
Oh, just wait about a year to 18 months!

Herd immunity won't include the whole herd.

When Dr. Salk came up with the polio vaccine (and later Dr. Sabin with the oral vac on a sugarcube) they were heralded as the greatest thing in history.

But people got tired of seeing kids in wheelchairs and there was no internet then.

That happened in my lifetime and I still vividly remember those kids a few years older in wheelchairs. It was horrible, people would have done anything to stop it.
When I was in 1st-2nd grade(ca 1956) there was a kid in leg braces, like Forrest Gump. She had also spent 18 months in an iron lung a few years earlier. Sweet girl and optimistic, tough as nails. She moved in 3rd grade; I'd like to think she's a sweet old lady now
I read today that bacon shortages are coming to the US soon.

you guys gonna be okay?
I missed the TP memo but got the meat memo. I have a second frig all stocked up. TP is coming back in stock as are all other paper products
Oh sweet jesus: this has got to be the onion

Trump Suggests Injecting Disinfectant, Shining UV Light Inside Patients to Kill Coronavirus in Bizarre, Rambling Tangent
Gotta f'n luv the man. But for all his 'keepers' he'd have shuffled off this mortal coil decades ago. Let's hope his minions do the experiment for him.