Covid stimulus, 600 hundred bucks but now it's a felony to download Torrents or stream pirated tv. Oh and vape carts and hardware can't be shipped

Funny the numbers are steady changing if it be up or down. Funny many doctors and nurses came out and said that the hospital were getting paid to falsify death certificates. Main stream media is broadcasted for a reason.
I assume you would be first in line for a vaccine

No one offers month to month anymore . If they do they charge an extra $200 a month for month to month. Truly scandalous .
Then they're idiots.

Month to month is usually a 25 to 50% increase in rent. It has its advantages for both parties though. The land lord gets increased rent and a guaranteed 30 day eviction of the rent isn't made. The renter gets the benefit of being able to terminate the agreement with a 30 day notice, no strings attached.

It's usually used at the end of a lease if a tenant's job has them staying in town a few more months or if the tenant was closing on a house and suddenly things got screwed up and they need another month or two rather than having to go all in on a 6 month lease and then pay termination fees.
Funny the numbers are steady changing if it be up or down. Funny many doctors and nurses came out and said that the hospital were getting paid to falsify death certificates. Main stream media is broadcasted for a reason.
I assume you would be first in line for a vaccine

Can you link a news article on this claim that is from a respectable source that doesn't drop from Q? You believe are so gullible. Did you know that they caught some people using dead people to vote....ALL FOR TRUMP. If those dead people and illegals didn't vote for Trump it would have been even a bigger land slide then it was. FFS
it's amazing how much they wish to be here..we should feel honored.
I'm getting tired of wiping my ass with them, it's getting raw from frequent wiping. Just deal with the sources, bomb the homeland and wipe out the factories. Deal with the sources, most of these psychos are devoid of imaginations or the ability to think abstractly, they depend on more creative types to supply them with raw material, alternative facts. The only exceptions are the fabulist psycho's among them, they just make shit up like Trump, no facts, just pull "personal" stories out of their own assholes. None have any character or is worth anything but a bullet between the eyes, there is no cure for them and if there is, they are not worth the effort or expense.

Racism turns normal people into psychos too and if they can make them believe in absurdities they can make them commit atrocities, this is a fundamental truth. Those Nazi's who went around murdering Jews and others and who manned the deathcamps were normal people, they were not sociopaths. They were the products of endemic antisemitism in Germany since before Martin Luther's time and unrelenting Nazi propaganda since 1934, by 1944 the death camps were at peak operation. Even most of the ones who planned it all and supervised it were not technically sociopaths, not even Himmler the head of the SS. He did have a Tibetan trained doctor who treated him for stress and stomach problems and who tried to save innocent lives while he was at it.
Funny the numbers are steady changing if it be up or down. Funny many doctors and nurses came out and said that the hospital were getting paid to falsify death certificates. Main stream media is broadcasted for a reason.
I assume you would be first in line for a vaccine
Funny you are full of shit and look fucking ridiculous, too bad you weren't so dangerous to ignorant people.
Can you link a news article on this claim that is from a respectable source that doesn't drop from Q? You believe are so gullible. Did you know that they caught some people using dead people to vote....ALL FOR TRUMP. If those dead people and illegals didn't vote for Trump it would have been even a bigger land slide then it was. FFS

Didn't know doctors and nurses were Q. Funny you think I am a trump supporter :dunce:
Funny you are full of shit and look fucking ridiculous, too bad you weren't so dangerous to ignorant people.

Wow so what everyday doctors and nurses say is bs and ignorant? I am not saying the virus isn't deadly I am saying it's not as deadly as they are making it seem.
Wow so what everyday doctors and nurses say is bs and ignorant? I am not saying the virus isn't deadly I am saying it's not as deadly as they are making it seem.
You are a bullshit artist, every doctor says it's deadly and the numbers say you are a fool, or worse. 317,000 dead Americans, 3,000 dead a day. WTF are you babbling about? Do you think the professional journalists you see everyday are bullshitting for shits and giggles? Don't you connect with the suffering and heartbreak you see daily on TV? You are an uneducated fool or you are something far worse.

So what is it, stupid or evil, there are limited options available to you and at this point ignorance is not one of them.
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But what about help for the property owners that haven't been paid rent in months but still have to make mortgage payments to the bank and pay for maintenance on their property? Many seem to forget about them. If you lower the rent for tenants who's going to make up the difference to the property owner?

This issue I have is that many people abused the rent moratorium and even if they were laid off most were receiving state unemployment and the $600 federal check as well for months but decided not use any of that money towards their rent and are now months behind. Some people were getting more income not working and didn't pay any rent because of the moratorium on evictions. They chose not to pay anything and now they are months behind when they didn't have to be. That federal $600 check should have been used towards rent.

I know of people that went on a spending spree while not paying rent because of the moratorium. I also have friends that are not wealthy by any means but have rental property and have not collected a dime in rent for months while still having to pay the bank.
That was what the Oregon legislators met to address on Monday and your Proud Boys tried to break up.
You are a bullshit artist, every doctor say it's deadly and the numbers say you are a fool, or worse. 317,000 dead Americans, 3,000 dead a day. WTF are you babbling about? Do you think professional the journalists you see everyday are bullshitting for shits and giggles? Don't you connect with the suffering and heartbreak you see daily on TV? You are an uneducated fool or you are something far worse.

So what is it, stupid or evil, there are limited options available to you and at this point ignorance is not one of them.

Wasn't there doctors and nurses going on social media doing as some would say "blowing" the whistle. Your talking TV which is approved by who?
Ah stop your whining, those are the risks you take owning and renting out property. It’s payback time to all the fucking slum lords out there . Fuck them . If they gave a rats ass about their tenants they would talk to them and work out an amiable solution with rent reduction and evictions .
He's sniveling about something that was handled at the State Capitol on Monday.

He's been mindlessly whining about those poor landlords who are caught up in world events just like the rest of us but talk as if we should protect only them. Agree with you. There is always risk to any business that a major event like this epidemic can wipe out their investment. They completely ignore the harm that would be done if millions of people were evicted and made homeless in the teeth of both winter and pandemic.

Fuck em.
Well prior to covid the economy was doing pretty good. There were plenty of jobs available. Maybe they could have done what I did for for years and get a second job. Heck, when I was younger I'd sometimes pick up a third job around the holidays. And I still managed to study and and get an education so I could work one job and make a decent living all while saving money.

Oh brother. I'm not telling people to die. I've been going to the same stores since before covid as I do now. The same people are working in those stores that were working prior to covid. They aren't dead but they're working and making money. And if I had to I would be working at one of the jobs available in my area covid or not. Pandemic or not someone has to work. If everyone took the attitude that they were not going to work because of the pandemic then who is going to process food or work at the stores that sell it? Who's going to transport gasoline? Who's going to deliver the mail? Yes some jobs only pay $15 but they still need to be done. Businesses can still operate and with proper precautions most people will not get covid. Millions of people have been going to work at Walmarts, Home Depots, grocery stores, etc... all across the country throughout the pandemic and they're not dead. Many making less than $15 an hour.
The "I did it" mindset doesn't work in reality man. I wish all people could be successful too, but again, not realistic.

How many of those people have family that got sick?

A lot of jobs can be done safely I agree there, but the shitty paying jobs are during this time generally the most dangerous for people since they deal mostly with the public and although those people may not die, when they go home and spread the diseases they pick up, that is where the problem gets out of hand.

And the fact that our hospitals are busting at the seams right now will end up costing us far more than keeping people home with non essential jobs. But unfortunately we have idiots in charge that don't understand economics and have their heads stuck in the sand when it comes to science.
Didn't know doctors and nurses were Q. Funny you think I am a trump supporter :dunce:
So I'll take that as a no, you cannot link to a story about doctors and nurses falsifying records. It's ok, I understand that you saw it on a meme or the net and that's all the proof you need.
To date they have caught only one. A man tried to cast a vote for Trump on behalf of his dead wife.

That's it.


I thought it was 2 people and like 3 or 4 dead people. Huge! We cannot allow this to happen! All the illegals are voting for Trump. A lot of illegal Cubans! Castro may as well be voting for Trump. At least that is the way these idiots think.
Wasn't there doctors and nurses going on social media doing as some would say "blowing" the whistle. Your talking TV which is approved by who?
Oh be very afraid of the "deep state" conspiracy! Do you think Soro's is behind it, or Bill Gates with his microchips in the vaccine?

You are swimming through a sea of honest information to your turd of choice, chomp and chew it real good, don't forget to smile with the shit grin.
So what is driving your intentions?
Why are you here?
To spread the "truth" and how many socks is this?
Have you lost count?
Why would someone waste their time with such useless bullshit? Does it make you feel powerful?
Wow so what everyday doctors and nurses say is bs and ignorant? I am not saying the virus isn't deadly I am saying it's not as deadly as they are making it seem.

You sound like an idiot that doesn't really understand what "They are saying." But what they are saying is that the chance of dying from Covid is very low except for people with underlying conditions. The problem is that it is very contagious and that if everybody got it in America a few million would die, most of them being older people with other conditions. So far everything they have said has turned out to be accurate.
So I'll take that as a no, you cannot link to a story about doctors and nurses falsifying records. It's ok, I understand that you saw it on a meme or the net and that's all the proof you need.

There is a reason they had to go back and reevaluate the death certificates and modify them. Everyone at first was labeled covid death or related now they went back and are putting cause of death then covid on another line. That person who may have died from a heart attack but had antibodies that showed covid is labeled covid death. I will believe what some doctors risking their career to blow the whistle rather then the government.

Oh be very afraid of the "deep state" conspiracy! Do you think Soro's is behind it, or Bill Gates with his microchips in the vaccine?

You are swimming through a sea of honest information to your turd of choice, chomp and chew it real good, don't forget to smile with the shit grin.
So what is driving your intentions?
Why are you here?
To spread the "truth" and how many socks is this?
Have you lost count?
Why would someone waste their time with such useless bullshit? Does it make you feel powerful?

That's just stupid and don't have time to entertain a clown.

You sound like an idiot that doesn't really understand what "They are saying." But what they are saying is that the chance of dying from Covid is very low except for people with underlying conditions. The problem is that it is very contagious and that if everybody got it in America a few million would die, most of them being older people with other conditions. So far everything they have said has turned out to be accurate.

Yes I get that that but it's so deadly 94% can survive the virus.
Social media! Jesus watch Alex Joes much? Professional sources who follow journalistic standards and practices idiot. Do the narratives of the credible American sources align with Canadian sources? European sources? TV and press? There must be a lot of people in on this conspiracy, it must be global in nature. Fuck we must be fools to shut our economies and schools down over nothing but lies and empty hospitals with doctors and nurses doing nothing in the states. Why even the right wing loonies running Alberta shut the place down and they have set up field hospitals, over nothing all eh?

I don't mind writing and calling you a fucking idiot, but it is tiresome, but since you are also a murdering fucking idiot and you claim to be Canadian, I might just make the effort with you. How many socks now moron?
I am Canadian? First time for everything ey.