
The one year in my lifetime that the groundhog predicts an early spring and actually comes through,
the ball park is empty.

The local Pirate radio station replayed the 7th game of the 1960 world series on opening day this year.

At least we won. But I didn't come home from first grade and get to see the last inning and watch my dad jump around like he won the lottery this time.
Tangie wear a fabric mask and if you have one a replaceable canister respirator. Also wear eye protection if you have it. If you wear a fabric mask put it directly in the washer when you return and do not touch the front face area, handle it by the strings when you drop it in. If you have a respirator place it on the dirty side of a table you have set up for disinfection. Then disinfect it and set it on the clean side of the table. Same with safety glasses, disinfect them move to clean side after disinfection leave them on the clean side of the table until they are needed again. Wash your hands for a good minute, think of your hands and fingers having four sides and wash all four surfaces.

Staying back 6 feet will reduce aerosol you are exposed to but you need a full 30 feet to get rid of large droplets from coughing and sneezing. It's time to wear what I suggested.

How sick you get is dependent upon the viral load you are exposed to and your own health status. It will take a lot of virus to make young healthy people die. It will take a lot less to make elderly with an up regulated ACE2 system sick to death. Most common ACE2 up regulation is diabetes, heart disorders, hypertension and kidney disease.

Most patients who require aggressive PEEP (postive end expiratory pressure) will die or have life long pulmonary consequences from its use.

I wish you well. Most of us will make it through this, even if we get it.

I've even taken to eating salad and some veggies...

Soap at the tap outside the house in front, I know many farmworkers sneak past here and the position of my property makes it a popular spot to stop and have a drink of water on the way into town. Been like that since I was a kid, best I can do is to aid in the hygiene.
The thing to do now is to take care of those that need assistance. I've been buying food to give to others that need it so I had to make another supply run. Grabbed a chuck roll and pork loin. 30 pounds of meat. Most is going to a couple people I know that are afraid to go out in public due to health conditions. If they catch it they probably wouldn't survive. But they still have to eat. I don't like going to the stores myself because I don't want to catch it either but I'm in very good health so if I catch it I hope I survive. But I'm going to have to go out so I take as many precautions as I can.

There is plenty of food available but getting out to get it is another thing. They have limits on meat and other things at the regular grocery store so I go where they sell in bulk to get meat. The Fred Meyers I went to yesterday was an adventure. They have social distancing stay back warnings over the intercom but no limits on how many people can be in the store like some places do. Half the people are wearing masks the other half don't seem to care. I had a bandana and my lady was wearing a mask she made. People were getting all bunched up at various locations trying to stay away from others. It was as if they ventured out and didn't even have a game plan. No list or anything. If you go out know what you plan on getting! Get it and go! I was driving the shopping cart and weaving through the crowds like an Indy car. Hit the self checkout and got the hell out of there as fast as I could. It's getting freaky and I keep thinking about that movie Contagion. This shit just plain sucks. It sucks and I hate it! I Hate It! Burn in hell Covid-19 :fire:
And to top things off I'm all congested and coughing a little. Tree pollen is in the air and we have a couple big trees that dump pollen. This happens to me every year with seasonal allergies but now I'm getting a little freaked out most likely for nothing. It's easy for the mind to wander. I've been taking my temperature daily, don't have difficulty breathing, and no diarrhea. So far so good.
Now I'm scared!

Seriously kind of you to try and help. Soap will do a LOT if people will simply use it and shut up. Talking less in public would help a lot.

You got that right.

I quit going to Giant Eagle during senior hours because it looks more like couples date night.

Watched an old lady in a mask see a neighbor or relative or whatever, go up to them and pull her fucking mask down to talk within a proximity of a foot and then touch them. Fucking idiots!

Now I drive by, count the cars, watch the door for 15 minutes and decide whether to go in or not. If I go in, I stay in the wide open areas and only go through aisles if noone is there. And I head for the checkout after 10 minutes no matter what as though it was radiation exposure.

I found a couple masks from doing attic insulation a couple years ago, but used them and don't know if three days decontaminated them or not. If they were contaminated to begin with. You can't wash paper.

I don't have a UV-C light and don't even know if you can buy one. Then never seem to mention what kind of UV light they are so they're probably UV-A. I think you need short wave C to disinfect quickly.
And to top things off I'm all congested and coughing a little. Tree pollen is in the air and we have a couple big trees that dump pollen. This happens to me every year with seasonal allergies but now I'm getting a little freaked out most likely for nothing. It's easy for the mind to wander. I've been taking my temperature daily, don't have difficulty breathing, and no diarrhea. So far so good.
You can bet on the odds that you'll be fine. They're pretty good odds that you have a degree of control over.

You would walk out of a casino with a pile of cash most days with odds that good.

I would refrain from taking LSD though, if your mind tends to wander. Lol.

Good Luck.
You can bet on the odds that you'll be fine. They're pretty good odds that you have a degree of control over.

You would walk out of a casino with a pile of cash most days with odds that good.

I would refrain from taking LSD though, if your mind tends to wander. Lol.

Good Luck.

LSD? No way today. I took that stuff back in the day. Microdot, Purple Dragon, Flying Saucer, etc... Ate a sugar cube once. After about 12 hours I just wanted it to end but it didn't. That was the last time I took it. After that it was mushrooms. We'd skip class in high school and drive to the Oregon coast and pick psilocybin semilanceata in Tillamook. Then we found places right in town. Then they outlawed them. I can't imagine taking any of that stuff these days. I'm too old. But those mushroom tea parties we had back in the eighties sure were fun. Good times.
LSD? No way today. I took that stuff back in the day. Microdot, Purple Dragon, Flying Saucer, etc... Ate a sugar cube once. After about 12 hours I just wanted it to end but it didn't. That was the last time I took it. After that it was mushrooms. We'd skip class in high school and drive to the Oregon coast and pick psilocybin semilanceata in Tillamook. Then we found places right in town. Then they outlawed them. I can't imagine taking any of that stuff these days. I'm too old. But those mushroom tea parties we had back in the eighties sure were fun. Good times.
I second the motion.