Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
your making me miss summer:|...what do you have planned for the superhots? I can barely handle jalapenos. I cant imagine that hotness.:bigjoint:
Last year I froze most of my superhots and used them for cooking and pickling seafood in jars etc, I also made about 12 jars of sauces and dressings etc.
Because I have tripled my quantity of plants this year im purchasing a dehydrater and making a spice rack with dried flakes of all varietys as well...
Did you know some of the chillis im growing are 400 times as hot as jalepenos lol


Well-Known Member
Last year I froze most of my superhots and used them for cooking and pickling seafood in jars etc, I also made about 12 jars of sauces and dressings etc.
Because I have tripled my quantity of plants this year im purchasing a dehydrater and making a spice rack with dried flakes of all varietys as well...
Did you know some of the chillis im growing are 400 times as hot as jalepenos lol
I'm growing 4 different varieties, 17 chillin scotch bell bonnet, Birdseye, jabenero, I'd like to do a scorpion chilli.
If you have a smoker you can do brilliant super hot paprikas! I give my son and mother in law a jar every year,
Much appreciated....


Well-Known Member
image.jpg So I was foliar feeding this mornin and I came across my leaves all fucked up and stuck together, any advice is greatly appreciated. I was thinking confidor. I think it's a cabbage moth larvae, been a few of those around.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3308046 So I was foliar feeding this mornin and I came across my leaves all fucked up and stuck together, any advice is greatly appreciated. I was thinking confidor. I think it's a cabbage moth larvae, been a few of those around.
View attachment 3308045
Give them a spray every other week with yates caterpillar killer it contains BT bacteria and stops them in there tracks. Continue spraying all summer and hope the fuckers arent around come bud time