your eyes in this thread. Stop now.
i didnt give anyone horable advice it was his own idea i gave him my opinion that i thought it can be done
which it easily can, if people can hide plants from there parents why not a fiancee
open minded to all possibility instead of just thinking "it will not work "your going to get caught""your endangering your freedom" lmao i dont think ill stop.
Care to elaborate?

Because, giving someone horrible advice just to go against the grain, and potentially endangering their freedom in the process, could be looked at as being close-minded. Especially with the wealth of information right in front of your eyes in this thread. Stop now.
FUCK u troll. Dont be mad cuz im that guy u wish u were. U fucked up a funny thread full of good advice! If anything was dumb or alil off it was the orginal ? that started this thread ya jackass!!!!

I agree graand47 is obviously just here to start shit. You notice, he never really gave any good advice on HOW TO hide the grow if the OP were to go about his business and keep it from his fiance. Just a bunch of shit talking.
well you dont know me and i dont know you i dont wish i were you lol nice try? maybe
why would you be commenting on a thread where you think the original post is stupid
i dont no if im wrong but i thought this forum was for pot growers to help other pot growers with all different levels of expirence
so technically nothing can be dumb and if you dont want to help then why are you even on this forum chirping people over the internet. grow up grow pot
FUCK u troll. Dont be mad cuz im that guy u wish u were. U fucked up a funny thread full of good advice! If anything was dumb or alil off it was the orginal ? that started this thread ya jackass!!!!
Hello boys, I'm here to remind you of a not-so-secret: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and believe me OP, if you are not upfront and honest about something like this, your lady (if she's of sound mind) will find out and will be upset you lied. SERIOUSLY, honesty is the best policy. I am a woman and before I started smoking back in the day, I was misinformed and totally against all drugs, including the lovely plant I now grow:dunce:. When my boyfriend in my last year of high school came clean to me about his cannabis use, instead of being angry he smoked, I researched the topic and educated myself on this entire culture. I found how wrong I was and with that boyfriends help, I realized how wonderful this plant really is.:weed:

Once again, just be honest. As fabfun mentioned, sit her down and be straight with her. If anything she will appreciate you came to her before doing anything. It will show her how you respect her and wish her to be involved in private things in your life. As an adult woman, I think it is universal that we want to be respected by our partners. Lying to her will translate to disrespect and you will be punished.

Here's an accurate image of what will happen to you/your marriage if you go through with hiding your hobby:
Well I have to agree with others about honesty a woman is always more pissed when she finds out things were witheld most times we feel its still a form of lying I say its your brothers deal and she either is ok with it or she's not she can't expect him to obey her in his own house in the event she doesn't care for it. I know the risks make people want to hide it but when my dad needed a place to live I told him I knew he hated pot but it was my house I grow I sell and I smoke all the time if you want to live there you will have to deal with it needless to say he said hed deal with it and I never had a problem certain people like the one your about to marry you should be able to trust enough to tell things like this to as said tell her its the brothers and if she is uncomfortable and actually finds the room or you in there well that will be easier to deal with imo since she would have had prior knowledge
Well I have to agree with others about honesty a woman is always more pissed when she finds out things were witheld most times we feel its still a form of lying I say its your brothers deal and she either is ok with it or she's not she can't expect him to obey her in his own house in the event she doesn't care for it. I know the risks make people want to hide it but when my dad needed a place to live I told him I knew he hated pot but it was my house I grow I sell and I smoke all the time if you want to live there you will have to deal with it needless to say he said hed deal with it and I never had a problem certain people like the one your about to marry you should be able to trust enough to tell things like this to as said tell her its the brothers and if she is uncomfortable and actually finds the room or you in there well that will be easier to deal with imo since she would have had prior knowledge

^^^YES, this
well he isnt getting much advice here because we are not scumbags that dont care about others it is about respect so he wont get any good advice just advice from newbie dumbasses like u and i read the whole thread not jumped on at the end like you
i suggest u slow down if u want to last here because u r not off to a good start KID

he didnt ask if it was a good idea or not
he already had a plan not to tell his fiancee and make a stealth one
he want opinions on how to make it flawless and actually not be discovered
no he didnt fuck up a funny thread now is when it is going to get funny i think he made himself a target now lol

FUCK u troll. Dont be mad cuz im that guy u wish u were. U fucked up a funny thread full of good advice! If anything was dumb or alil off it was the orginal ? that started this thread ya jackass!!!!
true that he came off like the teenager he is hiding that he smokes from his parents

I agree graand47 is obviously just here to start shit. You notice, he never really gave any good advice on HOW TO hide the grow if the OP were to go about his business and keep it from his fiance. Just a bunch of shit talking.
agreed +rep

Hello boys, I'm here to remind you of a not-so-secret: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and believe me OP, if you are not upfront and honest about something like this, your lady (if she's of sound mind) will find out and will be upset you lied. SERIOUSLY, honesty is the best policy. I am a woman and before I started smoking back in the day, I was misinformed and totally against all drugs, including the lovely plant I now grow:dunce:. When my boyfriend in my last year of high school came clean to me about his cannabis use, instead of being angry he smoked, I researched the topic and educated myself on this entire culture. I found how wrong I was and with that boyfriends help, I realized how wonderful this plant really is.:weed:

Once again, just be honest. As fabfun mentioned, sit her down and be straight with her. If anything she will appreciate you came to her before doing anything. It will show her how you respect her and wish her to be involved in private things in your life. As an adult woman, I think it is universal that we want to be respected by our partners. Lying to her will translate to disrespect and you will be punished.

Here's an accurate image of what will happen to you/your marriage if you go through with hiding your hobby:
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