Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

can tell by the bags of stuff u buy could prob pin point what area aswell ;)
yeha but neutrog isn't just sold in south aust now its sold at Bunnings all around Australia...aussies a big place lol
Anyone seen that aussie bogan show? :mrgreen: Theyre searching for the most bogan aussie ever it plays over here in kiwiland every Saturday I think its funny as fuck. Always involves bongs and beers its messed up Its called Bogan hunters hahah
seen one the otherweek with the bloke whod been stabbed by the bisexual bogan with no teeth lol...flashed her tits man not a nice sight ...
yeha but neutrog isn't just sold in south aust now its sold at Bunnings all around Australia...aussies a big place lol

seen one the otherweek with the bloke whod been stabbed by the bisexual bogan with no teeth lol...flashed her tits man not a nice sight ...
im just fucken with ya ;)
So I forgot to tell us guys I gets home yesterday and there's three electric company Utes outside my place, so I go over to querie them, they are checking everyone's yards for vegetation near powerlines, they sent a letter and wifey never let me in on it. So I tell the guy wait a minute I gotta put my pig dog away cause it'll attack. You never seen a middle aged man run so fast moving pots around.
So he's looking around and there's a huge fan leaf on the ground, oh shit! so I step on it with both feet lol and pick it up when he ain't lookin.
Alls good but I gave my wife a serve after he left, If she woulda told me I would have called and told them I had a aggressive dog. Close call.
Neem oil does fuck all for the mites over there? I alternated neem oil+dyna gro protekt/captani jacks deadbug brew+dyna gro protekt every three days for over a month and got rid of the 2-spotted spidermite. Haven't seen them since Haven't seen a budworm all season either......and its been a loooong season bongsmilie
I still need to get hold of some neem oil as well fres.....ive sprayed twice with this other stuff when I seen the odd mite 2 weeks ago and it worked straight away but I will be getting neem as well in the next couple weeks for sure
My main two sprays I'm using is mavrick and confidor the reason I like confidor is its a synthetic nicotine that the plant absorbs and it generally will make most pest have a taste and go yukkk! A lot of plants produce their own nicotine in small doses but not cannabis. Nicotine was designed by nature to keep away suckers and chewers so I'm a huge fan of this product. I don't know what it's called in the US but it's made by Bayer.
Ok I got yates insect and mite killer natrasoap...and also have ecogreen pest oil which is organic and a ready made spray bottle.Ive used both twice to gd effect and we have a cooler period next few days so its ideal for me to use again to keep on top.I still want to source some neem as well In case the plants get immune to the other 2 before flower
yeha but neutrog isn't just sold in south aust now its sold at Bunnings all around Australia...aussies a big place lol

seen one the otherweek with the bloke whod been stabbed by the bisexual bogan with no teeth lol...flashed her tits man not a nice sight ...
Hahah radical people :)
Ok I got yates insect and mite killer natrasoap...and also have ecogreen pest oil which is organic and a ready made spray bottle.Ive used both twice to gd effect and we have a cooler period next few days so its ideal for me to use again to keep on top.I still want to source some neem as well In case the plants get immune to the other 2 before flower
It's a hot day here and the cabbage moths are all over, I'm gonna hit em tonight after the 35• degrees drops, what's I'm thinking is naturasoap for those critters otherwise I'll have worms everywhere, or does someone have a better idea, I'm just guessing.
yeah should work ok mate I guess that yates stuff natrasoap is pretty much sold anywhere...just measure right ....I tried it full strength on my capsicums before anything else seemed to work gd just gave the plants I sprayed 24 hrs later a good squirt of water to clean next day
can you give your thoughts on the candy an LSD when you get them going at say a month gonna throw one of them in mid grow but not sure what one :)