Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

Yah know I come on every year one to learn and two to talk shit and three so I can blabber on about my plants and not worry about getting "ripped" by someone cuz I had a big mouth or get busted for the same reason. Now I've found a fourth just to have a bit o fun!
I dunno bout you fellows but I get so excited at grow season I gotta tell someone, least I got you lot lol
Yah know I come on every year one to learn and two to talk shit and three so I can blabber on about my plants and not worry about getting "ripped" by someone cuz I had a big mouth or get busted for the same reason. Now I've found a fourth just to have a bit o fun!
I dunno bout you fellows but I get so excited at grow season I gotta tell someone, least I got you lot lol
its an awesome site for that least we get to talk about our "hobby" and providing we tell no one else in person its all good and stealthy...having said that I got a neighbor who I showed my chillis to 30 feet away from my hidden grow....I showed him cos he came right up to my fence and said gday ..hes new been there for 2 months and first thing he says geez bro if you put that much effort into getting your chillis looking that good imagine if you grew weed how gd they would be....then he says straight out ive got 3 in the backyard im hoping I can trust you to look out for me if you see anyone looking around my property ?of course I say no heres where im smart...ive got some ferts and tea to take to help him out with his plants so if hes telling the truth he will let me show him how to use them...(hes already said most weed he grows isn't flash quality wise so hes got some learning to do)...if he doest take up my offer im gonna tell him a lil story of what happened to the only dude that's ever ripped me of a decade ago...keep it green
New season grow is all about quality .....I hope
This grow is only minor 2 plants so don't hold your breath for the big mothers with 4 pound a plant.Its all about quality for me but not just the weed im into also music and in general shit stirring and jokes so feel free to post away what you like...hope I can show you what ive learnt in a year on riu during your off season.
hey are u aussie ?
Next year nothing goes down till first week of October, I put them in mid September this year. Won't be doing that least I weeded out the Bulls, I got nothing but gals now.
Anyone seen that aussie bogan show? :mrgreen: Theyre searching for the most bogan aussie ever it plays over here in kiwiland every Saturday I think its funny as fuck. Always involves bongs and beers its messed up Its called Bogan hunters hahah