FINALLY!!!VA caught me by surprise this afternoon - I've got an appointment with my first Pfizer poke Monday morning.

FINALLY!!!VA caught me by surprise this afternoon - I've got an appointment with my first Pfizer poke Monday morning.
Yeah they give shots these days too close to the deltoid's tendon instead of the belly. I just put a black sharpie dot next to where I want them to inject.So far the only effect is my shoulder is a bit sore. The clinic was well organized.
I'm sure I am better off with a sore they give shots these days too close to the deltoid's tendon instead of the belly. I just put a black sharpie dot next to where I want them to inject.
"Hey baby lets go somewhere quiet and loose these masks..."
What’d I tell you about posting pictures here...
It's going to take more than 1 vaccine at this rate. On the positive side the US is finally getting it's shit together and going to start surveillance testing so we'll get a better idea of what this shadow of variants on the horizon actually looks like but I'm guessing this is going to take years to completely eradicate. As soon as you can get a vaccine take one.
You guys are going to be the ones keeping the border closed so Canadian cooties can't get in.It's going to take more than 1 vaccine at this rate. On the positive side the US is finally getting it's shit together and going to start surveillance testing so we'll get a better idea of what this shadow of variants on the horizon actually looks like but I'm guessing this is going to take years to completely eradicate. As soon as you can get a vaccine take one.
God knows they could use the tourist money!You guys are going to be the ones keeping the border closed so Canadian cooties can't get in.The way things are going now I'm sure we'll be in another province wide lockdown in the coming weeks. That won't make much difference here in Toronto other than retail being forced to close again. Everything else has been closed since November.
As soon as it's available to my age group I'm registering for the vaccine. I'm also keeping a close eye on Greece. If the J&J vaccine becomes available there for my age group first I'm going on vacation.