Crazy bug infestation. Anyone seen this before?

All you can do is clean the living hell outta your entire space. The reclean it. It'll take some work but it's what we do. We've all battled certain obstacles in growing and in life. You'll bounce back. Keep reading the threads already posted. Good links. We're all here to support you.
I've been growing for 8 years full time. I know what I'm doing. I just posted these pics because in all my experience growing and the dozens of other grows I've seen I have never seen anything like this before. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this before. I still appreciate the words of encouragement though
I've been growing for 8 years full time. I know what I'm doing. I just posted these pics because in all my experience growing and the dozens of other grows I've seen I have never seen anything like this before. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this before. I still appreciate the words of encouragement though

Their not root aphids - Be very glad!

Looks like your getting a BAD Whitefly attack to me!

Whiteflies are a pain in the ASS! If your crops are in now and you have nothing going - SANITIZE very heavily !!!
Use a bleach mix and you might do well by mixing it heavy a bit.
Now spray down EVERYTHING in the grow. EVERY surface! Include undersides of anything, insides of anything that they COULD have gotten into and all fans, cooling equipment, etc, etc. Leave NOTHING out! Put out a BUNCH of yellow sticky traps all around and look for those White flying critters. If you see some - clean again....If you see some ON your plants - go to the next step bellow.

Whiteflies are tough bastards as they become resistant FAST! You need to get out all the big gun poisons for these suckers and use them in rotation for several weeks - 5 weeks in 5-7 day increments ! Start with - Pyrethrin - Permethrin - Clothainidin - Imidacloprid and then hit with Insecticidal soap.. The bottoms of the leaves are the PRIMARY goal for some (contact killers) and the other 2 are systemic so cover as the label instructs for Whiteflies

If it gets out of hand or you don't/won't use the real insecticides listed above.....You have NO choice but to ditch and start over after CLEANING.....

Don't anyone come on here and say that you killed them off with Neem oil as I KNOW that's bull shit!!! Of the first order!
You can NOT kill off an infestation like pictured with natural means by any method.....You might slow them down some but, not for long!

Sorry about your white flies! I can deal with root aphids ok. It's white flies I dread the most!
I warned him. He was certain. Says he harvested already and plans to smoke pounds of it, despite probability of bud being infested as well/bugs stuck in bud. I just told him what you typically do when you're starting to notice an infestation.

OP, how is it that you only just noticed this?
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I didn't even notice this until harvest. It was really weird because there were only a few leaves that looked like that on 16 pants. I threw away everything that had any bugs on it. My question was what are they? How do you kill them? And how do you prevent them? If you are not answering one of these questions you are wasting your time and mine.
They are aphids, they eat your foliage and get stuck in your bud, and nothing that you can apply to bud that won't potentially harm you.
I am in total disbelief that you didn't notice this issue until harvest. With respect, this shit is pretty bad. You weren't paying attention or something.
I would hang a Hot Shot No Pest Strip in the room now that the plants are out then bleach it really well. Then personally I would black flag fogger it also. I would treat my veg plants with this just for giggles and shit.

P.S. Whatever reason the infestation got so bad the great thing is I bet it won't ever happen again. Good luck my friend, keep your head up and don't smoke nasty bug infested weed. Make it into butter then you can get some nutrients from the bugs versus carcinogens.
You said it yourself. 8 years growing and watching other grows and you have never seen anything like it. Why do you suppose you haven't? Because shit like this is definitely out there. This is just the worst I've seen. If in your "8 years" of experience you have only seen a bug issue now, you're either blind, full of shit, or both.
P.S. Whatever reason the infestation got so bad the great thing is I bet it won't ever happen again. Good luck my friend, keep your head up and don't smoke nasty bug infested weed. Make it into butter then you can get some nutrients from the bugs versus carcinogens.

..Please don't do that. Like.. Fucking please..