I think we should make every effort to make things as normal for kids as we can. Door to door is probably a really bad idea right now but there must be something we can do for them that safe.
Halloween as this massive event is fairly recent and 100% a marketing fabrication.
I was born in the late 60's and when I was a kid and even through the 80's it was just a thing that a few people got really excited about. I recall a couple times our family happened to be traveling on Halloween and it sucked a bit not to go trick-or-treating, but it certainly didn't destroy our poor little souls.
Given what kids (and all of us) have been through this year, a little normalcy would be nice. This particular tradition though, has such potential to spread the virus. Skipping it probably isn't the worst idea.
Even without the pandemic, a holiday based on gorging yourself on some of the most unhealthy products available could probably use some tweaking. (yeah, yeah, I know, "go away ya old fart!")