Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow


Well-Known Member
Busy busy,working and working in the bush,stretch is on and some are budding.wonder woman was on my list this year,didn't get a chance to order.still might for next year.yours came out great and gb had one as well couple seasons ago.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Pleasant surprise today..wife text me while im at work she had been hiking with two of the kids and said she found a nice spot for a small guerrilla grow :)
Gotta love her will go out next few days has a creek nearby with water in it but it will dry up in the heat of summer but it sounds promising

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
So im thinking now that my soil at home is cooked and ready its only maxsea fed for those 2 plants with some teas and if the guerilla grow goes ahead 2-3 plants with slow release ferts and compost in soil with hopefully watering once a week in extreme heat may be the best i can do.
Really looking forward to this season ;)

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Screenshot_2015-08-19-14-27-34.png Screenshot_2015-08-19-14-27-15.png Screenshot_2015-08-19-14-27-02.png There is exactly enough maxsea of grow/bloom to supply for two plants for a whole season how do aussies say it ?
You fucken beuty mate !

Cleaned the tent out this dark devil has some nice purple in it at day 26,lifted the light trying to get it to stretch a bit and it prob worked to good shes a bit to stretchy but i dont care...not after smoking some well cured ww thats pushing 5 month cure :)