covering up grow room from fiancee...

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Enough with the politics. I just want a stealthy room. She can't control what he does as it is his house. Perhaps I will greatly limit my role to reduce risk. If I get caught in the room then who cares he was just showing me what he is growing. As far as she knows I don't smoke it and i don't deal it, so nothing really bad.

Worst case scenario I suppose is she wants me to never get involved. Then the lying would have to begin. Doubting it gets to that point though.

Looks like you've already made up your own mind bro. Again, good luck.
You don't have to trace me...I'll meet up!

See, that high school 'meet me in the parking lot' shit doesn't really work on the internet now does it. If you can trace my IP I'll give you my crop, BTW.
As a side note I tried paying for elite status but nothing shows up under subscription payment options. Emailed the admins though hopefully get a reply soon. Really want access to the Security thread there.
As a side note I tried paying for elite status but nothing shows up under subscription payment options. Emailed the admins though hopefully get a reply soon. Really want access to the Security thread there.
No go my friend. They aren't doing elite subscriptions right now. Not really sure why but they I know they aren't.:-(
The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.

Where I come from you already have too many people involved.

Tell no one. Do not partner with anyone. Do not bring anyone to your grow location.

Loose lips sinks ships etc etc.

Thats this noobs 2 cents.
OHHHHHH NOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS not to double facepalm damn dude u must really be making a impression to earn that

Wow! just Wow!:dunce:

OHHHHHH NOESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS not to double facepalm damn dude u must really be making a impression to earn that
If I had a triple facepalm one I would have just skipped the double facepalm and gone straight for the big guns!:lol:

All kidding aside for a minute. To the OP, I know you want to grow but you are asking for trouble even considering going about it this way. Trust me bro, it ain't gonna be pretty when she finds out. Now I don't know you or your girl but I do know this; keeping a grow op the size you are talking about a secret from your girl who will be living in the same house is going to pretty much be impossible. She is gonna smell that shit. When you go down there and come back up after working in the garden and your hands and arms reek from brushing up against your flowering plants, she is gonna suspect something. Yeah, yeah, you can wash your hands but it gets into your clothing and it doesn't wash completely off with one or 2 hand washings. She will smell it when you guys harvest and trim it. It won't take her long to figure out what's going on and then she's gonna be pissed!:twisted: Do what you want though. It's your life. :blsmoke:
Not worried about. We are going to seal the room and then carbon filter it like crazy. Prob even carbon the entire basement
I'm telling you bro, it won't make a difference. Carbon filters don't get rid of all the smell. They get rid of most of it but it will be so damn noisy having a bunch of fans running. I'm only trying to give you solid advice. This is a bad idea! You're about to find out just what I'm talkin' about. :weed:
Gary Coleman haven't you learned you lesson already your midget ass already got beat up by your woman and you want to try this??? Damn naw I'm just fucking with you.
Here's what you do...... Step 1. You and your bro throw in and rent a pod. Get it dropped in the back of your driveway. You tell your fiancé he's got the pod to put his shit in it to give you guys extra room in the house so he cleared our the extra room and basement. Next you drop a 50amp breaker into the breaker box. You run a separate line out of the basement in flex metal conduit buried in the yard to the pod. Now you got power in there. Next cut out a power vent in the roof of the pod. Make sure you keep the roof you cut out you'll have to bondo that back in place when your done with your grow. Start hanging lights and wiring ballasts. Cut a small hole in the back of pod. Set a 50 gal drum right by the back of pod cut a hole in drum and run PVC from drum into the pod. Now you have a water source. Hook the rest of your shit up and your growing. By the way the cops will need a separate warrant to check out the pod so fuck em.
Puffntuff that could work. Lots of extra work getting the wiring and water out there. Could call it our 2012 end of the world bunker haha
There is ZERO chance of her not finding out. You have to move gallons and gallons of water. Buy hundreds if not thousands worth of nutes, equipment, co2, and all the BS that it takes. I spend a minimum of 2 hours every day on my garden. Your an idiot to think you can lie to your soon to be wife. Divorce is in your future. Period.


Is that clear enough?
I'm telling you bro, it won't make a difference. Carbon filters don't get rid of all the smell. They get rid of most of it but it will be so damn noisy having a bunch of fans running. I'm only trying to give you solid advice. This is a bad idea! You're about to find out just what I'm talkin' about. :weed:

Ya know! The worst thing that could happen aint her leavin. Its her stayn and threatning to call them boys on yall. u know how women do!!! Especially cuz she knows ya peeps would get in more trouble than u. Seen some shady shit happen because of women!
Gary Coleman haven't you learned you lesson already your midget ass already got beat up by your woman and you want to try this??? Damn naw I'm just fucking with you.
Here's what you do...... Step 1. You and your bro throw in and rent a pod. Get it dropped in the back of your driveway. You tell your fiancé he's got the pod to put his shit in it to give you guys extra room in the house so he cleared our the extra room and basement. Next you drop a 50amp breaker into the breaker box. You run a separate line out of the basement in flex metal conduit buried in the yard to the pod. Now you got power in there. Next cut out a power vent in the roof of the pod. Make sure you keep the roof you cut out you'll have to bondo that back in place when your done with your grow. Start hanging lights and wiring ballasts. Cut a small hole in the back of pod. Set a 50 gal drum right by the back of pod cut a hole in drum and run PVC from drum into the pod. Now you have a water source. Hook the rest of your shit up and your growing. By the way the cops will need a separate warrant to check out the pod so fuck em.
They don't need a warrant for unattached buildings on a property. That's why it's a bad idea to grow in a shed. They can just waltz right in if they wanted to. :sad:

BTW this is the best idea I've seen yet, but it's not perfect. He will still get caught when his girl wants to know why they are spending hours and hours in the pod.
There is ZERO chance of her not finding out. You have to move gallons and gallons of water. Buy hundreds if not thousands worth of nutes, equipment, co2, and all the BS that it takes. I spend a minimum of 2 hours every day on my garden. Your an idiot to think you can lie to your soon to be wife. Divorce is in your future. Period.


Is that clear enough?

Another GREAT piece of advise. It's hard not to trip over all this good advice.

Have you ever run a grow op before, Gary? Because if you should already be well aware this isn't feasible.

If not, you're on a fast track to find out. Ha...I hope you don't think growing dank, especially for profit only, is a game.

I know I'm a prick when it comes to bud, and will flat out let someone know, "I'm not paying for this garbage. Sorry you wasted our time."
At least with personal consumption, it's only you you're screwing. You already said this is purely for profit. How much you think your gonna make on bud that you didn't dedicate yourself too?
Heres a tip to get her on the same page. Get her on board with one small party cup style grow. When you have that going, every time you mention that plant, include her in it. Don't say 'im gonna go check my plant' images say 'im gonna go check our plants'. Say stuff like that as much as possible. Then once she feels like she owns part ofthat plant start talking about what you guys are going to do with that plant in the future. Sell, smoke whatever it is she should feel a vested interest in your plants. From there it should be pretty easy to ramp up into the size garden you want. Just be patient its not going to happen overnight.
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