My buddy. John Kinnard-RIP, DIED 2 weeks ago from the effects of Long covid. He was 69, and Id known him for 42 years.
QAnyone that think Covid is a joke, or not as bad as some say, are ignorant. Just because one person may get it, and may not even know they have it, and show no symptoms, does mean its not deadly, to the next person. From what I gather. How sick you get, can depend on how much, and how long the exposure was.
My buddy has been so weak, for the last year, he was house bound, and could only walk 20-30 steps, and then would feel like hed climbed Mt Everest, with no oxygen tank. Drs told him he had long covid, and there wasnt one hell of a lot, they could do for him.
18 days ago, he got worse, and had to call an amublance. He died 3 days later. And he was already a skinny person. Always had been. 6'1"maybe 145lbs. And with long covid, he was down to 115lbs, at the end.
I also know 2 others, living with long covid. Mother, and daughter. The mother has had a terrible cough, for 28 months. And it gets worse, and then, gets slightly better. But for 28 months, shes been coughing her brains out, and has also lost both taste, and smell. Cant smell, or tase anything. RKS could be her nose ring, and she couldnt smell it.
Her daughter, who is 47, got a hole in her heart, and damaged valves. Now her valves are leaking, and shes developed a hole, in her heart. She too, cant walk bot a few steps, until she feels like shes dying. It also gave her Angina, and she has to take Nitro.
Another buddy. He was antivax, and caught it, and was put on a vent, for 45 days. Had to go to rehab 6 months to learn how to walk again. Hes also got a whole lot of money, and had over 500 pieces of property.
He got so weak, that he had to sell a bunch of his properties, because he was not physically able to keep up with all of it, anymore. Hed been doing this for 50 years, and covid, stopped him dead in his tracks.
Hes still is fucked up, 3 years later, and now, wishes he would have been vaccinated. He cant even drive a car. I know a bunch of people the virus has either killed, or permanently disabled.
Ive had about 14 friends die from Covid, in the last 3 years.
Me?? If Ive had it, Ive never had symptoms. Ive taken care of my wife, who works in a hospital-VA, and also my sister, and uncle. I was in close, constant contact with them. And of course the wife, I was sleeping in the same bed, riding around in the same car ect. And Ive never had it. I have had all the shots. 5 I think. Also never had one reaction. good or bad. Tetanus vaccine hurts way more.
For some, Covid is mild. For others. Deadly. Ive also never stopped wearing a mask. N95 only. Ive got more than 1000 of them. Ive also only eaten out in restaurants 2x, in more than 3 years.