Well-Known Member
Easy for you to say while your biz carries on. The fact is, 1/3 of all Canadian businesses will likely never reopen after this. 35M Canadians prosperity vs 2500 untimely, deaths. We don’t shutdown the economy when 3500 Canadians die from the flu every year. This whole things has been mismanaged by the Feds, and especially Ford.First off your pretty shortsighted imo. Ya someone's out to get ya...ya right. Must suck to think your that important or any of us for that matter. Geez man. Can't you read between the lines?
So what's your grand plan to fix this then smart ass! Let's hear your master plan to stop this. Folks have sacrificed and put themselves out to slow this down. Thanks to them!
You haven't lost any rights. 99% of us see it for what it is. A sensible request to stop a spreading disease.
That's nice your not butthurt when asked. So what you're saying is your reasonable then? Good. That's what we all need to be. And if everyone was we wouldn't have had to ticket and threaten folks with fines. Which by the way they are relaxing a bit. See it worked! Are we out of the woods yet...hardly.
Unfortunately the stupid often need lead by the hand to figure shit out. So apparently they need threatened to figure it out too.