covering up grow room from fiancee...

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She's your fiance, right?

Honestly, how long after you're married and looking for a house of your OWN do you really think you'll be doing your own banking? She's really never gonna catch on?

Don't underestimate the girl man, that's the worst thing you can do. If she catches you in a BLATANT ASS's a wrap homie. If you're gonna get involved let her know the deal.

I'm speaking from experience man. Shit is hectic when you have to lead a double life, lying, remembering your own lies so you don't slip up. It all comes out in the end man. And now, my fiance grows pot as well as I might be in for a pleasant surprise. There's no magic like a woman's magic in the grow room. Peace!
man be upfront. if she isnt cool with it, ditch her. i was with this girl when i started growing, and i knew if she ever found out she would blab her mouth to her friends and her friends would tell their friends etc. so i ditched her. i didnt need someone like that in my life. if you want to grow tell her. tell her the advantages and tell her you have done tons of research on how to make this stealth, which you should have already done. where are you going to port all of your heat from your HID lighting? if you didnt know they get HOT. and to get a 15 ounce a month harvest, thats 2 pounds a harvest, you will need at least 2 1000 watters to achieve that without a doubt. 1 1000 watter if your a good grower and can get 1 GPW. but the average is .5 GPW.

you wont be able to hide it man. no matter how creative you are. the heat will be the biggest, hey honey why is the basement 85 degrees, when it should be about 65. if you have an endless supply of money to start this up, there are way to deal with the heat from HID's where you wont have to exhaust heat into the basement, but since you have done TONS of research, you should know that.

also if she does find out, what is to stop her from going to the cops, and it doesnt matter if you bro takes the rap. she is an eye witness to you both growing.
Just pimp slap her and tell her its a done deal or hit the bricks :)

Im kidding of course :)

Telling her might not be such a good idea as people are saying though ... Lets say you break up in the future ... Most of the people getting raided are from tip offs from ex's .. just something worth thinking about :)

If you do decide to tell her ... sound her out befor you do ... ask her how she feels about weed and her opinion on it .... ask her how she would feel about you making some extra money ( For shoes ) thats not quit legit ... see how she reacts .

You allways have the fact that you asked her if she did find out .

Without knowing what you or your girl are like as people its hard to say how you should go about this ... its up to you dude ... Man up and good luck :)
i second that good luck women always find out we just think we fool them
come clean and if she freaks decide what is more important
better to do it now or she might find out and freak and call cops

I have two words.....

Good Luck
i second that good luck women always find out we just think we fool them
come clean and if she freaks decide what is more important
better to do it now or she might find out and freak and call cops
Not telling your fiance, whom will be living in the same house you will be growing in, is a bad idea and is destined to end poorly. This has FAIL written all over it.:dunce:



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cops dont try to prove people didnt commit crime they prove it so no test and so what if she doesnt smoke u said u dont either so i guess cops will just let all u go
get for real

i would think she could take a drug test (never done drugs) and come up clean, or even a lie detector test (since she wouldnt know)
im glad u guys are planning for the worst because that what will happen then we will see a post saying (I got busted wife turned me in and left me) then we could say but u planned for the worse

I came clean with my girl this weekend and she wants to help me harvest this coming weekend go figure

this could work, until i get caught being in the grow room, then she would probably want me to not be involved, unless out of the blue we find out she couldnt care less, but we are planning for the worst.
I have been on this forum a lil while now, I have encountered many post where people have gotten busted. Want to know what the number 1 things that brings them down......
You are risking everything by hiding this from her and guess how pissed she is going to be when she finds out......pissed enough to leave your ass....maybe....pissed enought to bring it all crashing on your head ....prob so. She may even be sorry about it later but it would be too late.

The truth will set you free, and lieing will get your ass in a heep of trouble.
I was in the same situation.. my girl of 9 years never supported or liked the fact that I smoked, but it was never a moral issue more of a legal issue with her. And I see her point, why would I want to get her caught up in my bullshit?

So unless you have that MJ card by all means man!! your legalized to grow it in your house!

But if its a criminal activity your gonna be doing in your home then she has a right to know.
which one doc the marriage or the grow or both
All of it! This post, the marriage, his grow op..............Where is he gonna trim and hang this shit to dry? She's gonna smell that shit even if she never sees it. :weed:
I have been married a long time. You most definitely do not want to start out your marriage lying to your soon to be wife. Real bad mojo there.

She will ask herself, "if he would lie to me about this, what else will he lie to me about". And if she has any intelligence, she will realize that you and your weed growing partner have been putting her at risk of going to prison.

But, unless she is just obtuse, there is no way you will be able to hide this grow from her. Something will give you away. And then we are back to the whole lying thing all over again.

Best of luck you partner, but unless you really step back and revisit this entire plan of yours I think you are setting yourself up for some major drama in your life.
a friend coming over for a few hours is different then someone that shares your house and your bed and your life and its noble your bro is willing to take rap but cops dont give a shit they see it as more the merrier and they will say there was no way u and wife didnt know

And i doubt they would but can always take fingerprints in grow room to prove u were involved

not worried about prison, he can take the blame for the room and growing. i just look weird being caught there.

im just asking in general, how have people covered up their grow rooms, even if friends/family come over, how do you have it hidden??
This topic would make for a nice reality show. Call it hubbys secret garden or sum shit. Id love to find out my girl had a secret garden!
Weeell as long as it was only gonna be a secret until harvest! lol shit i wanna smoke too!
just sit her down and say my brother wants to grow, dont tell her he does now if he does and offered to cut me in if i help
but if u have no concern for this girl and its worth the money to risk everything why not just ask her to get a job at a strip club
and i only suggest that because you have no respect for her

and im still waiting for our female growers to see this thread and then it will get interesting quick lol
My friends and my family know I grow, so I never have to hide it. Seriously, don't try to hide it, just tell her, explain why you're doing it, and if she's not cool with it then you got a choice to make. Whether to keep doing it and lie about it, or don't. There's no better way to be sure to ruin a relationship than with a lie. An "illegal" lie at that.

and I'm a chick btw, and yea, if you're willing to ask how to hide something kinda big like got some problems with your relationship you need to work out. Your fiance is someone you're gonna marry, you should be able to to tell them EVERYTHING. If you can't...figure out why and work on it.
You sound like a douche.

Don't lie to your fiancee, and don't grow weed if you can't appreciate a good toke.

Been married for over 35 years. That's a loooong time by todays standards.
Being deceptive / lying / cheating / etc. didn't get us this far that's for sure.
Trying to say what I'm thinking nicely isn't working. Because once you strip away the sugar coating the guy above is essentially spot-on!
You'd place someone you love(?) in that situation, knowingly? Ever hear of love, honor, respect? You've got none. Are you 16 yet? You certainly sound clueless as to what a real relationship entials for a life long partnership.

"You sound like a douche." - I think he's being way too kind. But, that's just my antiquated opinion.
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