Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

I miss the younger years of little league, the magic of Christmas, camping and fishing then I just think back to the diaper thing and im ok and I do have more money in my pocket :mrgreen:
theres the freedom and then theres the loneiness, double edged sword!
But watching them kick goals in life and getting marrried, buying their first home
all those things gives you a tremendous amount of pride knowing you did a good job and you prepared them well for life out there.
But they will always be little shits and the girls always have dad wrapped around their little pinkies!!!!
that's the most mature thing you have said in this thread......whats wrong with you ;)
late nite again bro ...but I will put updates up tomorrow when im back home im out on the water chasing the big fish tonite....
Ok weird question but does anyone have a cornbread recipe? I made it last night but wasn't like what I grew up with, it was just ok. I used polenta which is the same thing but it just wasn't right.