Crazy bug infestation. Anyone seen this before?

@Olive Drab Green

Ah yes my every 6 month negative no body hiding behind his blocked info who helps no one! Ben has Buck, RM3 has Testiclese and Church and I have you!

Why should I type masses of info when I can supply the same or better answers that some have already given? Damn right I'll "paste" that in!

:spew: :cry:
I dunno what your issue is, man. We're all friends here.
RM3, I have respect for, and I like his "fringe" style growing. Ben's a bit racist, but I've no direct issue with him. Testiclees and I have had a brief row before. Buck's a cool guy. I dunno Church.

I "hide" my info, because growing is, as I've stated before, "frowned upon" where I live, and that's putting it lightly, so pardon me if I don't present myself.
Hope you figure it out whatever it is. Stole these from google.
White flies


Get a scope and take a good look!

*edit, just took another look. That Definetly looks like aphids and not WF eggs. Just make sure before buying random treatments
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Also did you know that Venus fly traps are good for crazy bug infestations too, they arnt sensitive enough to catch white fly, i found the old fall back of fly paper is real good at geting the adults.
But thats another story....
I would hang a Hot Shot No Pest Strip in the room now that the plants are out then bleach it really well. Then personally I would black flag fogger it also. I would treat my veg plants with this just for giggles and shit.

P.S. Whatever reason the infestation got so bad the great thing is I bet it won't ever happen again. Good luck my friend, keep your head up and don't smoke nasty bug infested weed. Make it into butter then you can get some nutrients from the bugs versus carcinogens.

I like your knock down plan and IPM. I don't understand how butter made with this will be any better than smoking it. I would do neither.
Aphids molt multiple times and I think that what looks like whiteflies is old skins. They also will produce winged young when the food runs low.
I'm going with aphids but this is why
you don't visit your grow after being outside.

Cutting the lawn or checking your outdoor veg garden
just brushing up against a infected outdoor plant can raise hell indoors.
I have a Devils Coachman in my growroom it eats any beastie that enters.... it is Evil but its my friend
if you got one ...dont go in bare foot it'll go for you!!
White fly , Aphids etc dont like Soapy water, soapy dish water sprayed on 'em and they fall off- not dead but it lets you KILL the little buggers and give the plants a breather so you can get treatment.
It takes the protective coating off them like a degreaser, its not a cure, its just an aid.

Goddamn. That's cool as hell having a devil's coachman. I'd be afraid to go in the damn room with a bunch of them. They are mean looking things.

I f'in hate bugs that hurt our crops.
I'd be afraid to go in the damn room with a bunch of them
Once watched it drag a mouse away.....not really, fist time i saw it i was bare foot wondered what the black thing was got about a yard curled it tail and came at me, never thought i'd jump in fright from a wee Beastie 1 1/2"+, scared the crap outta gonna be having sleepless nights again.
got 2 now, well for the moment, one flew in a few day back hopefully gonna mate, if they have babies i'll post you some!!!!!
Once watched it drag a mouse away.....not really, fist time i saw it i was bare foot wondered what the black thing was got about a yard curled it tail and came at me, never thought i'd jump in fright from a wee Beastie 1 1/2"+, scared the crap outta gonna be having sleepless nights again.
got 2 now, well for the moment, one flew in a few day back hopefully gonna mate, if they have babies i'll post you some!!!!!

good luck! "Devil’s Coach Horse mate in autumn and a female will lay a single egg two to three weeks later in a damp, dark habitat such as leaf litter or moss."
They are definitely root aphids. They are a species of aphid that attacks the roots and also the bottoms of leaves. They look different at different life stages so they are hard to identify. After that harvest I tried to fight them but they wouldn't completely go away so I tossed everything and cleaned everything and started over from seed.

I moved from Michigan to Colorado last year and let me tell you, I have had more problems in a year growing in Colorado than 6 years in Michigan. In Michigan I always started from seed and no one else was really growing.
In Colorado I made the mistake of getting clones from dispensaries and other growers. I believe Colorado has super bugs because any bugs that you get on a clone have ancestors that have fought grueling battles with every pest control treatment in existence. Especially the dispensaries. Moral of the story...
GROW FROM SEED!! NEVER BUY CLONES FROM A DISPENSARY!! Also I did some research and some shit called met 52 is supposed to be organic black death for root aphids do I'm gonna have a bottle on hand in case they ever come back

Looks like your getting a BAD Whitefly attack to me! Whiteflies are tough bastards as they become resistant FAST! You need to get out all the big gun poisons for these suckers and use them in rotation for several weeks - 5 weeks in 5-7 day increments ! Start with - Pyrethrin - Permethrin - Clothainidin - Imidacloprid and then hit with Insecticidal soap..
sorry doc but the leaf pictured was covered with aphids not whitefly...females and males look different. Juveniles and adults look's a diagram....

the whitefly looking thing is actually a male aphid. The black scale like insect on the same leaf is also an aphid.
Aphids are some of the easiest insects to eradicate. In IPM (Integrated Pest Management) we don't use the most toxic measure and work our way to the least toxic one, its the other way around...use the insecticidal soap first then the oil sprays and never use imidicloprid on a crop that you plan on ingesting and shouldn't be used indoors anyway. Read the label. Its a systemic so its drenched into the soil and taken up through the plants vascular system. I have never sprayed imidicloprid and had a sprayers license for 4yrs in PA.
First thing to do OP is use a garden hose and knock those guys off, its pretty easy. Do it every day for about a week. That way any eggs that remain will hatch and be knocked off when they hatch You can also use alcohol pads and just wipe down the leaves since you said you only had a few leaves infected'll find piercing and sucking insects at the tops of the plant most bc the soft leaf tissue is easier for them to get their mouth parts into. Oil sprays like Neem or whatever hort oil you're using work well but don't work on eggs.. Spray in the morning outdoors and in temps lower than 90F. The rate should be about 1% oil to 99% water unless its premixed.
Pyrethrin comes from the Chrysanthemum flower and is safe to use on Cannabis and indoors as well.

Here's a pic of can see that the whitefly pictured and the white male aphid in the OP's pic are pretty different.

Hope that helps.
I'm going with aphids but this is why
you don't visit your grow after being outside.

Cutting the lawn or checking your outdoor veg garden
just brushing up against a infected outdoor plant can raise hell indoors.
true dat...also if ur growing in soil there are lots of species of insect eggs given to you free of charge in the bags of soil you buy