
If you can get close enough to it.

It's frequently crawling with 10 year old guerillas and surrounded by milfs, definitely something going on over there.

Volunteering as a Big Brother/Big Sister there could have some additional incentives.;)

Image result for big brothers big sisters america
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) on Sunday announced he would order all bars and restaurants in the state to close as the country grapples with the growing COVID-19 pandemic.

"We will be issuing an order closing all bars and restaurants in #Ohio beginning at 9:00 tonight," DeWine tweeted.
The governor said that establishments would be allowed to continue carry-out and delivery services.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) on Sunday announced he would order all bars and restaurants in the state to close as the country grapples with the growing COVID-19 pandemic.

"We will be issuing an order closing all bars and restaurants in #Ohio beginning at 9:00 tonight," DeWine tweeted.
The governor said that establishments would be allowed to continue carry-out and delivery services.
There will be riots if they do this in Wisconsin.
I have been saying this for a while now....the food riots will be worse than the virus......time to dig in..
I hope not. But too many people are box to mic.. Store today; fresh chicken, tv dinners, pizzas, frozen dinners, butter, frozen catfish, bologna, cheap hot dogs and ramen noodles all gone. Fruit is down due to imports slowing for 6 weeks. Vegetables in stock. Fresh meat is going on sale at the end of the week according to the actual butcher at my store. Plugging my other deep freeze in.
I hope not. But too many people are box to mic.. Store today; fresh chicken, tv dinners, pizzas, frozen dinners, butter, frozen catfish, bologna, cheap hot dogs and ramen noodles all gone. Fruit is down due to imports slowing for 6 weeks. Vegetables in stock. Fresh meat is going on sale at the end of the week according to the actual butcher at my store. Plugging my other deep freeze in.
ammo will be gone next.....
So, just got back from Walmart. Absolutely NO tp, hand sanitizer, or ramen. But I drove around back of the store and there were 10 trucks waiting to unload. One of the drivers said usually only 2-3 trucks each morning.

This is the downside to JIT (Just In Time) inventory management systems. It takes a while for the supply chain to catch up to unusual consumer demand(s)
Big discounts comming .overstocked