Tangie wear a fabric mask and if you have one a replaceable canister respirator. Also wear eye protection if you have it. If you wear a fabric mask put it directly in the washer when you return and do not touch the front face area, handle it by the strings when you drop it in. If you have a respirator place it on the dirty side of a table you have set up for disinfection. Then disinfect it and set it on the clean side of the table. Same with safety glasses, disinfect them move to clean side after disinfection leave them on the clean side of the table until they are needed again. Wash your hands for a good minute, think of your hands and fingers having four sides and wash all four surfaces.
Staying back 6 feet will reduce aerosol you are exposed to but you need a full 30 feet to get rid of large droplets from coughing and sneezing. It's time to wear what I suggested.
How sick you get is dependent upon the viral load you are exposed to and your own health status. It will take a lot of virus to make young healthy people die. It will take a lot less to make elderly with an up regulated ACE2 system sick to death. Most common ACE2 up regulation is diabetes, heart disorders, hypertension and kidney disease.
Most patients who require aggressive PEEP (postive end expiratory pressure) will die or have life long pulmonary consequences from its use.
I wish you well. Most of us will make it through this, even if we get it.