They can use an online grocery store with delivery if they dont want to put on some PPE and go themselves...

Also here in E Ky, Internet Access isnt available in a bunch of places, and only way they can watch TV is with a Satellite/Dish, because they aint running cable up many of the hollows. Theyre working on getting cable access in much of the mountians, and hollows of East, and Mideast, South Central Mountainous Central Ky. It covers a huge area. Narrow Gravel Road Hollows.. And then many seniors on a tight budget have to be able to afford it vs meds, and food, housing, electric/gas. then you have the problem of even the best IPhone wont work right deep in the mountains and contact is almost impossible
I can go 20 miles to the South of my city in NE Ky, and you cant call back into to city. And Im in relative civilization. And its even worse in the mountains, as Im in just the foothills, and the access is all but impossible.

And Ive found the Satellite, and Dish work like shit, and even if a heavy cloud cover comes along, will shut the shit down. My buddy has constant problems with. And in many locations a Dish/Satellite wont work because of trees. Lotsa trees in the mountains. Of the ones that are left anyway.
Hes dead wrong.

Corona Virus has taken over as #1 Killer in USA. Overtaken Heart Disease, and Cancer.

57,000 in USA have died so far, and will continue to increase until next year.

MORE people have died in the last 2 months than the full flu season.

Supply chains for FOOD are fucked because thousands of workers are INFECTED. And rising.

44,000 average is how many believed dead from 2019-2020 flu season. In 2 months Corona has killed 57,000, and rising. Wait until the Fall.

As of today roughly 1700 per day are dying. 51,000 a month. You can bet were going to easily crack 100,00 before its over. Could hit 150,000+

Only time in decades more died from the flu was 2017-18, and was 61,000. Only 4000 to go. By nex few days, or by next week we will pass that number. And only 2 months. Not a Full season. Flu season can last from October - May. We still have 5 months to go. And then its going to come back in the Fall.
1st USA death was Feb 29, 2020.

During a March 11 hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee on coronavirus preparedness, Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, put it plainly: "The seasonal flu that we deal with every year has a mortality of 0.1%,” he told the congressional panel, whereas coronavirus is "10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu," per STAT news.

As if the current situation weren't dire enough, Dr. Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, cautioned on March 25 that coronavirus could become a cyclical event, much like the flu. He said that the U.S. needs to be prepared for the inevitability of a second cycle beginning in the fall of 2020.
All the dude in the video is worried about is money.
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57,000 have died as of Today. April 28, 2020

987,691 have been tested as Infected.

Death Rate is 5.1%. Theyre Delusional

As of today around 1700 per day are dying. Which is down from over 2000+ per day

This is not opinion, but Facts. They just tried to say known death rate is .01%, which is dead wrong. CDC sys 5.1%

Going by CDC 5.1% Death rate from those tested. as of today.

Covid has overtaken Cancer, and Heart Disease as the #1 Killer in USA.
57,000 have died as of Today. April 28, 2020

987,691 have been tested as Infected.

Death Rate is 5.1%. Theyre Delusional

As of today around 1700 per day are dying. Which is down from over 2000+ per day

This is not opinion, but Facts. They just tried to say known death rate is .01%, which is dead wrong. CDC sys 5.1%

Going by CDC 5.1% Death rate from those tested. as of today.

Covid has overtaken Cancer, and Heart Disease as the #1 Killer in USA.
Until the the actual antibody numbers are known, the CDC mortality rate #’s are just a guess. 10’s of millions of Americans will never even get the RNA test, (lack of testing...etc), so those #’s will never be counted...and 10’s of millions more have likely already had it and recovered. Until the true infection rate can be tallied, it’s all bad math. Yes it’s tragic that this virus is taking so many people all at the same time for lack of treatment, but it doesn’t make the virus anymore dangerous for the general population.
All kinds of people. Poor poor people.

Lots of poor people in Appalachia.

Appalachia has little to no public transportation in some parts of the region, many dont own a vehicle. A reality that people from elsewhere may be unused to. The region has more physical space, in some areas, but in every other category, it has less. Less access to food and clean water, less affordable and safe housing, fewer households with consistent internet access (which makes working remotely difficult), and fewer roads that are maintained. Out-of-state residents fleeing their own cities to escape the virus would further tax a region already taxed across the board, stretching a part of the country already stretched beyond its limits.

Nowhere is this more evident than in health care. Rural hospitals have been closing for years. Many Appalachians, due to lack of health insurance and income and the need to travel great distances, had difficulty accessing care well before COVID-19; some don’t have primary care physicians at all, and yet the population in Appalachia is extremely vulnerable. Poverty, poor nutrition, food insecurity, tobacco use, and environmental factors keep much of the region’s population at a higher risk of illness.

America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs

Beattyville’s median household income is just $12,361 (about £8,000) a year, placing it as the third lowest income town in the US, according to that Census Bureau 2008-12 survey.

Nationally, the median household income was $53,915 in 2012. In real terms, the income of people in Beattyville is lower than it was in 1980.

The town’s poverty rate is 44% above the national average. Half of its families live below the poverty line. That includes three-quarters of those with children, with the attendant consequences. More than one-third of teenagers drop out of high school or leave without graduating. Just 5% of residents have college degrees.

Surrounding communities are little better. Beattyville is the capital of Lee County, named after the commander of the Confederate army of Northern Virginia in the civil war, General Robert E Lee.

Five of the 10 poorest counties in the US run in a line through eastern Kentucky and they include Lee County. Life expectancy in the county is among the worst in the US, which is not unconnected to the fact that more than half the population is obese. Men lived an average of just 68.3 years in 2013, a little more than eight years short of the national average. Women lived 76.4 years on average, about five years short of national life expectancy

“Things were really good when I came here in ’72 and I ended up staying. When I came here there were three new car dealerships. There hasn’t been a new car dealership here since ’89,” he said. “There’s no future here. I have a sense of sadness. I wish people had a better life.”

The War on Poverty lives on through federal grants. Food stamps, employment programmes and disability allowance have cushioned many people from the harshest effects of the retreat of jobs from the region. Some families still struggle to put enough food on the table but their children are fed – if not well in the sense of healthily – at school.

Federal money also built Vivian Lunsford a new house – a spacious wooden bungalow with a balcony on two sides and forest to the back, constructed in a ravine just outside Beattyville. The narrow road from the town winds past simple log cabins buried in the trees.

“They’ve probably been there since the early 1900s,” she said. “I don’t know how people live in them. They’re real basic. Their only running water is the stream
As if the current situation weren't dire enough, Dr. Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, cautioned on March 25 that coronavirus could become a cyclical event, much like the flu. He said that the U.S. needs to be prepared for the inevitability of a second cycle beginning in the fall of 2020.
....and this my friends is the beginning of mandatory vaccinations...Bill Gates must be creamin' his jeans....
It either IS, or Isnt.
So far there have been at least 24,000 deaths from flu in the 2019-2020 flu season, 39 million flu illnesses and 410,000 hospitalizations. Flu Season runs from October - May

Almost 60,000 have died in USA in the last 2 months.

2.5 times more Covid19 deaths vs the Flu, and the Covid deaths are only for 2 months, and 2020 aint over yet. 10,000s more will die.

Published April 10 2020
Fox News
Coronavirus now killing more Americans than cancer, heart disease: report

How accurate is US COVID-19 death count? Experts say off by 'tens of thousands'
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Published April 10 2020
Fox News
Coronavirus now killing more Americans than cancer, heart disease: report
Geeezuz...step way from your FOX propaganda machine and do some actual research! This virus will never come close to Cancer or Heart disease deaths.

Heart Disease in the United States
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.1
  • One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.1
  • About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.

In 2020, an estimated 606,520 people will die of cancer in the United States. Lung and bronchus cancer is responsible for the most deaths with 135,720 people expected to die from this disease.
Covid has killed 60,000 in 2 months. Multiply that by 12 and you have 720,000 deaths.

Going by the 2 months death rate Covid is killing more in 2 months than Heart Disease, or Cancer.

Covid was at one time killing over 2100 a day. Heart disease, and Cancer dont crack 2000 a day.

Though I do agree Covid wont keep killing 2100+ a day, the per day deaths in the last 2 months is more for Covid.

Shits only been around 2 months sir. 60,000 dead, and rising. I believe the death rate as of now is roughly the same as Cancer, and Heart Disease deaths per day. 1700+

I only used Faux as an example because they usually side with tRUmp.

US marks record over 2,100 coronavirus deaths in one day ...
... ...29&sk=&cvid=2FAD3D0A43144EF8B9DBD2242E1AD21C#

COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United ...

LA mayor says COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death ...

COVID-19 Becomes Leading Cause of Death in L.A. County ...

Coronavirus Is Now the Leading Cause of Death in the ...

The numbers are in: COVID-19 is worse than the flu and is ...

Coronavirus was the 2nd leading cause of death in the U.S. on March 31
By April 10th, it took over as the #1 cause of death.
1774 people die per day from Heart Disease.

Covid was killing 2100+ per day. Its now down to 1700+.

This is a mind-blowing animation, showing that as of April 8th, the Covid 19 virus has risen to be the single leading daily cause of death in America (note NOT year to date or accumulated, but daily).

California Doctor: COVID-19 Now the Leading Cause of Death ...

U.S. Sees Exponential Growth In Coronavirus Death Toll
March 29, 202010:33 AM ET

How accurate is US COVID-19 death count? Experts say off by 'tens of thousands'
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Covid has killed 60,000 in 2 months. Multiply that by 12 and you have 720,000 deaths.

Going by the 2 months death rate Covid is killing more in 2 months than Heart Disease, or Cancer.

Covid was at one time killing over 2100 a day. Heart disease, and Cancer dont crack 2000 a day.

Though I do agree Covid wont keep killing 2100+ a day, the per day deaths in the last 2 months is more for Covid.

Shits only been around 2 months sir. 60,000 dead, and rising. I believe the death rate as of now is roughly the same as Cancer, and Heart Disease deaths per day. 1700+

I only used Faux as an example because they usually side with tRUmp.

US marks record over 2,100 coronavirus deaths in one day ...
... per day dying from covid&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=2100 per day dying from covid&sc=0-29&sk=&cvid=2FAD3D0A43144EF8B9DBD2242E1AD21C#

COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United ... leading cause of death&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=covid leading cause of death&sc=1-28&sk=&cvid=A3254A491E074BD3862AD68B8C86DA69#

LA mayor says COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death ...

COVID-19 Becomes Leading Cause of Death in L.A. County ...

Coronavirus Is Now the Leading Cause of Death in the ...

The numbers are in: COVID-19 is worse than the flu and is ...

Coronavirus was the 2nd leading cause of death in the U.S. on March 31
By April 10th, it took over as the #1 cause of death.
1774 people die per day from Heart Disease.

Covid was killing 2100+ per day. Its now down to 1700+.

This is a mind-blowing animation, showing that as of April 8th, the Covid 19 virus has risen to be the single leading daily cause of death in America (note NOT year to date or accumulated, but daily).

California Doctor: COVID-19 Now the Leading Cause of Death ...

U.S. Sees Exponential Growth In Coronavirus Death Toll
March 29, 202010:33 AM ET

How accurate is US COVID-19 death count? Experts say off by 'tens of thousands'
Its sad but some folks seem blind to the truth Jimi. Not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. This is why sheep need to be lead I suppose. Some would just follow a cloud the wrong way. Here in Ontario we had a slight upturn in deaths and new cases yesterday. This is far from over. Getting better.....just a bit. But the light of the day is yet to seen.
Wonder what the " this is all silly " set will say if they see a second way. This will be proved in the next few weeks whether we do or don't.
I'm gonna stick with what the WORLD wide experts are saying. I'm hoping it's not going to happen but personally am not sure.
Its sad but some folks seem blind to the truth Jimi. Not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. This is why sheep need to be lead I suppose. Some would just follow a cloud the wrong way. Here in Ontario we had a slight upturn in deaths and new cases yesterday. This is far from over. Getting better.....just a bit. But the light of the day is yet to seen.
Wonder what the " this is all silly " set will say if they see a second way. This will be proved in the next few weeks whether we do or don't.
I'm gonna stick with what the WORLD wide experts are saying. I'm hoping it's not going to happen but personally am not sure.
How long can we all hide out at home? How long can the government pay for some of us to stay home? We wont get into where the money is coming from or how it will be paid back...
How long can we all hide out at home? How long can the government pay for some of us to stay home? We wont get into where the money is coming from or how it will be paid back...
I agree and worry on that too. I'm concerned they don't sell the farm here. But at the same time if this thing got CRAZY out of control we all be far more fucked than this hiccup. This could always be much worse. That's the point. Some sacrifice now for big gain later. I see that.
The basics of this are me anyway. We can give it to each other. So distancing is the key to stopping the's a no brainer.
How'd you like it if I came to see you and gave it you because I simply don't care. For instance if I just left a care home that had it wide spread would you not be pissed at me for coming to see you? Of course you would.
Trouble is we don't know who's carrying it. How can that not be clear to you Jeddi...your no dope.
You think it's okay to just ignore that fact it's transmitted from person to person?
Im fully aware we can give it to each other. Im fully aware I could be infected and not know it. I wouldnt be concerned if you showed up at my door after leaving Orchard Villa...

Driving on the 401 is far more dangerous than covid to me, being middle aged and healthy. Bottom line is Im willing to take my chances! If your not, thats fine, stay in quarantine but this 'solution' cant go on much longer.
I agree and worry on that too. I'm concerned they don't sell the farm here. But at the same time if this thing got CRAZY out of control we all be far more fucked than this hiccup. This could always be much worse. That's the point. Some sacrifice now for big gain later. I see that.
The basics of this are me anyway. We can give it to each other. So distancing is the key to stopping the's a no brainer.
How'd you like it if I came to see you and gave it you because I simply don't care. For instance if I just left a care home that had it wide spread would you not be pissed at me for coming to see you? Of course you would.
Trouble is we don't know who's carrying it. How can that not be clear to you Jeddi...your no dope.
You think it's okay to just ignore that fact it's transmitted from person to person?
This is NOT a hiccup hippy..these are people’s businesses and livelihoods. Maybe if you were on the receiving end you’d better understand! Most Canadians were already living paycheque-to-paycheque due to record high debt loads before all of this. Do think those perfectly healthy people think this is just a hiccup?! Don’t answer, rhetorical question!

14M ON residents...185 on ventilators (as of today). Meanwhile Quebec, who has almost 2x the confirmed cases, and 600 more firing everything (except high schools) back up next week. Montreal opens up completely the following week. Ford is an idiot!
This is NOT a hiccup hippy..these are people’s businesses and livelihoods. Maybe if you were on the receiving end you’d better understand! Most Canadians were already living paycheque-to-paycheque due to record high debt loads before all of this. Do think those perfectly healthy people think this is just a hiccup?! Don’t answer, rhetorical question!

14M ON residents...185 on ventilators (as of today). Meanwhile Quebec, who has almost 2x the confirmed cases, and 600 more firing everything (except high schools) back up next week. Montreal opens up completely the following week. Ford is an idiot!
I've lost money to this just like many folks have. What makes you think I don't get that part? But I also get that this could have been much worse had folks not stayed in best they can. Folks have done a mostly great job at this stay home stuff.
That's why we see some hope at this point. To bad it had to be ordered. All I needed was it explained. Hell I saw it was best before they ordered it. It's how you don't catch it. You don't need to be a world expert to know that.
Those perfectly healthy people may not have been so lucky had folks not got this.
You know Dman if you think the folks are feeling the financial impact now, how would they have felt it had it got worse?
What did you as usual?
I asked you before but you never answered. Your plan to stop this is?
By the way plenty of fairly smart companies are CHOOSING to not re-open. Because the clever folks who run them GET IT !!!!
This is NOT a hiccup hippy..these are people’s businesses and livelihoods. Maybe if you were on the receiving end you’d better understand! Most Canadians were already living paycheque-to-paycheque due to record high debt loads before all of this. Do think those perfectly healthy people think this is just a hiccup?! Don’t answer, rhetorical question!

14M ON residents...185 on ventilators (as of today). Meanwhile Quebec, who has almost 2x the confirmed cases, and 600 more firing everything (except high schools) back up next week. Montreal opens up completely the following week. Ford is an idiot!
Not much use a having a business if your customer are all dead or sick. Can't you see the big picture? A month does not a lifetime make.