Covid stimulus, 600 hundred bucks but now it's a felony to download Torrents or stream pirated tv. Oh and vape carts and hardware can't be shipped

Your referring to the risk of going out to work during the pandemic. I was stating how there is still homeless people in the streets who don't wear mask and still are alive.
How come all the "new members" seem to have the same stupid outlook? What does your statement prove? I mean other than the the fact you can't think or process information. Your personal observations aren't worth shit, your statement assumes covid has a 100% mortality rate. According to you all those homeless people should all be dead and many have tested positive for antibodies, proving they had it.
that's where you bring down the ban hammer because the only person allowed in that spot is baby momma person on the lease- throw them the fuck out..hire security to patrol nightly will go a long you have one building? what's your set-up?

You can't throw them the fuck out. Doesn't matter if they are on the lease or not, if they are living there you have to evict them. One of my residents just died from Covid and her good for nothing homeless junkie daughter got her keys from the hospital and is living there now. I have to evict her. Even the electricity automatically got turned back into my name so I have to pay her electric, heat and water for a few months till I can get her evicted.
Yes it is to make money but not to be a slum lord and cut corners to make money.
Yup. The apartment complex I am at now is huge and they treat everyone with a certain level of disrespect . The appliances are old and the windows have condensation so thick you can’t see through them very well.. when I moved in the place was filthy and the window was broke. It took us 8 hours to clean up the dirt and we even had to use our own money to get the carpet recleaned. The move in condition report was so long full of repairs that it took an extra page to fill out .I was coming from out of state so could not see the apartment before hand
And had a moving truck I had to unload which made my situation tricky . Oh and if you have to break a lease they will fuck you over so bad it’s criminal . It doesn’t matter how fucked yo your life might be they won’t cut you any deal to get out of a lease unless you pay a shit load of money to break it . They take your money and then they rent it out and make double the profits . No one offers month to month anymore . If they do they charge an extra $200 a month for month to month. Truly scandalous .
How come all the "new members" seem to have the same stupid outlook? What does your statement prove? I mean other than the the fact you can't think or process information. Your personal observations aren't worth shit, your statement assumes covid has a 100% mortality rate. According to you all those homeless people should all be dead and many have tested positive for antibodies, proving they had it.

Simple everyone is so worried of the risk to go out and work but yet most are not afraid to go out to the store or the bar or on vacation. If you really need the money you would go to that $15 an hr job like you risk going shopping or to the bar. If is so dangerous that you have to be tested to know you have it. I used the homeless to prove they don't wear mask like most and they are the most exposed are they dropping like flies? They had it and still survived seems like the flu.
First wave of pandemic in America was from people who visited Italy correct? Maybe the homeless just don't mingle with the right crowd to get covid. Maybe their restaurants and shopping preferences aren't the same. Also who told you they don't get covid? Maybe they do.
Simple everyone is so worried of the risk to go out and work but yet most are not afraid to go out to the store or the bar or on vacation. If you really need the money you would go to that $15 an hr job like you risk going shopping or to the bar. If is so dangerous that you have to be tested to know you have it. I used the homeless to prove they don't wear mask like most and they are the most exposed are they dropping like flies? They had it and still survived seems like the flu.
Is this sort of the same thing as the Ben Askrin Vs Jake paul thing?
How come all the "new members" seem to have the same stupid outlook? What does your statement prove? I mean other than the the fact you can't think or process information. Your personal observations aren't worth shit, your statement assumes covid has a 100% mortality rate. According to you all those homeless people should all be dead and many have tested positive for antibodies, proving they had it.
Because they are all the same one or two people.
Open new account; troll; get banned; repeat
You can't throw them the fuck out. Doesn't matter if they are on the lease or not, if they are living there you have to evict them. One of my residents just died from Covid and her good for nothing homeless junkie daughter got her keys from the hospital and is living there now. I have to evict her. Even the electricity automatically got turned back into my name so I have to pay her electric, heat and water for a few months till I can get her evicted.

i meant evict..jesus shoot the messenger..i'm just trying to help you. i know money is short but security will go a long way and people who don't belong? if they're not on the lease? will get the message quick. can't afford every night..every other night..can't afford every other night..then the weekend. trust me message will be delivered.

evict the junkie + how much utility can she use while junkie stoned? take the loss on utility.
How come all the "new members" seem to have the same stupid outlook? What does your statement prove? I mean other than the the fact you can't think or process information. Your personal observations aren't worth shit, your statement assumes covid has a 100% mortality rate. According to you all those homeless people should all be dead and many have tested positive for antibodies, proving they had it.

it's amazing how much they wish to be here..we should feel honored.
i meant evict..jesus shoot the messenger..i'm just trying to help you. i know money is short but security will go a long way and people who don't belong? if they're not on the lease? will get the message quick. can't afford every night..every other night..can't afford every other night..then the weekend. trust me message will be delivered.

evict the junkie + how much utility can she use while junkie stoned? take the loss on utility.
It will cost me $5,000 to get her out in lost rent and lawyer's fee. Also remember that a lot of these people don't have full security rents, depending on the program they only pay their portion or have the option to pay it off over a year. Not that $1000 goes very far when they've trashed the place.
First wave of pandemic in America was from people who visited Italy correct? Maybe the homeless just don't mingle with the right crowd to get covid. Maybe their restaurants and shopping preferences aren't the same. Also who told you they don't get covid? Maybe they do.

Idk where the first wave came from. If it was or is as deadly as they first made it seem wouldn't the homeless who are exposed by walking by or eating your garbage that is contaminated by someone who is positive. Did I say they don't get it or don't have it? Don't think so is what I am saying is everyone uses it as a crutch when it's convenient to them. O I don't want to risk going out in this pandemic for a $15 an hr job. But when I get my stimulus check I can go shopping or vacation ect.
Simple everyone is so worried of the risk to go out and work but yet most are not afraid to go out to the store or the bar or on vacation. If you really need the money you would go to that $15 an hr job like you risk going shopping or to the bar. If is so dangerous that you have to be tested to know you have it. I used the homeless to prove they don't wear mask like most and they are the most exposed are they dropping like flies? They had it and still survived seems like the flu.

no they're homeless and people don't usually chat them up close.

those that stay home, stay home..they don't go to bars, vacation.

we have 330M people we're talking about different groups.
Living paycheck to paycheck makes saving money pretty hard.

I don't know whats going on there, but here there is still a pandemic. So basically it could be argued you are telling people to go out there and die for someone $15 an hour.

Well prior to covid the economy was doing pretty good. There were plenty of jobs available. Maybe they could have done what I did for for years and get a second job. Heck, when I was younger I'd sometimes pick up a third job around the holidays. And I still managed to study and and get an education so I could work one job and make a decent living all while saving money.

Oh brother. I'm not telling people to die. I've been going to the same stores since before covid as I do now. The same people are working in those stores that were working prior to covid. They aren't dead but they're working and making money. And if I had to I would be working at one of the jobs available in my area covid or not. Pandemic or not someone has to work. If everyone took the attitude that they were not going to work because of the pandemic then who is going to process food or work at the stores that sell it? Who's going to transport gasoline? Who's going to deliver the mail? Yes some jobs only pay $15 but they still need to be done. Businesses can still operate and with proper precautions most people will not get covid. Millions of people have been going to work at Walmarts, Home Depots, grocery stores, etc... all across the country throughout the pandemic and they're not dead. Many making less than $15 an hour.
It will cost me $5,000 to get her out in lost rent and lawyer's fee. Also remember that a lot of these people don't have full security rents, depending on the program they only pay their portion or have the option to pay it off over a year. Not that $1000 goes very far when they've trashed the place.

well you've got an attorney and she's not on the lease; cali is way different from many seems odd that someone who is not on the lease can just take residence like that and squat on you as i'm sure she's not paying rent.
no they're homeless and people don't usually chat them up close.

those that stay home, stay home..they don't go to bars, vacation.

we have 330M people we're talking about different groups.

Ok so that one person who feels bad gives them some change. They turn around and buy food. It's so contagious that it doesn't effect the money. What about if they go get some smoke from Jimmy from around the block. How many people does Jimmy sell to before he washes his hands? Some people are homeless and don't appear to be homeless as others.

Ah can you say that about everyone that stays home? As I said I know some who quit working because the virus is so dangerous and they have a new born at home to turn around and going shopping and vacation to Florida.
Simple everyone is so worried of the risk to go out and work but yet most are not afraid to go out to the store or the bar or on vacation. If you really need the money you would go to that $15 an hr job like you risk going shopping or to the bar. If is so dangerous that you have to be tested to know you have it. I used the homeless to prove they don't wear mask like most and they are the most exposed are they dropping like flies? They had it and still survived seems like the flu.
Gee I guess you must know more about it than all those experts I see on TV. The hospitals are overwhelmed for a reason and the medical staffs are on their last fucking legs, but these obvious facts appear to have eluded your notice. 317,000 people didn't die of the flu and the actual numbers are much higher, over 400,000, it's been undercounted. Over a 911 or a pearl harbor's worth of dead a day, take your pick. Bad policy keeps bars, indoor dining and gyms open, the same bad policy that ignores the advice of experts. Where I live in Atlantic Canada we have covid under control with masks, testing, contact tracing, and case isolation, we don't allow indoor dining and we 40 active cases and 7 new ones today.

We never turned our home into a greed driven death camp fueled by bullshit, even with responsible measures it is difficult to manage this pandemic. Without leadership like in the US it turned into a catastrophe.
So did you vote for Trump?
Gee I guess you must know more about it than all those experts I see on TV. The hospitals are overwhelmed for a reason and the medical staffs are on their last fucking legs, but these obvious facts appear to have eluded your notice. 317,000 people didn't die of the flu and the actual numbers are much higher, over 400,000, it's been undercounted. Over a 911 or a pearl harbor's worth of dead a day, take your pick. Bad policy keeps bars, indoor dining and gyms open, the same bad policy that ignores the advice of experts. Where I live in Atlantic Canada we have covid under control with masks, testing, contact tracing, and case isolation, we don't allow indoor dining and we 40 active cases and 7 new ones today.

We never turned our home into a greed driven death camp fueled by bullshit, even with responsible measures it is difficult to manage this pandemic. Without leadership like in the US it turned into a catastrophe.
So did you vote for Trump?

Funny the numbers are steady changing if it be up or down. Funny many doctors and nurses came out and said that the hospital were getting paid to falsify death certificates. Main stream media is broadcasted for a reason.
I assume you would be first in line for a vaccine
Ok so that one person who feels bad gives them some change. They turn around and buy food. It's so contagious that it doesn't effect the money. Some people are homeless and don't appear to be homeless as others.

Ah can you say that about everyone that stays home? As I said I know some who quit working because the virus is so dangerous and they have a new born at home to turn around and going shopping and vacation to Florida.

okay so out of 330M you know one person.